About CrashAlertSystem
Crash Alert System is an essential tool for server admins who want to automatically notify their players whenever the server experiences a crash. This plugin instantly sends alerts to Discord, ensuring your staff and community are always aware of what's happening on the servers. Plus, it offers the ability to reward players who rejoin after a crash, encouraging them to come back and stay active.
Key Features:
Real-time Alerts: Automatic notifications sent instantly to Discord when a crash occurs.
Player Rewards: Encourage your community to rejoin after a crash with configurable rewards.
Easy Setup: Simple to customize to suit your server's needs.
Plugin Integration: Seamlessly integrates with your existing tools and plugins for smooth server management.
crashalertsystem.notify.see: Required for the player to see the Notify UI if it is enabled in the config.
{ "Discord Settings": { "WebhookUrl": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/876008329674100736/fhF3j2_6NZzgT7pkENMwD6d074x69zSuRFjVjP7qpRZP2ItecnMSl7YtkGoL57hO1diB", "MessageContent": "@everyone or @here or <@&role-id>", "BotName": "Crash Alert System", "BotAvatarUrl": "https://codefling.com/uploads/set_resources_13/cf0d9ad89a1246bdc528542aa98e2147_cf_logo_23_res.png", "Embed": { "AuthorName": "Crash Alert System or ServerName", "AuthorIconUrl": "https://codefling.com/uploads/set_resources_13/cf0d9ad89a1246bdc528542aa98e2147_cf_logo_23_res.png", "Title": "Server Crash Detected", "Description": "The server has suffered a crash.\nPlease allow 1 to 5 minutes for the server to come back online.", "ThumbnailUrl": "https://codefling.com/uploads/set_resources_13/cf0d9ad89a1246bdc528542aa98e2147_cf_logo_23_res.png", "FooterText": "Crash Alert System | {DateTime}", "FooterIconUrl": "https://codefling.com/uploads/set_resources_13/cf0d9ad89a1246bdc528542aa98e2147_cf_logo_23_res.png", "FieldTitle": "Estimated Data Loss", "FieldContent": "The server lost approximately {0} of data", "ColorHex": "#FF0000" } }, "Reward Settings": { "EnableRewards": false, "RewardTimeLimit": 10, "RewardItems": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "Amount": 1000 }, { "ShortName": "stone", "Amount": 500 } ] }, "Notification Settings": { "Use Notify UI alerts": false, "Use chat alerts": true } }
{ "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to see this notification.", "RewardReceived": "Thanks for joining the server after the crash! Check your inventory for compensation items!" }