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  1. Nstahg8r

    Skill Tree

    skill tree seems to be broken due to todays update, any ETA on fix/update?
  2. Nstahg8r

    Limit Entities

    ok, i actually had not thought of the whole steam item in players inventory side of it, will just do what ya gotta do then, thank you sir, for your help/info.
  3. Nstahg8r

    Limit Entities

    I have a question, but first I want to thank you for this addition, question- I have these annoying AF lights set to zero, however they still spawn in game, and sometimes i find that players have added a sh*tton of them. is their a way to ERASE these from even spawning in game? Kinda new to configs and the like if their is something I am missing, maybe? any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Nstahg8r

    Limit Entities

    hey that is awesome, thank you my friend.
  5. Nstahg8r

    Limit Entities

    is there a way to have assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/poweredlights/xmas.advanced.lights.deployed.prefab be able to disable on server, or have it where one can limit it to zero with this plugin, cause as of now it says its not tracked, and I cannot remove them. or is there a setting/convar I adjust to make these go byebye, I have yet to find a solution to this annoying item. thanks.
  6. Nstahg8r


    is there a setting that I am missing? because the space shuttles (the ones spawning on the map) will not lift off, meaning they do not fly, holding shift they do not lift off the ground, it feels like the rear of the shuttle is so heavy that it is not coming off the ground, you can see the nose of the shuttle move upwards a tik, but will not lift off ground, am I missing a config that allows lift off?
  7. Nstahg8r

    Limit Entities

    sorry for late reply, thank you for your help, with this. much appreciated.
  8. Nstahg8r

    Limit Entities

    is there an action that would show an admin the amount of limits that the player in question has available or left?
  9. Nstahg8r

    Raidable Bases

    ohh also didn't think of this, thats great idea, thank guys I appreciate all the help!
  10. Nstahg8r

    Raidable Bases

    oh ok, I don't remember seeing that, of course I may overlooked it most likely, thanks I will recheck for that specifically. thanks.
  11. Nstahg8r

    Raidable Bases

    ok thats a bummer, we have a PVE server and i thought that I could adjust the opacity of the dome to limit the damage a player would do to the raid base outside of the dome, they attack it via attack heli, to damage before going inside the dome, was trying to make it difficult to see what they would be aiming at, thank you sir for your reply.
  12. Nstahg8r

    Raidable Bases

    is there a setting in which the opacity of the dome can be BLACK, and Not see anything from outside the dome looking in? I have not found a setting for opacity myself, is it even able to be done?
  13. Nstahg8r

    Raidable Bases

    ok, this may be a stupid question, but what constitutes a Invalid base? I will try to catch the readout on the console, next time I run into that issue again, so far its been calm. (fingers crossed) and paste/post it here.


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