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  1. Version 0.1.4


    Plugin rewarding players for their in-game activity. The ability to receive rewards for gathering resources; The ability to receive rewards for: killing players and NPCs; destroying barrels, road signs and dead logs; The ability to receive rewards for the first opening of loot crates; The ability to receive rewards for collecting resources; The ability to receive rewards for planting plants; The ability to receive rewards for catching fishes; The ability to reward with in-game items; The ability to use AdvancedStatus to display a status bar with highly flexible settings. { "Is it worth using the AdvancedStatus plugin?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Gather Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Kill Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Loot Open Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Pickup Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Planting Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Fishing Rewards?": true, "List of reward multipliers for each permission": { "realpve.default": 1.0, "realpve.vip": 1.1 }, "The list of economy plugins for rewards": { "Economics": { "Is it worth enabling the plugin for rewards?": true, "Reward Type: true - int, false - double": false, "Language key for the text": "MsgEconomics", "API method name for deposit": "Deposit", "API method name for withdraw": "Withdraw", "BarSettings": { "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/k8jq7yY.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_Default", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" } }, "ServerRewards": { "Is it worth enabling the plugin for rewards?": true, "Reward Type: true - int, false - double": true, "Language key for the text": "MsgServerRewards", "API method name for deposit": "AddPoints", "API method name for withdraw": "TakePoints", "BarSettings": { "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/k8jq7yY.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_Default", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" } }, "BankSystem": { "Is it worth enabling the plugin for rewards?": true, "Reward Type: true - int, false - double": true, "Language key for the text": "MsgBankSystem", "API method name for deposit": "Deposit", "API method name for withdraw": "Withdraw", "BarSettings": { "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/k8jq7yY.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_Default", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" } } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 4 } } Setting up rewards for each action occurs in the respective files within this folder *SERVER*\oxide\data\ActivityRewards PluginInt for: BankSystem and ServerRewards; PluginDouble for: Economics. You can also set the reward to 0 to disable the reward. "fish.smallshark": { "PluginInt": 50, "PluginDouble": 5.0, "ItemsList": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 10, "SkinId": 0 } ] } EN: { "MsgEconomics": "Bonus", "MsgServerRewards": "Bonus", "MsgBankSystem": "Bonus" } RU: { "MsgEconomics": "Бонус", "MsgServerRewards": "Бонус", "MsgBankSystem": "Бонус" }
  2. Monster


    Version 1.0.3


    XFarmRoom - farm room of ores for your server. Good donate for players. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XFarmRoom - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - In the room is forbidden: pick up prefabs that are in the room, install anything in the room, damage the room, use console/chat commands ( customizing commands in the config ). - Teleport from a room to the place you teleported from. [ Teleportation from the room works correctly when: leaving the room, death, disconnecting from the server, unloading the plugin, restarting the server ] - A player is automatically teleported out of the farm room if his permission to access the farm room is revoken away. - Setting the CD to teleport into a room. [ Permission can be granted to disable the CD.] - Automatically clear data after a wipe. [ Configure in config ] - Ability to display room spawn points on the map. [ Administrator only ] - Ability to set a limit of simultaneously active(occupied rooms) for optimization. - Ability to customize how many items a player can take into a room. - The player chooses his own ores from the available ones to mine. [ For example: the player has all ores available, but in the UI menu he selects a stone and mines only it ] - Ores can be given out individually, any number on command. [ For example: for sale in the store ] - The ability to make the ores unlimited for the player. [ Permissions and number of ores are configurable in the config. Ores can be updated once every N seconds or once per wipe ] - Room prefabs are spawn without third party plugins. - Notifications to chat when grant and revoke permission/group with permission to access farm room functionality. Permissions xfarmroom.use - access to the room/commands. xfarmroom.nocdtp - allow teleporting into a room without a CD. Commands /roomtp - to join the room. /roomleave - to leave the room. /roomspawns - display spawn points of farming rooms. [ Administrator only ] xfarmroom_give_ore <SteamID> <ore - [ sulfur-ore | metal-ore | stone-ore ]> <amount - [ 10 | -10 ]> - give ores to the player. xfarmroom_clear_ore <SteamID> - reset the player available ores to zero. API bool API_PlayerInRoom(ulong userID) - return TRUE/FALSE if the player is in the room. Config { "General settings": { "Button placement. [ True - 1 | False - 2 ]": true, "Option to update available ores. ( only with permission to update ). [ True - once per wipe | False - once every N seconds ]": false, "Clear the data after a wipe": true, "Limit the number of items that can be taken into a room": true, "Use UI button to leave the room": true, "Every how many sec. update the number of available ores. ( it is checked only when the player tries to/falls into the room )": 3600, "How many maximum simultaneously active rooms can there be. ( for optimization )": 10, "How many maximum items can be taken into a room": 6, "Room teleportation break sec.": 90, "Chat prefix": "<size=12><color=#FFFFFF50>[</color> <color=#00FF0050>XFarmRoom</color> <color=#FFFFFF50>]</color></size>\n", "Notify the player when he has been granted or revoked away access to the farm room functionality": false, "SteamID profile for custom avatar": 0, "List of allowed console commands in farm room": [ "global.farm_ore" ], "List of allowed chat commands in farm room": [ "roomtp", "roomleave" ] }, "Permission - number of ores. [ Only the value and permission can be changed ]": { "xfarmroom.300": { "sulfur-ore": 300, "metal-ore": 300, "stone-ore": 300 }, "xfarmroom.100": { "sulfur-ore": 100, "metal-ore": 100, "stone-ore": 100 } } }
  3. Version 1.0.2


