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would be great to have an explanation of each line. i had to test and experiment each which takes a long time. for example i can't get to make the boss roam around even tho i gave a value of 2k 

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9 hours ago, saintmichel13 said:

would be great to have an explanation of each line. i had to test and experiment each which takes a long time. for example i can't get to make the boss roam around even tho i gave a value of 2k 

I think perhaps they have a maximum value and that could be your problem.

I will look into this to confirm or deny though.


Posted (edited)

hello - i have another request, i use boss monster on a PVE server. (uses next gen pve) would be great if he brings a PVP zone with him. because i want him to be a contested resources (like a base) and people should be able to counter

Edited by saintmichel13
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On 7/26/2022 at 4:40 PM, saintmichel13 said:

hello - i have another request, i use boss monster on a PVE server. (uses next gen pve) would be great if he brings a PVP zone with him. because i want him to be a contested resources (like a base) and people should be able to counter

Will add it to the suggestions!

The only issue I foresee with this would be that since they are able to move around, this is going to be tricky and might not be able to be done. Zones like this are not able to move with the Boss so this could cause issues and the battle could be drawn outside the zone that gets created, Otherwise a large one would be needed and this could cause other issues since it could take place near player bases or other locations you may not want to have be PvP zones.

My recommendation for this to be honest would be to set them up in Arena like areas that have PvP zones set up. This would require using a zone plugin but you could create a PvP zone in the arena that the boss spawns into. I would just additionally recommend that they are placed in an area that they cannot chase players out of, so that players do not try to get around the zone and draw them into a safe place. So either enclosed entirely or at least blocked in such a way that a bot would not be able to get out (such as needing to jump, or climb a ladder).

I will still add it to the list of suggestions and ideas that are submitted. Thank you.



hello, there are plugins that do this already like zone manager, dynamic zone manager, next gen pve... that can be used  because other plugins and even vanila features are able to use it. some examples are: convoy and cargo ship are both moving and carry a pvp zone. what others do is when the loot is dropped e.g. heli, that's when a zone is spawned. i'm asking because i just recently had a player work on killing the mob boss for 3 hrs and another player contested the loot. thankfully he returned (pve server). 

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2 hours ago, saintmichel13 said:

hello, there are plugins that do this already like zone manager, dynamic zone manager, next gen pve... that can be used  because other plugins and even vanila features are able to use it. some examples are: convoy and cargo ship are both moving and carry a pvp zone. what others do is when the loot is dropped e.g. heli, that's when a zone is spawned. i'm asking because i just recently had a player work on killing the mob boss for 3 hrs and another player contested the loot. thankfully he returned (pve server). 

Zone manager and Dynamic zone manager to my knowledge cannot create moving PvP modes but I could be wrong, I just don't use them. That seems really performance heavy and I would never even try it to be honest.

Convoy does not have a moving PvP zone. Convoy creates a new PvP zone wherever it is stopped. This would be able to be done with BossMonsters potentially, but then they can chase someone outside of the zone created. I would most definitely not want it to be creating new zones every x seconds the performance pull would not be worth it when there are other ways to go about this.

Cargo Ship I have not ever seen a PvP zone on it but I'm not saying that doesn't exist. I just haven't heard of or seen it myself. Cargo is somewhat of it's own thing. It has been changed even more to act like a non moving stationary object once you get close enough to it. That is why minicopter landings can be so rough, once you get within a certain range you can float above Cargo and move along with it. It has a path and a set movement no matter what happens onboard. What is different with a Boss is they are dynamic and move around somewhat randomly and dependent on who has aggro'd them and what they are doing, for example running away.



its implemented on my server so i know it exists. there is no "sphere"  but the whole area in the cargo ship is pvp.  it just uses dynamic pvp zone, zone manager, and next gen pve. its not performance heavy because there's no lag or any sort of performance issues. its been like that ever since. anyway i dont want to argue there are just my suggestions that would make your plugin better if you dont want to implement its fine 

