About Report System
Report System - is a simple plugin from RustApp.IO that allows you to get reports on players in Discord, using a nicely designed interface or F7.
Need Help?
Any issues feel free to contact us here: t.me/rustapp_help
{ "[UI] Chat commands": [ "report" ], "[UI] Report reasons": [ "Cheat", "Abusive", "Spam" ], "[UI] Cooldown between reports (seconds)": 300, "[UI] Auto-parse reports from F7 (ingame reports)": true, "[Discord] Webhook to send reports": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...", "[Discord-Translations] Nickname field": "Nickname", "[Discord-Translations] Reason field": "Reason", "[Discord-Translations] Comment field": "Comment", "[Discord-Translations] Report sent text": "Report sent" }
Default Language:
{ "Header.Find": "FIND PLAYER", "Header.SubDefault": "Who do you want to report?", "Header.SubFindResults": "Here are players, which we found", "Header.SubFindEmpty": "No players was found", "Header.Search": "Search", "Header.Search.Placeholder": "Enter nickname/steamid", "Subject.Head": "Select the reason for the report", "Subject.SubHead": "For player %PLAYER%", "Cooldown": "Wait %TIME% sec.", "Sent": "Report succesful sent" }