    When you kill the set entity, a bonus bag will come out with a chance. ※ Warning ※ Place at the top when the probability is low. { "General Settings": { "Steam Api key for player image (https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey)": null, "Webhook URL": null, "Prefix": "[Bonus-Loot]", "SteamID": "0", "BonusLoot find distance": 10.0 }, "Loot Settings": { "scientistnpc_roam": [ { "NPC Name (null or empty default)": [ "test" ], "Backback Spawn Percent [0-100]": 50.0, "Backpack Item List": [ { "Item Short Name": "rifle.ak", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 1, "Amount Maximum": 5 }, "Percent [0-100]": 5.0, "Alarm Text": null }, { "Item Short Name": "rifle.lr300", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 1, "Amount Maximum": 5 }, "Percent [0-100]": 7.0, "Alarm Text": null }, { "Item Short Name": "stones", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 11, "Amount Maximum": 511 }, "Percent [0-100]": 43.0, "Alarm Text": null }, { "Item Short Name": "stones", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 1, "Amount Maximum": 5 }, "Percent [0-100]": 45.0, "Alarm Text": null }, { "Item Short Name": "wood", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 1, "Amount Maximum": 1 }, "Percent [0-100]": 50.0, "Alarm Text": null } ], "Backpack Item Spawn Maximum": 3, "Effect Settings": { "Effect Name (Prefabs)": "assets/content/effects/crossbreed/pfx crossbreed yellow.prefab", "Effect Refresh Timer": 0.5, "Effect Repeat Timer (0 - Repeat until the bag is gone)": 0.0 } }, { "NPC Name (null or empty default)": [], "Backback Spawn Percent [0-100]": 50.0, "Backpack Item List": [ { "Item Short Name": "rifle.ak", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 1, "Amount Maximum": 5 }, "Percent [0-100]": 5.0, "Alarm Text": null }, { "Item Short Name": "rifle.lr300", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 1, "Amount Maximum": 5 }, "Percent [0-100]": 7.0, "Alarm Text": null }, { "Item Short Name": "stones", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 11, "Amount Maximum": 511 }, "Percent [0-100]": 43.0, "Alarm Text": null }, { "Item Short Name": "stones", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 1, "Amount Maximum": 5 }, "Percent [0-100]": 45.0, "Alarm Text": null }, { "Item Short Name": "wood", "Item Name": "", "Item SkinId": 0, "Item Amount": { "Amount Minimum": 1, "Amount Maximum": 1 }, "Percent [0-100]": 50.0, "Alarm Text": null } ], "Backpack Item Spawn Maximum": 3, "Effect Settings": { "Effect Name (Prefabs)": "assets/content/effects/crossbreed/pfx crossbreed yellow.prefab", "Effect Refresh Timer": 0.5, "Effect Repeat Timer (0 - Repeat until the bag is gone)": 0.0 } } ] }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } }
  4. Monster


