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Found 8 results

  1. Version 1.1.1


    Auto Sign Moderation is an AI based moderation plugin to automatically handle moderation of all signs and images in rust. Automatically hide, remove and log signs on your server Free Moderation mode - Basic AI moderation completely free Advance Moderation mode - Custom AI instructions to moderate content Discord logging of moderated signs Batch mode - Send images in batches for better performance and less cost Auto Sign Moderation has an optional loading image for when an image is pending approval and a Discord logging mode, where moderated content is logged to discord. autosignmoderation.whitelist - bypass sign checks There are two main moderation modes. The first is the moderation API, which is a free API endpoint of Open AI. This model has limited options for what it can moderate generally speaking it works best for sexual and violent type content. The Advance Moderation API uses the gpt-4o-mini model. This is a paid model, where each request will cost the end user. This plugin has been designed in a way to reduce costs of using the paid model, dependant on image size the cost per image is close to $0.15 per 100 images checked (more about this in the FAQ). { "Image Size 25 - 100%": 50.0, "Image Quality 25 - 100%": 75.0, "Sign Update Cooldown (seconds)": 5.0, "Player Moderated Cooldown (seconds)": 300.0, "Hide signs while being checked": true, "Use Temp Loading Image": false, "Temp Loading Image URL:": "https://i.postimg.cc/4NNrqT2x/pngegg-2.png", "Logging Mode Only": false, "Send Player Chat Warnings": false, "Batch Mode - Disables hiding of signs": { "Check images in batches (Advance Mode Only)": true, "Batch Image Check Rate (Minutes)": 15.0, "Minimum images to batch check": 3.0, "Max checks to bypass minimum images 0 = no bypass": 4.0 }, "Discord Settings": { "Log to Discord": false, "Log moderated Images to Discord (WARNING THIS MAY SEND NSFW CONTENT TO YOUR DISCORD)": false, "Discord Webhook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Discord Username": "Sign Moderator", "Server Name": "", "Avatar URL": "https://i.ibb.co/sQ10728/Loading-Pls-Wait2.png" }, "Moderation API (Free) - Limited Options": { "Enable": true, "Open AI Token": "https://openai.com/index/openai-api/", "Cooldown between API Checks (seconds)": 1.0, "Block images of harassment": true, "Block images of harassment/threatening": true, "Block images of sexual": true, "Block images of hate": true, "Block images of hate/threatening": true, "Block images of illicit": true, "Block images of illicit/violent": true, "Block images of self-harm/intent": true, "Block images of self-harm/instructions": true, "Block images of self-harm": true, "Block images of sexual/minors": true, "Block images of violence": true, "Block images of violence/graphic": true }, "Advance Moderation API (Paid)": { "Enable GPT Model (WARNING THIS IS PAID PLEASE READ DOCS)": false, "Open AI Token": "https://openai.com/index/openai-api/", "Cooldown between API Checks (seconds)": 1.0, "Model (Don't change this if you dont know what it is)": "gpt-4o-mini", "Content to moderate": "Pornography, Hate Speech, Child Exploitation, Racist images signs text or symbols, Words like nigger, symbols which resemble swastikas" } } FAQ: Whats the difference between the paid model vs the free one? The paid model allows for complete customization of content to be moderated and it has text recognition. Meaning it is extreamly useful for symbols and hate text. What are the settings to make checks cheapest? Batch mode, will send multiple images within the same batch. This effectively reduces the default cost by about half once you send images in batches of 3 or more. Reducing the image size and resolution also assists in reducing the cost. Be mindful that if your quality reduction setting is too high the AI model may struggle moderating fine detailed content. Keeping your content to moderate prompt simple and straight forward is important as well. If the query becomes extreamly long or complex it may cost more. How do I set up an OpenAPI Token? First sign up to OpenAPI if you dont have an account: https://platform.openai.com/signup Set up an organisation this can be called anything https://platform.openai.com/settings/organization/general Create a project https://platform.openai.com/settings/organization/projects Create an API key in your organisation under the just created project https://platform.openai.com/api-keys If you wish to use the paid model there are two more steps Set your usage limits for your organisation start with a low amount for testing such as $10 https://platform.openai.com/settings/organization/limits Add credit to your account https://platform.openai.com/settings/organization/billing/overview. Its best to just add a small amount of credit such as $10 and then top up later. Where do i monitior API usuage? You can monitor usage here: https://platform.openai.com/settings/organization/usage
  2. Version 2.0.0