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8 hours ago, saintmichel13 said:

its implemented on my server so i know it exists. there is no "sphere"  but the whole area in the cargo ship is pvp.  it just uses dynamic pvp zone, zone manager, and next gen pve. its not performance heavy because there's no lag or any sort of performance issues. its been like that ever since. anyway i dont want to argue there are just my suggestions that would make your plugin better if you dont want to implement its fine 

It will come down to how popular certain requests are, and final decision is up to KpucTaJl the developer. I just provide support for his plugins. And I don't consider this an argument just explaining reasons why it could be difficult or performance heavy. I already explained the reasons that Cargo ship is easier to add something like this to. An erratic moving NPC is going to be more difficult. I was just making a point. But if the idea is popular or KpucTaJl likes the suggestion then it could still be implemented.

Thanks for the ideas and feedback.



is it possible to make them spawn at default monuments ? if so will the plugin auto find the monument or do i need to set a spawn point every time the server wipes 

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Posted (edited)

9 hours ago, Sapnu puas said:

is it possible to make them spawn at default monuments ? if so will the plugin auto find the monument or do i need to set a spawn point every time the server wipes 

You can use this part in each config.

        "List of locations on standard monuments": {}

Regarding setting the config for use of standard monuments.

/SetType <type of appearance> <Name> – sets the <type of appearance> for the boss named <Name>

/MonumentPos – displays your current POS relative to the nearest standard monument

/SavePos <Name> – saves the position to the config based on what <type of appearance> is set for the boss named <Name>

/ShowPos <Name> – shows all POS set in the config for the boss named <Name> dependent on the <type of appearance>

If using the standard monument setting, you will not have to set up the spawn point each wipe.
The plugin will find that monument and use the spawn point set in the config file.

Edited by Jbird


"List of locations on standard monuments": {}


so in there i would just put dome or something right . then i would select a certain boss to spawn at dome 

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2 hours ago, Sapnu puas said:

so in there i would just put dome or something right . then i would select a certain boss to spawn at dome 

/SetType 2 "Name of Boss"

Then go to Dome and pick at least one spot, or multiple.

/SavePos "Name of Boss"

Enter that command repeatedly for the desired number of spawn possibilities at that monument.

Fusion 3.64



I don't know if this has been suggested yet. I'm too lazy to go through the other 4 pages to look.

But would you be willing to add the option of "Max active bosses" and "Max active bosses per monument"?

This way we can set the number of bosses on the map at one time vs having them all up at once.
When one goes down, after X time another will spawn.
We'll also be able to set a rotation of multiple bosses at each monument and not have them stack on each other.
Doing this will keep things interesting for the players as they won't be expecting the same boss every time at the same monument in the same location.

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11 hours ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

I don't know if this has been suggested yet. I'm too lazy to go through the other 4 pages to look.

🤣 🤐

11 hours ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

But would you be willing to add the option of "Max active bosses" and "Max active bosses per monument"?

This way we can set the number of bosses on the map at one time vs having them all up at once.
When one goes down, after X time another will spawn.
We'll also be able to set a rotation of multiple bosses at each monument and not have them stack on each other.
Doing this will keep things interesting for the players as they won't be expecting the same boss every time at the same monument in the same location.

I am wondering if this isn't already something you can achieve in some ways. I will be forwarding this suggestion along as I can see ways this could work and might be used. But you can add multiple locations for each boss, as many as you'd like. Would it make sense to give them multiple locations, or allow some to roam randomly and others to have a list of locations for example? I have a mix myself of some that spawn randomly, some that spawn in certain areas that they always guard, some that have a few places that they might appear. What are you are suggesting sounds simple enough in theory but it can get complicated pretty quick and is something else that may confuse people.

Just sharing thoughts though, as I said I will make sure the suggestion gets to the developer. Thank you for sharing the idea.



8 minutes ago, Jbird said:

🤣 🤐

I am wondering if this isn't already something you can achieve in some ways. I will be forwarding this suggestion along as I can see ways this could work and might be used. But you can add multiple locations for each boss, as many as you'd like. Would it make sense to give them multiple locations, or allow some to roam randomly and others to have a list of locations for example? I have a mix myself of some that spawn randomly, some that spawn in certain areas that they always guard, some that have a few places that they might appear. What are you are suggesting sounds simple enough in theory but it can get complicated pretty quick and is something else that may confuse people.