    Version 1.1.2


    XGatherUP - increase in rates for XP. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XGatherUP - There is a lang ru/en. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Configuring the issuance of XP. [ Loot, kill, break barrels, open crates, pick from the ground, harvest ] - Setting up starting rates for each category. - Setting up bonus rates for each category according to the permit. [ Multiple permissions can be configured ] - Setting up permissions to access the upgrading of a certain category. - Mini-panel with XP quantity. [ You can hide ] - Customization of categories for which you can increase rates. [ Bonus mining, mining, picking from the ground, components, harvesting ] - Setting the maximum level, XP for upgraging one level, rates for one upgraded level, a list of resources/components for which the rates will be increased. -> Overview - YouTube <- Shortnames for config settings. Commands /rate - open the menu to upgrading rates. xp_give <SteamID> <Amount> - give ХР. Config { "General settings": { "Use plugin balance to increase rates [ Default, XShop, Economics ]": "Default" }, "GUI settings": { "Number of categories per line": 6, "OffsetMin - menu": "-475 -255", "OffsetMax - menu": "475 180" }, "Setting up permissions and additional rates": { "xgatherup.default": { "Resource": 1.5, "Harvest": 2.0, "Loot": 0.75 } }, "ХР settings | Shortname : ValueXP": { "ХР for pickup resources": { "stones": 10.0, "sulfur.ore": 15.0, "metal.ore": 12.5 }, "ХР for harvesting": { "potato.entity": 2.5, "corn.entity": 1.75, "hemp.emtity": 0.25 }, "ХР for bonus gather": { "stones": 5.0, "sulfur.ore": 10.0, "metal.ore": 7.5 }, "ХР for kill / breaking barrels": { "boar": 10.0, "loot-barrel-1": 7.5, "heavyscientist": 2.5 }, "ХР for open crates": { "crate_normal": 5.0, "crate_normal_2": 1.0, "crate_tools": 3.5 } }, "Category settings": { "Resource": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "wood", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 2.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "wood", "charcoal" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "stones", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 2.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "stones" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metal.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.2, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metal.ore", "metal.fragments" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "sulfur.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.2, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "sulfur.ore", "sulfur" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "hq.metal.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 5.5, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "hq.metal.ore", "metal.refined" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "mushroom", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 0.5, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "mushroom" ] } ], "Harvest": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "pumpkin", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 1.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "pumpkin" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "corn", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 1.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "corn" ] } ], "Loot": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "semibody", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "semibody" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metalpipe", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metalpipe" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metalblade", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metalblade" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "scrap", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "scrap" ] } ] } }
  5. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    About UPromocodes This essential plugin allows players to redeem exclusive in-game benefits by entering unique promo codes. Whether unlocking special items, resources, or perks, players can enhance their Rust experience with this intuitive promo code system. Plugin config { "Promo codes": [ { "Names ( chat command names )": [ "promo", "promo2" ], "Commands with delay": [ { "Delay seconds": 0.0, "Console commands": [ "test 1 %STEAMID%", "test 2 %STEAMID%" ] }, { "Delay seconds": 86400.0, "Console commands": [ "test 1 %STEAMID%", "test 2 %STEAMID%" ] } ] }, { "Names ( chat command names )": [ "promo", "promo2" ], "Commands with delay": [ { "Delay seconds": 0.0, "Console commands": [ "test 1 %STEAMID%", "test 2 %STEAMID%" ] }, { "Delay seconds": 86400.0, "Console commands": [ "test 1 %STEAMID%", "test 2 %STEAMID%" ] } ] } ] } Localization { "Chat_PromoWasActivated": "You successfully activated promo code.", "Chat_PromoAlreadyActivated": "You have already activated this promo code." } Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Miho

