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On 7/4/2024 at 0:08, KingSizeKevin said:

Generé una nueva configuración y está intentando generar el evento en N13, pero ¿eso está en el medio del mapa?

Hello. It happens the same to me. The plugin tries to generate an event, informs the chat of the coordinates but they are the center of the map and no event appears in either of the two ports. I have the latest version of the plugin, version 2.2.5. With version 2.2.2 I already removed the old configuration file. In the console it appears: 

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: index

That could be happening?



41 minutes ago, santigusa said:

Hola. A mi me pasa lo mismo. El plugin intenta generar un evento, informa al chat de las coordenadas pero son el centro del mapa y no aparece ningún evento en ninguno de los dos puertos. Tengo la última versión del complemento, versión 2.2.5. Con la versión 2.2.2 ya eliminé el archivo de configuración anterior. En la consola aparece: 

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: el índice estaba fuera de rango. Debe ser no negativo y menor que el tamaño de la colección.

Nombre del parámetro: índice

¿Eso podría estar pasando?

Doing several tests, if there is no charge on the map, the plugin does put the event on a port. But it seems that if there is a charge on the map, the plugin does not raise the event.



On 4/17/2024 at 3:14 PM, santigusa said:

The plugin tries to generate an event, informs the chat of the coordinates but they are the center of the map and no event appears in either of the two ports.

If things are going to the center of the map it is likely a server or plugin issue, most likely something needs updated. Possibly something with the map though but you would likely notice, as only updated maps will show harbor and oil rigs in game.


On 4/17/2024 at 3:57 PM, santigusa said:

Doing several tests, if there is no charge on the map, the plugin does put the event on a port. But it seems that if there is a charge on the map, the plugin does not raise the event.

When you say charge do you mean cargo ship? If so then this is intentional. If you want to go into more details feel free. You can join the Mad Mapper Discord if you are having issues you would like help looking into.



On 23/4/2024 at 21:27, Jbird said:

Si las cosas van al centro del mapa, es probable que se trate de un problema con el servidor o el complemento, lo más probable es que sea necesario actualizar algo. Posiblemente haya algo con el mapa, pero probablemente lo notarás, ya que solo los mapas actualizados mostrarán puertos y plataformas petrolíferas en el juego.


Cuando dices carga ¿te refieres a buque de carga? Si es así entonces esto es intencional. Si quieres entrar en más detalles no dudes en hacerlo. Puedes unirte a Mad Mapper Discord si tienes problemas y te gustaría que te ayuden a investigar.

Yes, I mean the cargo ship. I've been monitoring the plugin these days and everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks for the support.



18 hours ago, santigusa said:

Yes, I mean the cargo ship. I've been monitoring the plugin these days and everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks for the support.

Glad to hear it! Thank you for the follow up. :classic_smile:



My players are saying that the regular cargo ship actually comes in during the event and stack into the harbor event ship.



On 4/27/2024 at 12:06 AM, SensoryX said:

My players are saying that the regular cargo ship actually comes in during the event and stack into the harbor event ship.

Which version are you using? This should be fixed in the most recent version.

Dead Nasty


latest release: 

Failed to call hook 'OnEntitySpawned' on plugin 'HarborEvent v2.2.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.HarborEvent.OnEntitySpawned (CargoShip cargo) [0x00006] in <ba92da0650b140239b88d3ff04ea2a77>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.HarborEvent.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00c74] in <ba92da0650b140239b88d3ff04ea2a77>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0




18 hours ago, Dead Nasty said:

latest release: 

Failed to call hook 'OnEntitySpawned' on plugin 'HarborEvent v2.2.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.HarborEvent.OnEntitySpawned (CargoShip cargo) [0x00006] in <ba92da0650b140239b88d3ff04ea2a77>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.HarborEvent.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00c74] in <ba92da0650b140239b88d3ff04ea2a77>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0

Were you updating from an older version? Check the update notes if so. Have you tried this with a fresh install or at least fresh config and potentially lang? When does the error occur?

