About Admin Essentials
- Teleportation: Instantly move to coordinates, players, or map markers, with a command to return to your last location.
- Healing & Player Management: Heal yourself or other players, instantly kill players, and manage player inventory and status.
- Custom Items: Easily give yourself items with customizable quantities, skins, and names.
- Plugin Management: Reload plugins from within the game without restarting the server.
- Server Time Control: Quickly adjust the in-game time for everyone or just for yourself.
- Player Information: View detailed player stats and information via simple commands.
- Messaging: Send private messages to players, broadcast announcements, and configure automated welcome and farewell messages.
- Spectator Mode: Spectate any player in real-time, with thanks to the Carbon team.
- Creative Mode: Toggle Rust’s built-in creative mode for administrators.
- Automated Broadcasts: Automatically send broadcast messages at specified intervals.
- UI Trashcan: Access a UI trashcan to quickly dispose of unwanted items.
If you have suggestions for new features that would fit well within this plugin, feel free to reach out!
/GoTo <player> - Teleport yourself to a player
/GoTo <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleport yourself to coordinates
/tpm - Teleport to NEW map markers
/back - Teleports you back to your last location before you either teleported or died
Player Management:
/heal [player] - Heals yourself or the specified player.
/kill <player> - Instantly kills the specified player.
/give <item> [amount] [skinId] [name] - Gives yourself a custom item with optional amount, skin ID, and name.
/kick <player> <reason> - Kicks the specified player from the server with a reason.
/ban <player> <duration (e.g., 1d, 2h)> <reason> - Bans the specified player for the given duration with an optional reason.
/unban <player> - Unbans the specified player.
/clear [player] - Clears your inventory or the specified player's inventory.
/spectate <player> - Spectates the specified player. (Thanks to the Carbon team!)
Server Management:
/reload <plugin> - Reloads a plugin
/time <0-23> - Sets the in game time for EVERYONE
/admintime <0-23> - Sets the in game time for the player who runs the command only
/whois [player] - Displays useful player information, controllable via permissions
/players - Displays the currently connected players
/trash - Opens a UI trash can that you can you to destroy items
/essentials - Displays information about the commands you have the permissions for
/creative - Toggles creative mode you the player who runs the command
(This still requires you to set the creative convars before it will work)
- adminessentials.goTo - Required to teleport
- adminessentials.goToPlayer - Required to teleport to players
- adminessentials.back - Required to teleport back to previous locations
- adminessentials.tpm - Required to teleport via map markers
- adminessentials.heal - Required to use heal commands
- adminessentials.kill - Required to use kill commands
- adminessentials.give - Required to use give commands
- adminessentials.kick - Required to kick
- adminessentials.ban - Required to ban
- adminessentials.unban - Required to Unban
- adminessentials.clear - Required to clear inventories
- adminessentials.spectate - Required to spectate other players
- adminessentials.reload - Required to reload plugins
- adminessentials.time - Required to change the in-game time
- adminessentials.admintime - Required to set you "Admintime"
- adminessentials.whois - Required for access to /whois
- adminessentials.whois.info - Required to see basic player info
- adminessentials.whois.status - Required to see player status
- adminessentials.whois.stats - Required to see player stats
- adminessentials.whois.flags - Required to see player flags
- adminessentials.players - Required to see players list
- adminessentials.trash - Required to open the trash can UI
- adminessentials.creative - Required to toggle your creative mode
adminessentials.pm - Required to use /pm and /r
Need Support? Feel free to either create a support request or join the Cobalt Studios Discord!
Quote{ "General Settings": { "Console Logging Enabled": true, "Prefix Enabled": true, "Chat Prefix": "<color=#32a8a4>[Essentials]</color> ", "Chat Icon SteamID": 0, "Show Admin Flag in Player List": true, "Remove Marker on TPM": true, "Block F1 Give Notices": true, "Broadcast Bans/Unbans/Kicks": true, "Use NoEscape": false }, "Auto-Message Settings": { "Broadcast Interval (Minutes) (0 to disable)": 15, "Messages": [ "<color=#32a852>Welcome</color> to the server!", "Please report any bugs to an <color=#32a8a4>admin</color>.", "Cheating is will result in a <color=#32a8a4>permanent ban.</color>" ] }, "Welcome Message Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Broadcast?": true, "Message": "Welcome {PlayerName} to {ServerName}!" }, "Goodbye Message Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Message": "{PlayerName} has left the server!" }, "Trash Settings": { "Slots": 6, "Anchor Min": "0.5 0.5", "Anchor Max": "0.5 0.5", "Offset Min": "515 -160", "Offset Max": "565 -140", "Button Text": "Delete" }, "Creative Settings": { "Icon Enabled": true, "Icon Image URL": "https://i.postimg.cc/nVvW4Smw/Creative-Mode.png", "Icon Color": "1 1 1 0.3", "Anchor Min": "0.5 0.5", "Anchor Max": "0.5 0.5", "Offset Min": "-200 -285", "Offset Max": "-150 -235" }, "Spectate Settings": { "Anchor Min": "0.5 0", "Anchor Max": "0.5 0", "Offset Min": "90 80", "Offset Max": "180 100", "Button Text": "End Spectating", "Button Color": "0.8 0.1 0.1 0.75" }, "Command Settings": { "GoTo Command": "goto", "Log GoTo": true, "TPM Command": "tpm", "Log TPM": true, "Back Command": "back", "Log Back": true, "Heal Command": "heal", "Log Heal": true, "Kill Command": "kill", "Log Kill": true, "Give Command": "give", "Log Give": true, "Reload Command": "reload", "Log Reload": true, "Kick Command": "kick", "Log Kick": true, "Ban Command": "ban", "Log Ban": true, "Unban Command": "unban", "Log Unban": true, "Trash Command": "trash", "Log Trash": true, "Time Command": "time", "Log Time": true, "Admin Time Command": "admintime", "Log Admin Time": true, "WhoIs Command": "whois", "Log WhoIs": true, "Players Command": "players", "Log Players": true, "Essentials Command": "essentials", "Log Essentials": true, "Clear Command": "clear", "Log Clear": true, "Spectate Command": "spectate", "Log Spectate": true, "Creative Command": "creative", "Log Toggle Creative": true, "PM Command": "pm", "PM Reply Command": "r", "Log PM": true } }