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Forbidden Lands Rust's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Land of fantasy"


    Land of fantasy

    “Land of fantasy” size 4000 with a magnificent landscape made in world Creator 2 is one of those maps where the name speaks for itself. Its main components, of course, are the island and the mapper’s fantasy… The map is famous for its beautiful caves, atmospheric monuments, and evergreen forests. These unusually beautiful monuments are the main “feature” of the map, which looks like a Paradise on the planet.
    Beautiful landscapes and places to build bases remind players of another planet — located far from the hustle and bustle of rust, the map has lakes where you can relax under the rustle of trees and look at the calm blue sea. The beauty of some of the monuments is 100% determined by the crystal clarity and colorful coral Kingdom. The map consists of many monuments for lootspawn, building bases and just exploring this fantastic world.
    – 38к prefabs
    Custom monuments:
     Floating castle with waterfalls;
     Gorge of strange plants;
     Dragon canyon;
     Glade of the gods;
     Underground pedestal;
     Ice gorge with an ice wagon;
     Roadside monuments;
     Hermit camp;
     Golden Scorpion;
     The skull of a giant;
     Underwater laboratory with the ability to build a base;
     location from the game Horison;
     Bunker Tarkov;
     and many small fantastic locations and decorations.
    Custom places for building bases:
    – Islands with a glass roof;
    – forest clearings surrounded by trees;
    – azure caves with ornamental trees;
    – the project “Turtle”;
    Monuments FP:
    – Launch Site
    - Radtown
    - Nuclear Missile Silo
    –  Train Tunnels
    – Outpost
    – Train Yard
    – Sewer Branch
    – Water Treatment
    – Bandit camp
    – Sphere
    – Excavator
    – Harbor
    – Military tunnels
    – OilRig
    – Fishing Village
    - Water Well
    – Stables
  2. More information about "Property Buying"


    Property Buying

    Put in sale properties (house, building, etc) so that players can buy them, rented.
    Work with all doors that can include a lock code, Works with Economics
    propertybuying.manager.use - Gives access to the (creates, suprimed ) properties propertybuying.manager.admin - See all properties created and (creates , suprimed ) properties Commands
    /property - Accesses the property management ( added, removed )
    How to add a property ?
    Payment Time Model
  3. More information about "Profession"