    Admin Tools is an all-in-one plugin designed to make your job as a server owner/admin easier. This plugin has a wide range of features and commands that allow you to control your server easily, both in-game and via Discord. It also adds custom quality of life features exclusive to this plugin! ★ Inventory Viewing System - View an NPC or player's inventory in Discord and in-game ★ Multi-Server Support - Allows you to manage multiple Rust servers from a single bot ★ Custom Combatlog System - View a player's combatlog in Discord and in-game ★ Backpack Viewing System - View a player's backpack (uMod plugin) in Discord ★ Custom ID System - Get the ID of players on your server quick and easy, copy directly from chat ★ Warn System - Inform players of their wrongdoings and keep track of them (Warn Visuals: UI, Chat, Chat + Toast/Gametip) ★ Watchlist System - Lets you put suspicious players on a list for you to monitor, logs in-game and to discord ★ Server Command System - Reload/load/unload plugins and other console commands in Discord and in-game ★ F7 Report Logging System - Log F7 reports to discord with their combat log attached (if enabled) ★ and more! (Rest of features below) (Changed/Exclusive): * Timestamps for video in video's description - Make sure to up video quality if watching from this site. * Timestamps for video in video's description - Make sure to up video quality if watching from this site. ★ Permission System - Grant/revoke permissions to groups and players from Discord and in-game ★ Minecraft Creative System - While enabled, hold middle click to get the item you're looking at ★ Rename System - Rename the players who think they are funny (toggle in config) ★ Tempban System - Tempban players with no database required ★ Unique ID System - Find players even when they have the same or similar names -- Thanks to nivex ★ Kill, Wound, Revive & Respawn System - Kill, wound (down), revive and respawn players from Discord and in-game ★ Team Viewing System - View a player's team members from Discord and in-game Q: How do I set up the bot? A: Set Up Instructions - If you miss any permissions, can always add them to the Admin Tools role in discord after you invite the bot. Q: Does this plugin link players to Rust? A: No. You can use the free plugin DiscordCore by MJSU if you would like to link your players. Q: Does this plugin log kills/PMs/F1 Spawn/chat? A: No. Admin Tools only logs the following if enabled: F7 Reports, Bans, commands from this plugin, and players who are watchlisted. You can always view a player's combatlog from discord though. You can use the free logging plugins DiscordLogger by MONoH or DiscordChat by MJSU depending on your goal. However, personally, I recommend against using logging functionality that would be occurring very frequently due to Discord's rate limiting. Though, DIscordLogger is made in a way that combines messages if possible to prevent limiting. Q: Can this log to multiple Discord servers? A: YES. All you need to put for logging to multiple servers is the channel ID you want to log to in the list of channel IDs in the config. Q: Does this plugin ONLY work with Discord Extension 3.0.0+? A: YES. You need to download the 3.0.0+ version from GitHub, it is linked at the top (and right here) as a required dependency. Any version prior to 3.0.0 will not work with this plugin, but any version 3.0.0 and later will. Q: Will this work on a shared hosting server? A: Yes, BUT you will not be able to take advantage of the threading done within the plugin. It should still work fine, but when you're on a shared host, you may only have access to a single core/thread (not positive on which) and as a result the threading I am doing in the plugin will just be ran on the main thread. As a result some of the discord functionality (ie: image generation) may affect the server as its now running on the main thread (what the server uses to run the game on) instead of a separate thread which would normally not affect the server. The image generation stuff (backpack and inventory) is normally pretty quick depending on number of items and pictures being used/sent, and can be between 100-250ms to generate on my server, however that was while no players were on. Q: How do I fix this error Response Code: Forbidden Discord Error Code: 50001 Discord Error: Missing Access ? A: All you need to fix this issue is MFA/2FA on the account used to create the bot. This issue is caused by Discord requiring your account to have either MFA or 2FA due to the bot being in a Community Discord server. After you add 2FA/MFA this error will go away. Q: Renaming isn't working, how do I fix this? A: The issue is likely that you don't have it enabled in the config, make sure to enable it in the config, its above the warning options and the discord API options. Q: My commands aren't appearing, how do I fix this? A: You can do the following in an attempt to try and force the bot to update its commands: Discord > Server Settings > Integrations > Admin Tools Bot > Toggle one of the checkboxes it shows in either Roles & Members or Channels > Save > Undo toggle > Save again. Q: Does this work with Rustcord? A: Yes, however you need this version here by MJSU as it has been updated to work with DiscordExtension 3.0.0+ versions. Q: How do I set up Multi-Server Support? A: Do as follows: Enable the bool (true/false) config option for multi-server system. Fill and keep the list of servers order the same if possible between configs (not required, but recommended). Use the /server command in discord to swap to the server you want to start listening to/sending commands to. On first use of command, it will error in all but one server console (tries to reply to a message more than once), that is expected and doesn't do that after that first command. It is used to set it up. If you want the activity information to change when swapping servers, make sure to enable that functionality in the config. Special thanks to Nivex for creating the method used to generate unique IDs. For support, please make a support ticket or join the Cobalt Studios Discord.
