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JeffG's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Advanced Entity Limit"


    Advanced Entity Limit

    Multi permission based entity limit system Limit number of entities per player/group/team/clan UI config setup options Auto updating player permissions 
    Chat Commands:
    /limits: Opens the user interface (UI) for managing entity limits Console Commands:
    ael.createnew <advancedentitylimit.NAME> <optional: copy from advancedentitylimit.NAME>: Adds new permissions for entities. Optionally, you can copy permissions from an existing entity limit.
    Player Permissions:
    advancedentitylimit.ui: Allows players to seethe UI. advancedentitylimit.default: Applies the default entity limits advancedentitylimit.vip: Applies the vip entity limits You can create custom permission groups to have various limits per group.
    Admin Permissions:
    advancedentitylimit.setlimit: Grants permission to set limits for entities. advancedentitylimit.createperm: Allows the creation of new permissions for entities. advancedentitylimit.admin: Provides full access.
    { "Auto-fill missing entities?": true, "Chat prefix": "<color=red>[Limits]</color>: ", "A message when the player reaches the maximum limit of objects": "You have <color=red>reached</color> the limit of this object ({0})", "Use teams for sum them constructions": false, "Use clans?": false, "Clans plugin for sum player constructions (Mevent, k1lly0u)": "Mevent" }
    Credit to @MuB-Studios the original author of this plugin
  2. More information about "Puzzle Jump Plugin"


    Puzzle Jump Plugin

    🚀 Puzzle Jump Plugin for Rust: Elevate Your Server Experience to a New Level 🚀
    Transform your Rust server into a unique playground filled with challenges and entertainment with the Puzzle Jump Plugin.
    Puzzle Jump Plugin enhances your Rust server by offering the ability to create customized, timed obstacle courses for an interactive and stimulating game experience.
    ⚠️ Important
    The plugin is currently stable but still in a testing phase for a short while, which is why it is being offered at a promotional price for its launch. The promotion will end once the roadmap goals are achieved.
    I am readily available for all your questions, here or on Discord (d.0ne_), so please do not hesitate to contact me if needed.
    🔥 Key Features
    🛠️ Customizable Puzzle Creation: Build unique courses with start/end buttons and checkpoints for a tailored gaming experience. 🏆 Reward System Distribute dynamic rewards based on player performance, with an attractive ranking system. 🔄 Puzzle Flexibility Easily adapt and relocate non-static puzzles for constant renewal. 🔜 Coming Soon Static Puzzles Get ready for the integration of puzzles into fixed structures for even more variety. 🎁 Example Puzzle Pack Quickly get started with five ready-to-use puzzles, fully customizable. 📊 Leaderboard with UI An intuitive leaderboard to track player performance in real time. ⚙️ Total Customization Fully configure the plugin, including time-based rewards.
    📌 Requirements:
    Requires CopyPaste plugin to function.  
    🚀 Plugin Installation:
    Place the 'PuzzleJumpPlugin/config/PuzzleJumpPlugin' folder into '/oxide/configuration', ensuring that you end up with an '/oxide/configuration/PuzzleJumpPlugin' folder. Move the contents of the 'PuzzleJumpPlugin/data/CopyPaste' folder into '/oxide/data/CopyPaste'. Place the 'PuzzleJumpPlugin.cs' file into 'oxide/plugins' and then start the plugin. For further steps, follow the tutorials  
    🚀 Use the Example Puzzles
    Placing a Puzzle: Use `/puzzle_setposition <puzzle_name> [autoheight]`. The `[autoheight]` option is optional and adjusts the puzzle to ground level. Each puzzle can only be instantiated once.  
    🎥 Video Tutorial : Creating / Editing a Puzzle
    Here is a video showing the creation of a Puzzle Jump. The process is the same when you want to edit a puzzle, but you will need to use the command '/puzzle_edit <puzzle_name>' :
    🎛️ Plugin Commands
     🛠️ For Creation and Editing
      /puzzle_create <puzzle_name> <true | false>` : Starts the creation of a puzzle.   /puzzle_save : Saves modifications to a puzzle.   /puzzle_setbutton <start | default | end>` : Assigns a type to a targeted button.   /puzzle_exit Exits creation/editing mode without saving.   /puzzle_removebutton <type <index>>` : Removes a specified button.   /puzzle_setradius <radius>` : Adjusts the radius of the puzzle.  🌍 For Management
      puzzle_setposition <puzzle_name> [autoheight] : Changes the puzzle's position. The `[autoheight]` option is optional and sets the puzzle to ground level.  🏅 Player Commands
      puzzle_ladder : Displays the player leaderboard  
    🗺️ Roadmap
    Static Puzzles: Ability to create puzzles on monuments, or with prefabs in RustEdit. Checkpoint Respawn: Ability for players to respawn at a checkpoint if they fall. Puzzle Packs (with electricity): Introduction of electrically integrated puzzle packs.  
    ⚙️ Configuring a Puzzle:
    enabled: Defines if a puzzle is instantiated at the start of the plugin. displayName: The name displayed to players in-game. useDefaultCheckPoints: Determines if the default checkpoints are effective. timer: maxTime: The maximum time for the puzzle, after which the player fails. zoneConfiguration: radius: Radius of the zone (default is 15). enablePvp: Enable PvP in the zone (default is false). enableFallDamages: Enable fall damages (default is false). enableSleeping: Allow players to sleep in the puzzle (default is false). enableVehicle: Allow vehicles in the puzzle. rankScoreTable: Score table sorted by rank (score being the time achieved by the player). rewardsTable: Table of rewards, sorted by rank (see "Configuring Reward Tiers").  
    ⚙️ Configuring Reward Tiers (According to Rank):
     In 'rewardsTable' (for each puzzle), you can configure:
    Items (list): rewardItemShortName: The shortName of the item. quantity: The quantity. Hooks (list): pluginName: The name of the plugin the hook belongs to. hook: The hook (must have a BasePlayer as a parameter). Commands (list): command: The command to execute, use %player_id to get the player's ID.  
    📞 Support and Assistance:
    I am fully committed to providing an exceptional user experience. For any questions, issues, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Your feedback is crucial for the continuous improvement of the plugin.
  3. More information about "Limit Entities"