Just sharing thoughts though, as I said I will make sure the suggestion gets to the developer. Thank you for sharing the idea.

Currently we have all monuments listed as spawn points for all our bosses. Sometimes they all end up at one location - which isn't so bad, when this happens players flock to the usually Boss guarded but now vacant Monuments for the loot. 
If you wanted them to spawn at random monuments, you could technically give them monument sets, just don't give the same monument to a second or third boss and you should be good. 
That being said, there isn't a way to limit the maximum amount of bosses on at a time unless you run multiple configs and load/unload the plugin - which is a little jarring considering it spawns them all at once instead of staggering their spawns.
A feature to control maximum spawns and a spawn queue would be very helpful 🙂 

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34 minutes ago, Neighigh said:

A feature to control maximum spawns and a spawn queue would be very helpful 🙂 

This suggestion will shared with the developer as stated above. I still think there are creative ways to use the options in the current configuration options to mix things up and keep players on their toes. Will see what additional thoughts and ideas they may have though! Thank you.

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Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

11 hours ago, Jbird said:

🤣 🤐

I am wondering if this isn't already something you can achieve in some ways. I will be forwarding this suggestion along as I can see ways this could work and might be used. But you can add multiple locations for each boss, as many as you'd like. Would it make sense to give them multiple locations, or allow some to roam randomly and others to have a list of locations for example? I have a mix myself of some that spawn randomly, some that spawn in certain areas that they always guard, some that have a few places that they might appear. What are you are suggesting sounds simple enough in theory but it can get complicated pretty quick and is something else that may confuse people.

Just sharing thoughts though, as I said I will make sure the suggestion gets to the developer. Thank you for sharing the idea.

I'm sure there's some way through several plugins to get this to work.
But it would just be easier to have it built into the plugin.
Basically what I would like added is a max active toggle with number entry.
And a max active at monument toggle/entry.
The second may get confusing, but this one I feel would make monuments more intense since you'd never know how many or who will spawn there.
I think the second would as both an extension of the first option and a stand alone.

So let's say you have max active true set to 2
Then you have max active at monuments set to 1
Then the spawns would be split between random monuments.
If set to 2 it will either split or may cause a double spawn.
And depending on your locations they may stack and you'll have a multi boss fight, or they could be on opposite sides of the monument.

Also if you have randoms on the map this will also draw from the chance of a monument spawn

But with the max active at monuments you should be able to set multiple spawns for each boss at every monument so things are a little more interesting.
So you could rotate each boss inside the main building at launch or in the field, by the tanks etc.

Edited by thepiercedweirdo
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4 hours ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

I'm sure there's some way through several plugins to get this to work.
But it would just be easier to have it built into the plugin.

I think there are ways to achieve most of these things by being creative with the plugin as it stands, not using any other plugins. I actually didn't have any ideas that would require another plugin or using multiple instances of this plugin. Just using the plugin by itself and giving multiple locations that do not overlap more than a couple bosses would work in my opinion. Keep in mind you can also add more bosses too, some bosses can be random some bosses can be monument. I prefer to use specific list of spawn points because you can still put in that list spots that are on monuments.

4 hours ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

Basically what I would like added is a max active toggle with number entry.
And a max active at monument toggle/entry.
The second may get confusing, but this one I feel would make monuments more intense since you'd never know how many or who will spawn there.
I think the second would as both an extension of the first option and a stand alone.

So let's say you have max active true set to 2
Then you have max active at monuments set to 1
Then the spawns would be split between random monuments.
If set to 2 it will either split or may cause a double spawn.
And depending on your locations they may stack and you'll have a multi boss fight, or they could be on opposite sides of the monument.

This is where I am confused though because what you are describing especially at the end of this thought process, is completely doable with the plugin as it already stands. The only difference I am seeing at all would be having only a certain number active at a time from your list of bosses. Have you ever used specific spawn locations instead of setting them by monument? This is what I use the most and I love it, you can make as few or as many locations as you want.