  3. Version 1.3.4


    Features Teleportation: Instantly move to coordinates, players, or map markers, with a command to return to your last location. Healing & Player Management: Heal yourself or other players, instantly kill players, and manage player inventory and status. Custom Items: Easily give yourself items with customizable quantities, skins, and names. Plugin Management: Reload plugins from within the game without restarting the server. Server Time Control: Quickly adjust the in-game time for everyone or just for yourself. Player Information: View detailed player stats and information via simple commands. Messaging: Send private messages to players, broadcast announcements, and configure automated welcome and farewell messages. Spectator Mode: Spectate any player in real-time, with thanks to the Carbon team. Creative Mode: Toggle Rust’s built-in creative mode for administrators. Automated Broadcasts: Automatically send broadcast messages at specified intervals. UI Trashcan: Access a UI trashcan to quickly dispose of unwanted items. If you have suggestions for new features that would fit well within this plugin, feel free to reach out! Commands Teleportation: /GoTo <player> - Teleport yourself to a player /GoTo <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleport yourself to coordinates /tpm - Teleport to NEW map markers /back - Teleports you back to your last location before you either teleported or died Player Management: /heal [player] - Heals yourself or the specified player. /kill <player> - Instantly kills the specified player. /give <item> [amount] [skinId] [name] - Gives yourself a custom item with optional amount, skin ID, and name. /kick <player> <reason> - Kicks the specified player from the server with a reason. /ban <player> <duration (e.g., 1d, 2h)> <reason> - Bans the specified player for the given duration with an optional reason. /unban <player> - Unbans the specified player. /clear [player] - Clears your inventory or the specified player's inventory. /spectate <player> - Spectates the specified player. (Thanks to the Carbon team!) Server Management: /reload <plugin> - Reloads a plugin /time <0-23> - Sets the in game time for EVERYONE /admintime <0-23> - Sets the in game time for the player who runs the command only Information: /whois [player] - Displays useful player information, controllable via permissions /players - Displays the currently connected players Miscellaneous: /trash - Opens a UI trash can that you can you to destroy items /essentials - Displays information about the commands you have the permissions for /creative - Toggles creative mode you the player who runs the command (This still requires you to set the creative convars before it will work) Permissions adminessentials.goTo - Required to teleport adminessentials.goToPlayer - Required to teleport to players adminessentials.back - Required to teleport back to previous locations adminessentials.tpm - Required to teleport via map markers adminessentials.heal - Required to use heal commands adminessentials.kill - Required to use kill commands adminessentials.give - Required to use give commands adminessentials.kick - Required to kick adminessentials.ban - Required to ban adminessentials.unban - Required to Unban adminessentials.clear - Required to clear inventories adminessentials.spectate - Required to spectate other players adminessentials.reload - Required to reload plugins adminessentials.time - Required to change the in-game time adminessentials.admintime - Required to set you "Admintime" adminessentials.whois - Required for access to /whois adminessentials.whois.info - Required to see basic player info adminessentials.whois.status - Required to see player status adminessentials.whois.stats - Required to see player stats adminessentials.whois.flags - Required to see player flags adminessentials.players - Required to see players list adminessentials.trash - Required to open the trash can UI adminessentials.creative - Required to toggle your creative mode adminessentials.pm - Required to use /pm and /r Support Need Support? Feel free to either create a support request or join the Cobalt Studios Discord!