Dead Nasty


2 hours ago, Jbird said:

Were you updating from an older version? Check the update notes if so. Have you tried this with a fresh install or at least fresh config and potentially lang? When does the error occur?

Updated from 2.2.6 which worked flawlessly. The update notes didn't mention redoing config again. 

Not sure when it occurs as I only caught the errors in console. 


Posted (edited)

Why is the cargo not coming from out of the map anymore?

It just spawns near the harbor.

Feels weird and could interfere with players.


Edited by Kleementin

Posted (edited)

I pushed the button but the crane did not move.

Do I have to do anything else?

The video does not show.


Edited by Kleementin


hi I just played on mine I push the button on the crane moved I thought I'd just let you know



14 hours ago, wiress67 said:

hi I just played on mine I push the button on the crane moved I thought I'd just let you know

Came back 3 times to that button and pushed it but nothing. I have no clue why.

Will try it another time.

Also, the 2 scientists on the roof of the captain's cabin did not take any damage or move.



On 4/30/2024 at 7:46 AM, Dead Nasty said:

Updated from 2.2.6 which worked flawlessly. The update notes didn't mention redoing config again. 

Not sure when it occurs as I only caught the errors in console. 

Be sure to reload the plugin and check for any errors or anything like that. Current version is 2.3.1 which is quite a few versions past that, but I didn't see update notes about it either. But generally those null errors mean something in config is blank, out of format, or something to that effect. It's worth making a backup and creating a new config to confirm or deny that.



On 6/15/2024 at 2:38 PM, Kleementin said:

Why is the cargo not coming from out of the map anymore?
It just spawns near the harbor.
Feels weird and could interfere with players.

If I understand what you're asking about, Facepunch changed cargo pathing quite a bit and with the new harbor monument changes often cargo will come into the map go to harbor and then sail through the map. All around cargo pathing was affected so I think you are asking about that, and it's to ensure cargo doesn't end up coming through the terrain with the new pathing methods.


On 6/15/2024 at 3:53 PM, Kleementin said:

I pushed the button but the crane did not move.
Do I have to do anything else?
The video does not show.

Check that your RustEdit dll is up to date. Check the version or you can even check by looking at the size of the file as well.


12 hours ago, Kleementin said:

Came back 3 times to that button and pushed it but nothing. I have no clue why.
Will try it another time.
Also, the 2 scientists on the roof of the captain's cabin did not take any damage or move.

Definitely check the dll. As far as the scientists, reload the plugin. It is sounding like you may have some configuration error(s).

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Posted (edited)

Ok. I would think it must be possible to have the same behaviour regarding the Harbor Event ship compared to the vanilla Cargo Ship event in terms of coming in from out of the map, using the same path and docking at harbor.

But I'm not a developer.


I did not know that the Rust.dll is needed.

Maybe this should be added to the required dependencies.

Now I did install the RustEdit extension but the problem stays.

The crane won't move hitting that button.

Does one have to kill the tank first?


Edited by Kleementin

Posted (edited)

Hello,.... We purchased this event sometime ago and with the new changes to harbour in general i am finding

issues and have had issues reported to me by users.

Prior to the new cargo changes you had a static stationary Bradley (This now Roams)... You used to have to deal with a sniper or 2 with bolts, 2 NPC's with M39's and a few minor NPC's where Bradley would be locked into an area with stone barricades. 

Now after these changes on the right side of cargo where the NPC's used to be you will find the snipers and M39 NPC's floating in the air and fly hacking over water. The Custom made NPC's in blue camo are clipping through the containers on cargo and nades are just thrown straight through walls/floors and the NPC's do the same as they can shoot through the containers now.

I love this event, i have bought many events of yours, but this is seriously broken due to the new changes in Rusts Harbour structure.

Can you fix all this please?.... The NPC's no clipping through cargo/containers and the snipers/M39 NPC's who are clearly fly hacking.