    Limit Entities

    The purpose of this plugin is to restrict the entities that players can build. You can limit any entity based on its prefab. To get the full list of supported prefabs use limitentities.list console command.
    There are two types of limits available: global and building. For building limit checks, if a cupboard is placed, the limits of the cupboard owner will apply. If no cupboard is placed, the restrictions of the owner of the first block will apply. When you run the plugin for the first time, no players will be limited. To apply limits, you must assign one or more permissions from your config file to a player/group. The plugin also tracks permission changes, so you will not need to restart the plugin after giving a player new permission or adding them to a VIP group, etc. This plugin is designed to be efficient and performant even on highly loaded servers. All growables are fully excluded from the count, so you can't limit any growables with this plugin, and players are free to plant them. I was considering adding this as an option, but it can significantly reduce performance, so at this point, I decided to refrain from it.
    This plugin now supports `Entity Groups`, and group names are translatable. All newly created groups are added to the language files on plugin load. You are free to create as many groups as you want or remove them all. The only thing you should keep in mind is that if you added an entity to a group, you can't add the same entity to `Limits Entities`, you must use the `Group name`.
    Note: If you want to have "beautiful" names even on English only, please, install Rust Translation API plugin or you will have a short prefab names only. ## Permissions
    limitentities.immunity -- Allows player to not being limited by this plugin limitentities.admin -- Allows player to check other player limits and execute console command
    More permissions with limits are created in config file (see Configuration section below) ## Commands
    /limits <player name | steamid> (optional) -- Get current limits list for a player. If player doesn't have admin permission or player name/id is empty - current player limit will be shown limitentities.list (console only) - print all tracked prefabs list into log file. Requires admin rights (can be used in server console/RCON) ## Configuration
    You can remove unnecessary default permissions and also add as many permissions as you want. For cases where the player has more than one, the permission with the higher priority will be applied. Note: To improve performance grant permissions only to players you want to apply limits or use immunity permission to disable limits entirely Enable / disable notifications / logging
    Set SteamIDIcon steamid to set desired account icon in chat messages
    Set commands list (default are "limits", "limit")
    Set the % at which limit notifications appear. If set to 0 notification will appear only when limit is already reached
    Add entity prefab name to Excluded list and plugin will ignore that prefab completely
    Use Entity Groups to combine entities and set a common limit for the entire group
    The same entity cannot be in both Group Entities list and Limits Entities simultaneously
    Prevent excessive merging of buildings may impact performance, so enable it at your own risk
    ## Localization
    Plugins phrases are available on 3 languages out of the box: English, Ukrainian and Russian Plugin supports Rust Translation API which allows you to have entities names on any language Rust supports There is a free version on uMod, why do you even need this plugin?
    First of all, this plugin was designed to be efficient and performant. It uses unique caching system that should not consume no additional server resources Much more efficient building limit control system even without cupboard placed More accurate mechanism for notification messages Allows you to prevent entities placement if limit is set to 0 Supports Rust Translation API so you can have full support of any language Rust supports Supports Entity Groups ! Supports checks to prevent excessive merging of buildings Supports Abandoned Bases plugin
  4. More information about "Floating Settlement | Custom Monument By Shemov"


    Floating Settlement | Custom Monument By Shemov

    Floating Settlement is ready to go on any map, the puzzle needs a red card to get into the full loot.
    Great detail; Simple installing; Optimized FPS; There is radiation; Floating monument. General Info:
    Prefabs count: ~4000; Type: for looting; Modifiers: Splat&Topology. Loot:
    Oil barrels: 5; Food box/crates: 5; Barrels: 30; Ordinary crates: 13; Military crates: 3; Elite crates 3. Other works:
    You may like to take a look at a full finished maps by myself. 
  5. More information about "TC Limiter"


    TC Limiter

    About TC Limiter
    This plugin prevent the abuse use of the ToolCupboards, if limitations are set. Also extra TCs can be added based on permission and players also can bypass the configuration. I recommend to use the plugin only from the start of the wipe, otherwise it will have no effect on the previously placed TC-s and only track from the newly placed ones.
    tclimiter.admin - Permission for admins or other players to bypass the TC limit.
    tclimiter.clearpermissions - For wipe usage, you can clear the previously set EXTRA permissions with the combination of the "/wipetc" chat command.
    tclimiter.extra_* - Based on the configured extra allowed TC, additional permissions will be created.
    The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the TCLimiter.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.
    Example Configuration:
    { "minimum_allowed_TC": 1, "extra_TC_to_allow": 2 } Commands
    /tclist - list available TC number /wipetc - use it for clear up the given EXTRA permission before/after wipe. Localization
    English language file generated by default, texts supported by the language files.


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