  4. maxaki


    Version 1.1.9


    Introducing ToxVoice: A Powerful Tool for Gameserver Moderation ToxVoice is a voice-to-text transcription service designed to help game-server owners and administrators effectively moderate and maintain a healthy community. With ToxVoice, you can easily monitor player communication and automate actions to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all players. Key Features • Accurate voice-to-text transcription • Customizable filters to detect and flag inappropriate content • Triggers to automatically execute moderation actions on gameservers • Standalone API for transcribing audio files to text The plugin has a free trial token that includes 100 free credits(worth €1) for you to use and test out. Just load it up and it will work, it should last a while. Cost after the free trial is €0.01/hour of voice processed. Discord: https://discord.gg/qxeQQpTWMa Register: https://beta.toxvoice.com
  5. Version 1.0.7


    Report System - is a simple plugin from RustApp.IO that allows you to get reports on players in Discord, using a nicely designed interface or F7. Need Help? Any issues feel free to contact us here: t.me/rustapp_help Configuration: { "[UI] Chat commands": [ "report" ], "[UI] Report reasons": [ "Cheat", "Abusive", "Spam" ], "[UI] Cooldown between reports (seconds)": 300, "[UI] Auto-parse reports from F7 (ingame reports)": true, "[Discord] Webhook to send reports": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...", "[Discord-Translations] Nickname field": "Nickname", "[Discord-Translations] Reason field": "Reason", "[Discord-Translations] Comment field": "Comment", "[Discord-Translations] Report sent text": "Report sent" } Default Language: { "Header.Find": "FIND PLAYER", "Header.SubDefault": "Who do you want to report?", "Header.SubFindResults": "Here are players, which we found", "Header.SubFindEmpty": "No players was found", "Header.Search": "Search", "Header.Search.Placeholder": "Enter nickname/steamid", "Subject.Head": "Select the reason for the report", "Subject.SubHead": "For player %PLAYER%", "Cooldown": "Wait %TIME% sec.", "Sent": "Report succesful sent" }
  6. Version 2.5.8-beta4


    SmartWarnings simplifies and streamlines your server moderation by providing means to consistently Warn your players for misconduct. Gone are the times when you leave manual notes at sleeping players, for this plugin creates a smooth but intimidating pop-up window displaying clearly to the player what they've done wrong and how to learn from it. From version v2.5.0 you can now extend highly customizable actions to trigger based on your custom warnings. The imagination is the limit! Rule enforcement has never been easier before. Features Easily dispatch warnings to players and clans with a simple chat command /warn cookiemonster "leave the jar alone you bastard" Booom done! /warn clan "C00KiEZ" "no cookiemonsters allowed in the jar!!" Maybe their collective brain power is needed to understand! Announces Warnings in public Global Chat (Enabled by default, can be toggled in config) Give your Players a sense of transparent justice by displaying the dispatched warning to everyone in public. This is beneficial as players will learn what not to do from other's mistakes! Offline Players can receive warnings, no problem! Displays a pop-up window with the warning IMMEDIATELY if they are online, or as soon as the player wakes up from sleep upon connecting. Create custom presets for common violations. Presets can be made for example to reflect the server rules, it can be configured so that your admins can type /warn joe rule1 and it will spell out the entire rule 1 in the warning. Presets can have an Expiration date which will remove the warning, allowing non-repeating offenders to be cleared if they're well behaving in the long term. Presets can have a Warning Point weight which will give them different severity that can influence when to trigger an Automatic Ban (if enabled). Automatically Ban players with X amount of Warnings or Warning Points (Disabled by default, can be toggled in config) With this feature Enabled a player will be Automatically Banned when reaching the configured Warning amount or Warning Points. For example, configure 3 warnings to be max and enable auto ban will ban a player when the third warning has been dispatched. Supports Temporary Autobans (Disabled by default, can be toggled in config) If you're the kind of type that believes in second chances, when configured it bans the player lets them know when they're welcome back! Optional feature: Clear the player's warning when autobanned (True by default), This can conveniently be set to False if you want the player to be instantly auto banned next time a warning is