4 hours ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

Also if you have randoms on the map this will also draw from the chance of a monument spawn

But with the max active at monuments you should be able to set multiple spawns for each boss at every monument so things are a little more interesting.
So you could rotate each boss inside the main building at launch or in the field, by the tanks etc.

Currently you can set bosses with different spawn types, some as monument some as random some as custom locations. And you can already set multiple spawns for each boss at every monument, or just make different mixes so that some spawn at similar monuments and not at others, but so that some of them overlap, as many as you would like.

There are still some aspects of these ideas that I'm digging I'm not trying to put down the suggestions I am just sharing thoughts and ideas, I am hammering KpucTaJl with all of the ideas that came up while he was on vacation and he is working on new stuff as well. Some of the suggestions are still very much interesting including maybe a command to spawn, despawn, or reload only certain bosses, and perhaps a minimum and maximum system as well. Those make the most sense to me at least without over complicating things. But the developer will have ideas and get the last say in this so stay tuned and we will see what he comes up with!

Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

@Jbird I get what you're saying. But you're missing the point.
I know how to use the world spawns, biomes, monuments, all that.
I just want to be able to set every boss to spawn at every monument and have a maximum number of bosses to be active at each monument and the map at one time.

I suppose I just over explained things. I tend to not shut up and keep talking past the point.

When i mentioned the part about setting spawns and all that.
I was just explaining how the max spawns would give you more control over spawns and the result you would/could get.
I wasn't saying that they're missing. I know it's in there 🙂

This will also allow me to create more bosses.
I know you already can do that.
But doing that now with the current plugin functionality would just be oversaturation of something that's supposed to be, in my opinion, a less common encounter.

Edited by thepiercedweirdo
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21 minutes ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

@Jbird I get what you're saying. But you're missing the point.

Not sure what point I missed. I even broke up the quotes to show what I was replying to.

I think you just misunderstand that I completely followed and was just sharing my own thoughts, opinions, suggestions, and ideas.

9 hours ago, Jbird said:

Some of the suggestions are still very much interesting including maybe a command to spawn, despawn, or reload only certain bosses, and perhaps a minimum and maximum system as well. Those make the most sense to me at least without over complicating things.

For reference since I feel like this was overlooked.

The suggestions are shared with the developer who will make the final decision and may or may not implement. My opinions are just that, I do not offer my bias or opinion when I share ideas with him. If anything I may say that I like certain ideas or that some ideas come from myself, but he still has a very logical and open mind about requests and suggestions so stay tuned and we will see what happens. 🙃

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i thought you were the dev jbird 

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13 minutes ago, saintmichel13 said:

i thought you were the dev jbird 

Nope, but I am lucky enough to call him a friend. He hired me to handle discussions and support for him. English is not his first language and he wanted to try to free himself up to focus on updates and new plugins. I also became an expert with his plugins and have been a member of their team for awhile now. Thank you for the compliment! haha Also sorry if I gave that impression at any point, it wasn't intentional. I'm just the new go to guy for his plugins.

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Fusion 3.64


8 hours ago, Jbird said:

Not sure what point I missed. I even broke up the quotes to show what I was replying to.

I think you just misunderstand that I completely followed and was just sharing my own thoughts, opinions, suggestions, and ideas.

For reference since I feel like this was overlooked.

The suggestions are shared with the developer who will make the final decision and may or may not implement. My opinions are just that, I do not offer my bias or opinion when I share ideas with him. If anything I may say that I like certain ideas or that some ideas come from myself, but he still has a very logical and open mind about requests and suggestions so stay tuned and we will see what happens. 🙃

Valid and fair.
I didn't overlook. Just misunderstood.
It was a long day for me and I was pretty beat at that point.

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3 hours ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

Valid and fair.
I didn't overlook. Just misunderstood.
It was a long day for me and I was pretty beat at that point.

No worries. I often am up until the sun comes up again so I get it. 😂

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