    $25.00 $14.99


    This Plugin is made for Roleplay servers in order to block researching crafting and reparing for players without a profession granted.
    There are a few Professions included with this file which can be modyfied in the config file like i show in my showcase video below.
    If you like to have more professions included create a new support request and i will add more professions to it.
    Also if you like to get in touch join my Discord for more help and private assignments
    Discord: https://discord.gg/jMfCUJd4eE
    forester.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    electrician.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    weaponengineer.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    miner.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    oilextractor.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    vehicleengineer.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    tailor.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    graphicdesigner.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    doctor.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.
    Chat Commands
    /diesel (ammount) - gives the player with the permission oilextractor.use the possibility to exchange diesel to lowgradefuel.
    /profession - if config parameter (Use player can grand Profession with chatcommand) is set to true, players get a list of all available Professions
    /profession (profession name) - if config parameter (Use player can grand Profession with chatcommand) is set to true players can grand the permission to a profession them selfes (ONLY ONE PROFESSION PER PLAYER THROUGH CHATCOMMAND!) (NOTE: admins still have to revoke permissions in order to handle abusing this feature. players should choose wisely )
    Lang Files
    German and Englisch translation included
    Config File
    { "Forester": [ "chainsaw", "wall.graveyard.fence" ], "Graphic_Designer": [ "sign.neon.xl", "sign.neon.125x215.animated", "sign.neon.125x215", "sign.neon.xl.animated", "sign.neon.125x125" ], "Doctor": [ "syringe.medical", "largemedkit", "Basic Healing Tea", "maxhealthtea", "healingtea.advanced", "maxhealthtea.advanced", "healingtea.pure", "maxhealthtea.pure" ], "Tailor": [ "shoes.boots", "diving.mask", "hat.gas.mask", "heavy.plate.helmet", "tshirt.long", "roadsign.jacket", "jacket.snow", "tshirt", "diving.wetsuit", "hat.cap", "bucket.helmet", "coffeecan.helmet", "diving.tank", "heavy.plate.jacket", "metal.plate.torso", "roadsign.kilt", "tactical.gloves", "heavy.plate.pants", "jacket", "metal.facemask", "pants", "roadsign.gloves", "shirt.collared", "hat.beenie", "hat.boonie", "diving.fins", "hazmatsuit", "hoodie", "riot.helmet" ], "Electrician": [ "electric.andswitch", "electric.button", "ceilinglight", "electric.counter", "electric.doorcontroller", "electrical.branch", "electric.solarpanel.large", "electric.battery.rechargable.medium", "electric.random.switch", "electrical.combiner", "electric.fuelgenerator.small", "electric.battery.rechargable.small", "smart.switch", "electric.switch", "electric.blocker", "elevator", "electric.hbhfsensor", "electric.battery.rechargable.large", "electrical.memorycell", "electric.orswitch", "searchlight", "electric.splitter", "electric.teslacoil", "electric.timer", "generator.wind.scrap", "electric.xorswitch" ], "Weapon_Engineer": [ "weapon.mod.small.scope", "knife.combat", "shotgun.double", "weapon.mod.holosight", "smg.mp5", "weapon.mod.muzzleboost", "rocket.launcher", "rifle.semiauto", "smg.thompson", "weapon.mod.lasersight", "pistol.semiauto", "flamethrower", "smg.2", "rifle.bolt", "rifle.ak", "weapon.mod.muzzlebrake", "shotgun.pump", "weapon.mod.silencer", "weapon.mod.flashlight", "grenade.f1", "pistol.python", "explosive.timed", "ammo.shotgun", "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.rifle.explosive", "ammo.pistol.fire", "ammo.shotgun.fire", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.rocket.fire", "ammo.rocket.basic", "submarine.torpedo.straight", "ammo.shotgun.slug", "ammo.rifle", "ammo.rifle.hv", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.sam", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "ammo.pistol.hv", "ammo.rifle.incendiary", "ammo.pistol", "rifle.lr300", "lmg.m249", "rifle.l96", "pistol.m92", "rifle.m39", "shotgun.spas12", "multiplegrenadelauncher", "weapon.mod.8x.scope" ], "Miner": [ "furnace.large", "jackhammer" ], "Oil_Extractor": [ "small.oil.refinery" ], "Vehicle_Engineer": [ "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit", "piston3", "carburetor1", "valve1", "piston2", "vehicle.1mod.storage", "vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.with.engine", "vehicle.1mod.engine", "sparkplug3", "crankshaft1", "sparkplug2", "vehicle.1mod.flatbed", "carburetor3", "valve3", "piston1", "carburetor2", "valve2", "vehicle.2mod.passengers", "vehicle.1mod.taxi", "vehicle.2mod.camper", "vehicle.2mod.fuel.tank", "crankshaft3", "vehicle.2mod.flatbed", "sparkplug1", "crankshaft2", "vehicle.1mod.rear.seats", "modularcarlift" ], "Vehicle_Engineer_Prefab_List": [ "1module_cockpit_armored", "1module_cockpit", "1module_storage", "1module_passengers_armored", "1module_cockpit_with_engine", "1module_engine", "1module_flatbed", "2module_flatbed", "2module_passengers", "1module_taxi", "2module_camper", "2module_fuel_tank", "1module_rear_seats", "car_chassis_2module.entity", "car_chassis_3module.entity", "car_chassis_4module.entity" ], "Use only Oilextractor can place Refinery": true, "Use only Miner can place Furnace": true, "Use only Oilextractor can start Refinery": true, "Use only Miner can start Furnace": true, "Use Oilextractor can exchange diesel to lowgradefuel": true, "Exchange rate for diesel (multiplier only integers)": 300, "Use only Forester can repair Forester items": true, "Use only Miner can repair Miner items": true, "Use only Weaponengineer can repair Weaponengineer items": true, "Use only Vehicleengineer can repair vehicles": true }  
  4. More information about "Phone Core"


    Phone Core

    PhoneCore is a Grand Theft Auto Style GUI that is easy to setup and customise.