Thx for your time, Q 

Edited by Quinnon


Newest update is spamming console




Hey. We use your plugin on our PVE servers with TruePve. Seem to be having an issue where the event is not locking to the first taker and having people coming in to steal crates and loot. 

i have tried adjusting "The amount of damage that the player has to do to become the Event Owner" from 500 to 50.

the rest of the owner part of the config is as follows:

 "Can the non-owner of the event loot the crates? [true/false]": false,
    "Can the non-owner of the event hack locked crates? [true/false]": false,
    "Can the non-owner of the event loot NPC corpses? [true/false]": false,
    "Can the non-owner of the event deal damage to the NPC? [true/false]": false,
    "Can the non-owner of the event do damage to Bradley? [true/false]": false,
    "Can the non-owner of the event do damage to Patrol Helicopter? [true/false]": false,
    "Can an Npc attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false,
    "Can Bradley attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false,
    "Can Patrol Helicopter attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false,
    "Allow the non-owner of the event to enter the event zone? [true/false]": false,
    "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone? [true/false]": true,
    "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone [sec.]": 300,
    "The time until the end of Event Owner status when it is necessary to warn the player [sec.]": 60,

i cant see why the event isnt locking to the first person to take it. any ideas?





On 6/17/2024 at 1:38 AM, Kleementin said:

Ok. I would think it must be possible to have the same behaviour regarding the Harbor Event ship compared to the vanilla Cargo Ship event in terms of coming in from out of the map, using the same path and docking at harbor.

It did and that was exactly the problem. It was more related to custom maps having more unique placement than procedural maps. So generally proc gens were not having the issue, but because of the custom placement of most custom maps the vanilla behavior was exactly the problem. It was reversed from what we have all known for years in the way that it paths into the map and back out. When it leaves it picks a certain departure and just goes for it, and with custom maps sometimes that results in the cargo ship just blasting through the island and taking out anything in it's path.

On 6/17/2024 at 1:38 AM, Kleementin said:

I did not know that the Rust.dll is needed.
Maybe this should be added to the required dependencies.
Now I did install the RustEdit extension but the problem stays.

The crane won't move hitting that button.
Does one have to kill the tank first?

Not sure that it is needed but I use custom maps frequently and always have it. So just asking questions as things came to mind. Might not affect that at all but in case there was something in there to help fix the pathing issues and moreso the button not working. Haven't been getting any other reports recently so wondering if it's a specific plugin or something to that effect. Have you tried it with the tank destroyed?



On 7/7/2024 at 6:06 PM, Quinnon said:

Now after these changes on the right side of cargo where the NPC's used to be you will find the snipers and M39 NPC's floating in the air and fly hacking over water. The Custom made NPC's in blue camo are clipping through the containers on cargo and nades are just thrown straight through walls/floors and the NPC's do the same as they can shoot through the containers now.

I love this event, i have bought many events of yours, but this is seriously broken due to the new changes in Rusts Harbour structure.

Can you fix all this please?.... The NPC's no clipping through cargo/containers and the snipers/M39 NPC's who are clearly fly hacking.

Thx for your time, Q 

This was already fixed actually, just keep a close eye on update notes when updating, make sure not to skip other notes from updates you are getting all at once.

Remove your config, let a fresh config generate, and make any customization you need to make to the new file. Make a backup of the original if needed. The new location changes have already been made but you may have updated a couple versions at once or missed the notes completely.



On 7/8/2024 at 5:03 PM, SuperKitten said:

Newest update is spamming console

Have you reloaded to check for errors? What version of the plugin and is your server fully updated oxide or carbon included?



On 7/10/2024 at 9:29 AM, Aussie4life said:

Hey. We use your plugin on our PVE servers with TruePve. Seem to be having an issue where the event is not locking to the first taker and having people coming in to steal crates and loot.

The settings you are referring to are for PveMode. TruePVE is a different plugin entirely. Do you own PveMode?



6 hours ago, Jbird said:

Have you reloaded to check for errors? What version of the plugin and is your server fully updated oxide or carbon included?

Reloaded and restarted server.  Using vs 2.3.2.  Oxide updated - not using Carbon.

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