JeffG's Wishlist
Soccar Arena
The Soccar Arena was built to accomodate Rust League, a plugin that simulates Rocket League in Rust. It also makes for a great wide open monument.
Balance the Betting
Balance the betting allows server admins to set the compatible item type of wheel terminals within a radius, and configure all slot machine item types as a group. The plugin is designed to give more options to an otherwise bland gambling system, for example allowing various configurations of high-roller and budget oriented big wheel gambling machines in custom casinos. We are currently exploring more options and features for this plugin, including slot spin speed to create fun, unique and immersive content.
<I/O> Getting Started <I/O>
- User is required to be admin in order to configure gambling machines.
Installation: Stop Server
- Existing Users: Delete oxide\data\balancethebetting, install file in plugins folder
- New Users: install in oxide\plugins
Setting Terminals:
/wheel [itemid/shortname] [unique name/id] - Sets all big wheel terminals within a radius of the player (rouchly 8x8ft) to the given item definition(s), if valid.
Setting Slots:
/slot [rewardname] [itemid/shortname] - Sets and Saves all slot machines with the given item, if valid, with the given prefix being used where chat notifications are sent to the player.
Removing Terminal Settings:
/removewheel [name] - Remove wheel terminal groups
Config Explained:
"General Settings": {
"Is Enabled": true, - when false, plugin will do nothing
"Load On Wipe": true, - Enable on custom maps, reloads slot gambling machines to configured settings
"Enable Skin Mode": true - plugin will subscribe to hooks {CanMoveItem, OnItemAddedToContainer} to check for skin logic
"Chat Settings": {
"Announce Plugin Loaded In Game": true, - when true, allow the plugin to announce when loaded
"Chat Prefix Enabled": true, - Enable Balance the Betting tag/prefix in chat notifications
"Chat Prefix Color": "4A95CC", - Set the announce/message chat/prefix color
"Chat Message Color": "C57039" - Set the color of messages from Balance the Betting
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 2
Global Slot Data Settings
"Reward prefix in chat": "hot", - prefix to be used in chat
"Item shortname/id to accept": "sulfur", - item to accept and reward
"Skin to accept": "1291766032", - Skin to accept. Default Empty.
"SlotSpeed - Recommended: 0.7f - 2f": 2.0 - Duration of slot spins
Wheel Data Settings{
"main": {
"Item shortname/id to accept": [ - Items to allow in wheels
"Skins to accept": { - Skins configured by item type
"sulfur": "",
"stones": "1291766032",
"wood": "1291766032"
"Position to check from": { - Dont change, auto generated
"x": 452.5688,
"y": 29.0338345,
"z": -789.6383
<I/O> Contacting Us <I/O>
You can Contact us at Our discord:
- #rust
- #rust plugin
(and 4 more)
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Grand Island
By Xacku Mapping in Maps
Grand Island is a map presented in the form of several large islands and several small islands, which is an archipelago of islands where the main events take place.
The map is balanced in terms of the number and complexity of prefabs, which will allow players with very strong computers to enjoy playing on locations.
There are a large number of landscape places on this map that are perfect for construction, as well as custom places for construction on the map, they are marked with an asterisk (*) on the map
There are 2 custom safe zones for meeting players, buying transport and resources.
All events from Adem and KpucTaJll performers will work on this map.
Number of prefabs: 47679
Size: 4000
There is a surface railway
There is a metro system
Abandoned Military Base
Arctic Base
Ferry Terminal
Harbor Large
Harbor Small
Launch site
Missle Silo
Power plant
Sattellite Dish
Sewer branch
The Dome
Giant Excavator
Quarry Stone
Quarry Sulfure
Quarry HQM
Gas Station
Fishing village *3
Lighthouse *4
Oilrig Large
Oilrig Small
Radio Tower *3
Abandoned Village *2 (possibility to build houses)
Coaling tower
Frontier Station
Military Camp
Railway Depot
Seaside warehouses
Shipwreck Site
Stranded Shipwreck Poachers settlement
Village Supermarket
Village Gas Station
Bandit Village
Scientist Village
2 custom beautiful caves that will become a cozy home for players
1 place for building in the trees, from where you will have a beautiful view of the sunset
1 island in the ocean with a personal berth and a place for helicopters to land
There are also barges around the islands that can be searched and items found.
- #custom map
- #custom
(and 4 more)
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By imthenewguy in Plugins
Raffles is a plugin that allows servers to create and host raffles.
These raffles are a fun way to give players an outlet to dispose of excess resources, and a great way for server owners to hand out rare and valuable items!
Raffles features full language support and can be translated into other languages with oxides lang system.
This plugin allows for the following reward types:
Item rewards: Whether it be vanilla or custom items, Raffles will support it. Economics: Reward your players with an injection of economic dollars, straight into their account. Server Rewards: The same as Economics, but for the Server Rewards plugin! Commands: You can run as many commands as you like, and have them listed in the raffle with a custom name. For example, you could have a command that gives the player a random S tier Epic Loot item for winning. It allows for the userid and name to be substituted with {id} and {name}, so will support most command types.
The raffles are broken down into 2 types.
Daily raffles are the primary raffle structure in the plugin. They allow you to set item currencies (yes, it supports custom items), which the player will use to purchase raffle tickets.
Some features it includes:
Custom ticket items. Variable duration, allowing you to have the raffle run for as long as you want. Scheduled start date/time, allowing for you to create the raffle in the config, and have it automatically start when its date/time values are met. Ticket limits, allowing you to set a maximum number of tickets, which will conclude the raffle once met. Item, economics, server rewards and command prizes.
Raffles that are in the config and set for a future date, will appear under the "Future Raffles" category. This allows users to see what raffles are coming up and when.
This can be disabled by setting the visible flag to false.
Future raffles can be force started by admins via this menu or command.
Wipe Raffles contain the same prize structure as regular raffles, allowing for economics, server rewards, items and commands to be awarded to the winners, but their participation works a little differently.
Rather than having players purchase a ticket for the raffle directly, it will count any raffle tickets that the player purchases from a daily raffle as an entry. This means that if a player purchases 60 raffle tickets between 3 different daily raffles over the course of the wipe, they will have 60 entries into the wipe raffle.
The wipe raffle will roll when the server wipes and will allow you to award players with prizes that are redeemable AFTER the server wipes.
This can be as simple as a pickaxe and hatchet that can be redeemed when they login, or as advanced as S tier Epic Loot items, the choice is yours.
The plugin allows for multiple wipe raffles, so you can have multiple winners!
The plugin has 2 permissions:
raffles.allow - required to use the raffles plugin. raffles.admin - required to use admin commands and see admin elements.
Command: forcestartraffle
Parameters: <partial raffle name>
Description: forces the specified raffle to start, even if the raffle has already run its course. The start date of the raffle will be modified to time the command is run.
Town of Love
despite the name this is very much the opposite. with over 200 pieces of human meat scattered around this town is more like a place that was overrun by zombies/cannibals. its indented to be used with a plugin that spawns bots that players can fight. the visibility is limited inside thanks to the tall grass, fog and buildings everywhere. i suggest using npc's armed with incen rocket/smoke grenades/flash bangs for maximum confusion. there are a few simple puzzles and the puzzle that was designed to lead to the boss underground is the hardest puzzle.
45 io
124 loot containers
1861 prefabs
this comes with no guide as its placement is simple and the puzzles are not that difficult (the npc's inside will be difficult for most players) feel free to message me in discord for any help or anything