    UPDATE? Go To Bottom

    PhoneCore is a zip file with 4 variations to the code, images and psd/afphoto allowing you all the options you could think of.
    Code included is a 2x3 Phone, 3x4 phone and now 2x3 with 4 pages and 3x4 with 4 pages!
    Fire off any command that would usually be used with a "/" via this tasty little ui (e.g. /kits /backpack /dis)
    Configuration is simple, Drop in the urls for the image you want (list in image folder of default URLS) and add a command,Save, Reload and enjoy.
    Both the configs follow the same setup, just one is longer than the other.
    The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.
    { "Use Permission phonecore2x4.show": false, "Background Image Url": "https://i.imgur.com/GY90fRP.png", "Image Url in place One": "https://i.imgur.com/bQGcmWL.png", "Command For Place One": "", "Image Url in place Two": "https://i.imgur.com/WAY6j4A.png", "Command For Place Two": "", "Image Url in place Three": "https://i.imgur.com/rOLnNiY.png", "Command For Place Three": "", "Image Url in place Four": "https://i.imgur.com/EbBRqT5.png", "Command For Place Four": "", "Image Url in place Five": "https://i.imgur.com/3mLH0mP.png", "Command For Place Five": "", "Image Url in place Six": "https://i.imgur.com/6RjWdNd.png", "Command For Place Six": "" } Command
     /Phone << opens the phone GUI
    Each of the codes has an option to use permissions in the config.. the permission is pluginname.show and is required to open the PhoneUI is the config value is set to true 
    e.g. PhoneCore3x4.show
    Version 1.0.1... Added 2 Extra codes to the zip, These "multi" versions have 4 pages.. Watch the video Below.
    Version 1.0.1... Code 2x3 had an error that prevented compiling.. this has been rectified.
    Version 1.0.2... Added Rules so that blank unused buttons are no longer clickable.
    Version 1.0.3... Added option in config to require a permission to open the UI

    These are images that are included & random things I've added to hosting that you can use on with PhoneCore
    https://i.imgur.com/6RjWdNd.png Blank
    https://i.imgur.com/EbBRqT5.png Backpack
    https://i.imgur.com/0o3q7BC.png Close
    https://i.imgur.com/3mLH0mP.png Discord
    https://i.imgur.com/Vz4vVaw.png Hammer
    https://i.imgur.com/rOLnNiY.png Info
    https://i.imgur.com/bQGcmWL.png Facemask/Kits
    https://i.imgur.com/mnBkYwB.png Message
    https://i.imgur.com/WAY6j4A.png Minicopter
    https://i.imgur.com/cMjS34N.png WorkBench
    https://i.imgur.com/eRN5lCU.png Door
    https://i.imgur.com/uKCyxev.png House/Teleport
    https://i.imgur.com/cclUBi3.png Kit/Present
    https://i.imgur.com/62Tu4HV.png Lift/Elevator
    https://i.imgur.com/ldwvf7L.png Wolf/Pet
    https://i.imgur.com/IqvuMKd.png Stats
    https://i.imgur.com/1Of9ltc.png Skin/Hoodie
    https://i.imgur.com/8DJoUQT.png Rocket Turret
    https://i.imgur.com/9Yom8S9.png Brush
    https://i.imgur.com/rUlh3Qk.png Portal 
    https://i.imgur.com/GY90fRP.png Default/Phone GUI
    https://i.imgur.com/MCjSq33.png Tower
    https://i.imgur.com/rYwQO6C.png Furnace
    https://i.imgur.com/J4rvbCJ.png Wolf
    https://i.imgur.com/d7b2LmJ.png SatAirDrop
    https://i.imgur.com/1NZyPXl.png Night
    https://i.imgur.com/UqdQAWL.png RustPoster
    https://i.imgur.com/m48YGmJ.png Waving
    https://i.imgur.com/WJ5Qr6w.png Face
    https://i.imgur.com/XHLySft.png Hemp
    https://i.imgur.com/AweYNbi.png MikeHawke
    https://i.imgur.com/vVye6Wu.png Cobalt Rewards
    https://i.imgur.com/htVCYhH.png Cobalt Regen
  5. More information about "Personal Recyclers"