    Kill Bonus

    Version 1.1.1


    Video - Link KillBonus provides a variety of rewards to players each time they kill an enemy player. This can include health recovery, metabolism recovery, ammo reloading, or the execution of pre-defined custom commands. It supports a range of commands. Furthermore, it records the kill counts of both players and clans, allowing the execution of custom commands upon achieving certain kill milestones. The KillBonus plugin is highly useful for various events and offers a high degree of versatility depending on the user's customization. [Features] 1. Dynamic Reward System: It offers a variety of rewards each time a player defeats an enemy, including health recovery, metabolism recovery, ammo reloading, or executing pre-defined custom commands. 2. Kill Count Tracking: The plugin tracks the kill counts of both individual players and clans, thereby providing a comprehensive performance analysis. 3. Custom Command Execution: Upon achieving certain kill milestones, the plugin allows for the execution of custom commands, offering an exciting reward system for players. 4. Player and Clan Kill Data Reset: The plugin supports data reset functionality for both individual players and clans, ensuring the gameplay remains fresh and engaging. 5. Localization: KillBonus offers multi-language support, ensuring seamless integration and interaction with the game, regardless of the player's language. 6. Console and Chat Command: Offers a wide range of commands for customization and game management, accessible through both the game console and chat. 7. Customizable Settings: With the configuration file, you can easily customize the game settings to suit your needs. 8. Advanced Data Management: All player and clan kill data is managed using a dedicated data management system, ensuring accurate tracking and storage. 9. Event Trigger System: This feature enables custom commands to be executed when certain conditions are met, such as after a specific number of kills. 10. Integration: KillBonus has been designed to be compatible with a variety of gaming setups, offering compatibility with other plugins and systems. 11. Remember that the maximum value of the KillBonus plugin lies in its flexibility and adaptability, providing server owners with a tool that can be customized to suit their unique gameplay and reward systems. [Permissions] killbonus.default - Required to use default settings killbonus.vip - Required to use vip settings killbonus.vvip - Required to use vvip settings killbonus.admin - Required to use commands [Config] { "Wipe Data on new map save": true, // Whether to wipe data when a new map is saved "ChatMessage Enabled": true, // Whether chat messaging is enabled "UI Enabled(Required - Notify.cs/notify.see)": false, // Whether the UI is enabled (Notify.cs/notify.see is required for this) "Is logging enabled?": true, // Whether logging is enabled "Player kill settings": { "Are player kill bonus enabled?": true, // Whether bonuses for killing players are enabled // Following settings specify the default recovery amount and limit for health, thirst, hunger and whether auto-reload and ammo consumption are enabled "Default player settings": { "Is HP recovery enabled?": true, "HP recovery amount": 10.0, "Maximum HP for recovery": 100.0, "Is thirst recovery enabled?": true, "Thirst recovery amount": 10.0, "Maximum thirst for recovery": 250.0, "Is hunger recovery enabled?": true, "Hunger recovery amount": 10.0, "Maximum hunger for recovery": 500.0, "Is auto-reload enabled?": true, "Is ammo consumption enabled?": true, "How many custom commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Custom commands": [ // The custom commands to be executed "giveto $player.id scrap 100", "giveto $player.id wood 100" ], "Every X kill bonus commands": [ { "Kill count for command trigger": 5, // Execute commands for every X kills achieved "How many Every Xkill Bonus commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Commands to execute": [ "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ] } ] }, // Similar settings for VIP players "VIP player settings": { "Is HP recovery enabled?": true, "HP recovery amount": 20.0, "Maximum HP for recovery": 100.0, "Is thirst recovery enabled?": true, "Thirst recovery amount": 20.0, "Maximum thirst for recovery": 250.0, "Is hunger recovery enabled?": true, "Hunger recovery amount": 20.0, "Maximum hunger for recovery": 500.0, "Is auto-reload enabled?": true, "Is ammo consumption enabled?": true, "How many custom commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Custom commands": [ // The custom commands to be executed "giveto $player.id scrap 300", "giveto $player.id wood 