dispatched. Extensive Logging both File based and Discord! Every move is logged in the oxide/logs/SmartWarnings folder so that you can have full traceability. Optional feature: Configure Discord Webhook links to log Warnings and/or Autobans to Discord. Persist Warnings across wipes, when you don't want to be forgiving! Set "Clear all warnings on wipe" to false and warnings will not be cleared when a new wipe is detected. NOTE: This requires that you exclude/do not remove the oxide/data/SmartWarnings_Playerdata.json file, if you're using tools to auto wipe and it gets deleted, so will the warnings. Customizable Branding Set your Server Name and custom Warning Pop-up Icon to make this plugin match your server's style! (NEW in v2.5.0) Transparency of the pop-up window can now be customized in the config! (NEW in v2.5.0) VANILLA SAFE mode: Warning display in Chat instead of GUI pop-up Warnings will be dispatched through chat and freeze the player until they acknowledge the warning. No use of GUI allows it to be vanilla safe! Acknowledge notification is fully customizable! (NEW in v2.5.0) AUTOMOD: Fully customizable command actions on X warning points Define any custom command to be executed at X warning point. This allows you to integrate with any other plugin for example mute, jails or whatever really. For example: set to mute on 2 warning points, kick on 4 warning points, teleport to jail on 6 warning points. NOTE: AutoMod actions are triggered incrementally by total warning points added to the player. This means if you configure Mute on 1 point and Kick on 3 points and give the player a warning worth 4 points, the player will be both kicked and muted. AutoMod feature can conveniently be configured together with AutoBan feature, but keep in mind to set the point/warning thresholds to line up properly. I.e. automod actions should not be on higher point level than autoban, because then player will be banned already before any actions are executed. (NEW in v2.5.5) Battlemetrics Bans & Warnings integration AutoBans will sync with Battlemetrics, duration, reason and note will be added to give context to what banned the player. Warnings will add note to the player in Battlemetrics, so you can easily track their warning history even through the BM console! Warnings will add a flag to the player in Battlemetrics, so you can easily differentiate players in the list who have warnings and not through the BM console! Click here for guide how to set up Battlemetrics integration. (NEW in v2.5.8) MySQL Database Support (allows Multi Server Warning Sync) You can now configure the plugin to use a MySQL Database as its data source. This will allow Warnings to be synced across multiple Rust servers if they are configured towards the same MySQL database. Planned future features Your ideas & feedback? Commands /warn <player name or id> "reason OR preset" Dispatches a warning with a custom reason or preset Requires permission: smartwarnings.admin /warn info <player name or id, leave blank to see yourself> Shows the amount of warnings, warning points and the individual warning details in chat. Requires permission: smartwarnings.admin to see other players. Default permission can only see their own warnings. /warn clear <player name or id> <id or ALL> Clear a specific warning ID by specifying the warning number, or specify ALL to clear all player warnings. (NEW in v2.5.0) Requires elevated permission: smartwarnings.admin.canclear /warn clan <clan tag> "reason OR preset" Dispatches a warning with a custom reason or preset to an entire clan (Requires Clans plugin) Requires permission: smartwarnings.admin /warn unfreezeall Unfreezes all players who are currently frozen due to not acknowledging any warnings, really only needs to be used in any emergency scenario where the player would not be unfrozen normally (Please report these scenarios, this command is purely proactive and will be removed when its not needed anymore) Requires permission: smartwarnings.admin Configuration { "Warning Presets": { "spam": { "Reason": "§1 - Spamming", "Points": 1, "ExpirationDays": 3.0 }, "toxic": { "Reason": "§2 - Toxic behaviour", "Points": 2, "ExpirationDays": 7.0 }, "sign": { "Reason": "§3 - Inappropriate signage", "Points": 2, "ExpirationDays": 7.0 }, "grief": { "Reason": "§4 - Griefing", "Points": 4, "ExpirationDays": 7.0 }, "group": { "Reason": "§5 - Group Limit violation", "Points": 5, "ExpirationDays": 7.0 } }, "System Settings": { "Max Warnings": 5, "Default Warning Expiration time (Days)": 7, "Announce Warnings in Global Chat": true, "Show players who issued the warning": true, "Server Name": "MyRustServer", "Clear all Warnings on Server Wipe": true, "Use MySQL database": false, "Warning Popup - GUI Enable - Set to false to