    Personal Recyclers

    This plugin allows for your players to receive or purchase personal recyclers that they can place inside of their base.
    The primary benefit of this plugin vs other similar plugins, is that this plugin will restrict usage of the recyclers to only a user or their team (configurable), and has commands built in that will allow players to purchase it directly via payment gateways like Tebex etc.

    It will also work with the VIP Token plugin, allowing for a token to be purchased and traded in game, providing the consumer with a redeemable recycler.
    The plugin itself is fairly straight forward - players type the command into chat, which will provide them with a recycler item. This item is a reskinned box, and will be placed using the box prefab, but once deployed, it will spawn a recycler in with the same positioning as the box, then despawn the box. Recyclers can also be picked up using a hammer or toolgun by pressing mouse 3.

    Automatically clears data on map wipe. Allows players to keep their unredeemed recyclers between wipes (configurable). Prevents other players from accessing the recycler (configurable). Team mate support (configurable). Configurable starting amount of recyclers. Additional recycler(s) are accrued upon a map wipe, if the player had not redeemed their recycler (configurable). External payment gateway support, allowing for you to sell individual recyclers to your players. VIP Tokens support. Check below for the configuration example. Can pick up own recyclers using your hammer/toolgun and mouse 3. Recyclers will lost max condition each time they are picked up to prevent players from deploying them while grinding the roads (configurable).  
    personalrecycler.use personalrecycler.admin personalrecycler.place  
    personalrecycler.use commands
    /recyclers - will print out how many recyclers a player has left to redeem. /redeemrecycler - will spawn a recycler in the players inventory and deduct a recycler from their redeemable count. /crecycler - Will pickup the targeted recycler (requires a hammer to be wielded) if the player has permission. Players with this permission will automatically get the configured number of starting recyclers upon using the commands for the first time, and will have have recyclers added to their redemption pool at the start of each wipe (configurable).
    personalrecycler.admin commands
    /addrecycler <player name> - will increase the amount of redeemable recyclers a player has by 1. /clearrecyclers <player name> - will remove all of the saved recycler IDs from the data file, making all of their recyclers publically accessible. /clearrecyclerdata - removes all of the saved recycler IDs from the data file, making all recyclers publically accessible. (Console command) subtractrecycler <target> <optional: amount> - removes recyclers from the players available recyclers pool.  
    This plugin allows for you to add a command to a payment gateway such as Tebex, or via  my VIP Tokens plugin. 
    The command is structured as below:
    addrecycler <Steam ID> <quantity> Most payment gateways required the player to log in with their steam ID. An example command using tebex would be:
    addrecycler {id} 1 This would add 1 recycler for the steam ID of the account that logged into Tebex.
    You can also add this as a VIP Token. See configuration options below:
    "recycler": { "name": "Personal Recycler", "days_to_add": 0, "vip_group": null, "vip_description": "Allows you to place a personal recycler that only you can access.", "remove_tokens_on_wipe": false, "token_item": { "name": "Recycler Token", "skin": 2544601457, "item_shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure" }, "_command": { "command": "addrecycler {id} 1", "message": "You redeemed a recycler token.", "public_message": null, "hook": false } } As you can see, the command follows Tebex's variable style, using {id} to capture the players steam ID. 
    If you require help setting this up with VIP Tokens, or need any assistance with anythign else, feel free to send me a PM.


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