300" ], "Every X kill bonus commands": [ { "Kill count for command trigger": 5, "How many Every Xkill Bonus commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Commands to execute": [ "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ] } ] }, // Similar settings for VVIP players "VVIP player settings": { "Is HP recovery enabled?": true, "HP recovery amount": 30.0, "Maximum HP for recovery": 100.0, "Is thirst recovery enabled?": true, "Thirst recovery amount": 30.0, "Maximum thirst for recovery": 250.0, "Is hunger recovery enabled?": true, "Hunger recovery amount": 30.0, "Maximum hunger for recovery": 500.0, "Is auto-reload enabled?": true, "Is ammo consumption enabled?": true, "How many custom commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Custom commands": [ // The custom commands to be executed "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ], "Every X kill bonus commands": [ { "Kill count for command trigger": 5, "How many Every Xkill Bonus commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Commands to execute": [ "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ] } ] }, // Custom commands based on kill count "Custom kill bonus commands": [ { "Kill count for command trigger": 10, // The kill count required to trigger the command "How many Achieved custom commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Commands to execute": [ // The commands to be executed "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ] }, { "Kill count for command trigger": 20, "How many Achieved custom commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Commands to execute": [ "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ] } ] }, "Clan kill settings (Required - Clans)": { "Are clan kill rewards enabled?": false, // Whether rewards for clan kills are enabled "Custom clan kill reward commands": [ // Custom commands for clan kill rewards { "Kill count for command trigger": 10, // The kill count required to trigger the command "How many ClanKill Clan commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Clan commands to execute": [ // 'Clan commands to execute' will be executed as many times as there are clan members. "giveto $clanmembers scrap 500", // Here, the variable "$clanmembers" will only be active. "giveto $clanmembers wood 500" ], "How many ClanKill Player commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Player commands to execute": [ // The commands to be executed for the player "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ] }, { "Kill count for command trigger": 20, // The kill count required to trigger the command "How many ClanKill Clan commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Clan commands to execute": [ // The commands to be executed for the clan "giveto $clanmembers scrap 500", "giveto $clanmembers wood 500" ], "How many ClanKill Player commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Player commands to execute": [ // The commands to be executed for the player "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ] } ], "Every X kill bonus commands": [ { "Kill count for command trigger": 5, // Execute commands for every X kills achieved "How many ClanEvery X Kill Clan commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Clan commands to execute": [ "giveto $clanmembers scrap 500", "giveto $clanmembers wood 500" ], "How many ClanEvery X Kill Player commands will be executed?(-1 : All)": -1, "Player commands to execute": [ "giveto $player.id scrap 500", "giveto $player.id wood 500" ] } ] }, "version": "1.1.1" // The version of this configuration } [Command] For chat or console(not /) commands: /kb addpk <playernameorid> <amount>: Adds kills for a specific player. /kb removepk <playernameorid> <amount>: Removes kills for a specific player. /kb addpa <playernameorid> <achievementname>: Adds an achievement for a specific player. /kb removepa <playernameorid> <achievementname>: Removes an achievement for a specific player. /kb addck <playernameorid> <amount>: Adds kills for the clan. /kb removeck <playernameorid> <amount>: Removes kills for the clan. /kb addca <playernameorid> <achievementname>: Adds an achievement for the clan. /kb removeca <playernameorid> <achievementname>: Removes an achievement for the clan. /kbreset all: Resets all kill data and clan kill data. /kbreset player: Resets only the kill data for players. /kbreset clan: Resets only the clan kill data. [Placeholders] $player.clanname $player.clankilldata $player.clankillachievedata $clanmembers $player.killdata $player.killachievedata $player.id $player.name $player.ip $player.ping $player.position $player.health [Localization] { "KillReward": "{0}<color=red>Kill</color> {1} {2} {3} {4}", "KillRewardWithClan": "{0}<color=red>Kill</color> {1}<color=red>ClanKill</color> {2} {3} {4} {5}", "HPRecovery": "<color=green>HP</color>+{0} ", "ThirstRecovery": "<color=#45BCFF>Hydration</color>+{0} ", "HungerRecovery": "<color=orange>Calories</color>+{0} ", "AmmoRefill": "<color=purple>Ammo</color>+{0} ", "Achieved": "<color=#45BCFF>You achieved</color> {0}<color=red>Kill</color>!", "ClanAchieved": "<color=#45BCFF>Your clan achieved</color> {0}<color=red>Kill</color>!", "anounceAchieved": "<color=green>[{0}]</color> {1}<color=red>Kill</color> Achieved!", "anounceClanAchieved": "<color=green>[{0}]Clan</color> {1}<color=red>Kill</color> Achieved!", "EveryXkill": "<color=#FF009B>Every</color> {0}<color=red>Kill Bonus</color>!", "ClanEveryXkill": "<color=#FF009B>Every</color> {0}<color=red>ClanKill Bonus</color>!", "UsagePlayerAmount": "Usage: /kb addpk or /kb removepk <playerNameOrId> <amount>", "AmountMustBeInteger": "Amount must be an integer.", "PlayerKillsAdded": "Player kills has been added.", "PlayerKillsRemoved": "Player kills has been removed.", "KillDataReset": "Player Kill data has been reset.", "ClanKillDataReset": "Clan kill data has been reset.", "AllDataReset": "All data has been reset.", "PlayerAchievementAdded": "Player achievement has been added.", "PlayerAchievementRemoved": "Player achievement has been removed.", "ClanKillsAdded": "Clan kills have been added.", "ClanKillsRemoved": "Clan kills have been removed.", "ClanAchievementAdded": "Clan achievement has been added.", "ClanAchievementRemoved": "Clan achievement has been removed.", "Amountpositivenumber": "Amount must be an positive number.", "InvalidKbCommand": "Invalid command. Usage: /kb(kb) <command> <target> <amount>", "FailedCommand": "Failed command.", "InvalidResetCommand": "Invalid command. Usage: /kbreset | kbreset <player | clan>", "Noperm": "You don't have permission to do this." } [API] private string GetPlayerKills(string playerNameOrId) // Retrieves the kill count of a specific player. private Dictionary<int, bool> GetPlayerAchievements(string playerNameOrId) // Retrieves the achievement information of a specific player. private string GetClanKills(string clanID) // Retrieves the kill count of a specific clan. private Dictionary<int, bool> GetClanAchievements(string clanID) // Retrieves the achievement information of a specific clan. private bool PlayerHasAchievement(string playerNameOrId, int achievementID) // Checks if a specific player has a particular achievement. private bool ClanHasAchievement(string clanID, int achievementID) // Checks if a specific clan has a particular achievement. private void AddPlayerKills(string playerNameOrId, int amount, BasePlayer playermsg = null, string message = null) // Adds kills to a specific player. private void RemovePlayerKills(string playerNameOrId, int amount, BasePlayer playermsg = null, string message = null) // Removes kills from a specific player. private void AddPlayerAchievement(string playerNameOrId, int achievementID, BasePlayer playermsg = null, string message = null) // Adds an achievement to a specific player. private void RemovePlayerAchievement(string playerNameOrId, int achievementID, BasePlayer playermsg = null, string message = null) // Removes an achievement from a specific player. private void AddClanKills(string clanTag, int amount, BasePlayer playermsg = null, string message = null) // Adds kills to a specific clan. private void RemoveClanKills(string clanTag, int amount, BasePlayer playermsg = null, string message = null) // Removes kills from a specific clan. private void AddClanAchievement(string clanTag, int achievementID, BasePlayer playermsg = null, string message = null) // Adds an achievement to a specific clan. private void RemoveClanAchievement(string clanTag, int achievementID, BasePlayer playermsg = null, string message = null) // Removes an achievement from a specific clan. private void ResetKillData() // Resets all kill data. private void ResetClanKillData() // Resets all clan kill data.
  7. Version 1.0.2


    You receive more resources when you're farming close to a team member Permissions teamgatherbonus.use: Is required to get first config setting. teamgatherbonus.vip: Is required to get vip config setting. Localization Supports 10 Languages out of the box! English French Swedish Dutch Korean Catalan Simplified Chinese Portuguese Brazil German Russian Configuration { "Distance between a team member (in feet)": 32.0, "Bonus percentage Default": 10, "Bonus percentage Vip": 50, "Enable Fish Trap": true, "Enable Fishing Pole": true, "Enable On Collectible Pickup": true, "Enable On Dispenser Gather": true }


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