use only chat (SAFE FOR VANILLA SERVER)": false, "Warning Popup - GUI Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/oImKq4X.png", "Warning Popup - GUI Opacity": 0.85, "Optional: Send anonymous analytics data about plugin usage": true, "Config Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 5, "Patch": 8 } }, "MySQL Database Settings": { "MySQL Host": "", "Port": 3306, "Database": "", "Username": "", "Password": "" }, "Battlemetrics Settings": { "API Token": "", "Organization ID": "", "Server ID": "", "Banlist ID": "" }, "Autoban Settings": { "How many points until automatic ban (Set 0 for Disable)": 0, "How many warnings until automatic ban (Set 0 for Disable, Recommended: Same as Max Warnings)": 0, "How long to ban in minutes (Set 0 for Permanent)": 2880, "Clear the players Warnings on AutoBan (Default: True)": true }, "Discord Settings": { "Webhook URL - Post Warnings to Discord (Leave blank to Disable)": "", "Webhook URL - Post Autobans to Discord (Leave blank to Disable)": "" }, "AutoMod Settings": { "Mute on 2 warning points": { "PointTrigger": 2, "ExecuteCommand": "mute {0} {1}", "ClearPointsOnTrigger": false }, "Kick on 4 warning points": { "PointTrigger": 4, "ExecuteCommand": "kick {0} {1}", "ClearPointsOnTrigger": true } } } Language Configuration The plugin allows a comprehensive customization of all text output for your needs. Edit the oxide/lang/en/SmartWarnings.json { "NO_PERM": "You don't have permission to use this command.", "NO_MATCH": "Could not find a match for player name or steamid", "GUI_BUTTON_ACKNOWLEDGE_WARNING": "I ACKNOWLEDGE THIS WARNING AND WILL FOLLOW THE RULES", "GUI_HEADER": "You have received a warning", "GUI_ISSUEDBY": "<color=#FFFFFF>Warning issued by {0} at {1}</color>", "GUI_ISSUEDAT": "<color=#FFFFFF>Warning issued at {0}</color>", "GUI_WARNING_TEXT": "<color=#cc0000>Repeated violations may lead to temporary or permanent banishment from this server.</color>\n\n<color=#d9d9d9>You should review the server rules immediately by typing /info in chat and clicking on the RULES tab.\nTo remove this pop-up, acknowledge this warning by clicking the button below.\nIf you feel this was an incorrect warning please reach out to our Staff via Discord.</color>", "CHAT_ACKNOWLEDGE_TEXT": "<color=#00FF00><size=12>Warning Acknowledged: You're now unfrozen and free to go.\n</size></color><size=9>Please review the server rules by typing /info in chat to avoid getting warned in the future.</color>\n\nIf you feel this was an incorrect warning please reach out to our Staff via Discord.</size>", "ANNOUNCE_WARNING_TEXT": "<color=#DC143C>{0} has been warned!\nFurther violations will lead to disciplinary action.</color>\n<color=#A9A9A9>Reason: {1}", "ANNOUNCE_WARNING_ISSUEDBY": "\n\n<size=10>Warning Issued by: {0}</size></color>", "REASON": "REASON", "AUTOBAN_PERMANENT_MESSAGE": "AutoBanned: You were permanently banned due to reaching max warnings.", "AUTOBAN_TEMPORARY_MESSAGE": "AutoBanned: You are banned until {0} due to reaching max warnings." } For example to change is the detailed warning text: You can edit the GUI_WARNING_TEXT row in the language file. Dependencies & Integrations Requires: DiscordMessages for Discord webhook functionality. Integrates with EnhancedBanSystem, autoban feature will detect if the plugin is installed and issue a ban with it, if not it will use the native Rust ban functionality. OPTIONAL: Plugin Usage Analytics The plugin optionally sends analytics about your server (Oxide version, Plugin version, Plugin configuration, Server Name, OwnerID and ModeratorID) to gauge usage of the plugin and to improve support. You can toggle this feature in the configuration.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This file is very simple and compact. All it is meant to do is to block things that you do not want to be sent in your Discord. It's pre-built to not allow the new Discord bold text to be sent by non authorized users. However, you can keep those settings, or add more words or special things for it to block. FEATURES - Deletes unwanted messages / special formatting from your discord - Has a whitelist so selected roles are allowed to send blacklisted things - Checks edited messages to make sure people are not trying to bypass the filter - All deleted messages can be logged if you choose SIMPLE INSTALL The file includes a setup guide within it, everything is quite simple and won't take much time to get up and running. Need support or want updates about what is coming to the bot? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  8. Version 1.1.1


    SmartWarnings Lite simplifies and streamlines your server moderation by providing means to consistently Warn your players for misconduct. Gone are the times when you leave manual notes at sleeping players, for this plugin creates a smooth but intimidating chat warning displaying clearly to the player what they've done wrong and how to learn from it. Rule enforcement has never been easier before. If you enjoy the Free lite version of the plugin, please consider supporting the developer by upgrading to the Full version. In return you get many more useful features & fast developer support, it's a win-win. Link here: https://codefling.com/plugins/smart-warnings Commands /warn (player name or id) "reason" Dispatches a warning with a custom reason or presetRequires permission: smartwarnings.admin /warn info (player name or id, leave blank to see your own) Shows the amount of warnings, warning points and the individual warning details in chat.Requires permission: smartwarnings.admin to see other players. Default permission can only see their own warnings. /warn clear (player name or id) (id or ALL) Clear a specific warning ID by specifying the warning number, or specify ALL to clear all player warnings. Requires elevated permission: smartwarnings.admin.canclear Below command is only supported in the full version /warn clan (clan tag) "reason" Dispatches a warning with a custom reason or preset to an entire clan (Requires Clans plugin)Requires permission: smartwarnings.admin Configuration { "System Settings": { "Max Warnings": 5, "Default Warning Expiration time (Days)": 7, "Announce Warnings in Global Chat": true, "Show players who issued the warning": true, "Server Name": "MyRustServer", "Clear all Warnings on Server Wipe": true }, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Below configuration is only supported in the full version @ https://codefling.com/plugins/smart-warnings ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "Warning Presets": { "spam": { "Reason": "§1 - Spamming", "Points": 1, "ExpirationDays": 3.0 }, "toxic": { "Reason": "§2 - Toxic behaviour", "Points": 2, "ExpirationDays": 7.0 } }, "Autoban Settings": { "How many points until automatic ban (Set 0 for Disable)": 0, "How many warnings until automatic ban (Set 0 for Disable, Recommended: Same as Max Warnings)": 0, "How long to ban in minutes (Set 0 for Permanent)": 2880, "Clear the players Warnings on AutoBan (Default: True)": true }, "Discord Settings": { "Webhook URL - Post Warnings to Discord (Leave blank to Disable)": "", "Webhook URL - Post Autobans to Discord (Leave blank to Disable)": "" }, "AutoMod Settings": { "Mute on 2 warning points": { "PointTrigger": 2, "ExecuteCommand": "mute {0} {1}", "ClearPointsOnTrigger": false }, "Kick on 4 warning points": { "PointTrigger": 4, "ExecuteCommand": "kick {0} {1}", "ClearPointsOnTrigger": true } } } SmartWarnings Full vs Lite Below are the additional features provided by the full version of the plugin. Warn entire clans using /warn clan No need to dispatch a warning to every individual player if the whole clan has been misbehaving. The full version integrates with Clans. Create custom presets for common violations Presets can be made for example to reflect the server rules, it can be configured so that your admins can type /warn joe rule1 and it will spell out the entire rule 1 in the warning. Presets can have an Expiration date which will remove the warning, allowing non-repeating offenders to be cleared if they're well behaving in the long term. Presets can have a Warning Point weight which will give them different severity that can influence when to trigger an Automatic Ban (if enabled). Automatically Ban players with X amount of Warnings or Warning Points With this feature Enabled a player will be Automatically Banned when reaching the configured Warning amount or Warning Points. For example, configure 3 warnings to be max and enable auto ban will ban a player when the third warning has been dispatched. Supports Temporary Autobans If you're the kind of type that believes in second chances, when configured it bans the player lets them know when they're welcome back! Optional feature: Clear the player's warning when autobanned (True by default), This can conveniently be set to False if you want the player to be instantly auto banned next time a warning is dispatched. Extensive Logging both File based and Discord Configure Discord Webhook links to log Warnings and/or Autobans to Discord. Customizable Branding GUI-popup warning with Server Logo branding AUTOMOD: Fully customizable command actions on X warning points Define any custom command to be executed at X warning point. This allows you to integrate with any other plugin for example mute, jails or whatever really. For example: set to mute on 2 warning points, kick on 4 warning points, teleport to jail on 6 warning points.


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