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  1. Wrecks

    Beast Master

    Version 2.0.6


    Create as many Versions of Animals with varying rewards as you like, Give Base Item drops to Unlicensed Players, Bonus items can be dropped to Licensed Players. Demo Video Limit The Spawn to Certain Monuments using the monument Prefab Paths to Restrict High Level Spawns, To High Tier Monuments. Licenses can be used for Players to obtain A bonus Loot Table of items vs being unlicensed. Sell Licenses Via Server Rewards or Economics Works with Deployable Nature as these spawned Animals are created in Plugin. Marker Manager can be used to mark Animals on Map. Full Discord Logging of Kills Available. Building Restriction is Configurable to prevent players from Being out of reach of Melee. Skill Tree can be used to give players XP on Takedown. Custom Monument? No problem, Add your own profiles via command, and add the profile to the config section of the animal you want to spawn there. COMMANDS /ADDBMP “NAME” – ADDS A SPAWN PROFILE ON YOUR POS, TO USE IN CONFIG FOR CUSTOM PROFILE /REMBMP “NAME” – REMOVES THE SPAWN PROFILE FROM DATA /DBMP – DEBUGS POINTS TO ADMINS WITH PERMISSION /BMTOP – ANNOUNCES TOP BEAST MASTER HUNTERS TO PLAYER WHO RUNS COMMAND /SPAWNBEAST- ADMINCOMMAND - WILL TRIGGER THE SPAWN METHOD TO ATTEMPT TO SPAWN AN ANIMAL BASED ON CHANCE /SPAWNMAINTAINED - ADMINCOMMAND - WILL TRIGGER THE SPAWN METHOD FOR MAINTAINED BEAST, IF APPLICABLE PERMISSIONS BeastMaster.LifetimeLicense BeastMaster.AdminPermission CONFIG { "Settings": { "Clear Top Kills On Wipe?": false, "Top Beast Eliminations Announce Interval": 3799, "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_URL", "Log Kills to Discord?": false, "Enable Maintained Beasts?": false, "Enable Custom Spawn Profiles?": false, "Wipe Custom Profiles On Wipe?": false, "Maintained Spawn Interval Check Will Spawn 1 Maintained Beast": 3300, "Spawn Attempt Interval": 600, "Max Retries for Suitable Spawn": 5, "Max Beast Master Animals To Exist In World": 3, "Announce Spawn to Chat?": true, "Announce Death to Chat on Successful Kill?": true, "Restrict Building Distance": 100, "Use Marker Manager To Show Location On Map?": true, "Enable Skill Tree Xp Gain?": true, "Enable Beast Master License? (Needed to Grant Bonus Drops)": true, "Price to Purchase a Beast Master License?": 10000, "Take License on Death?": true, "Console Command to Purchase a Beast Master License? (For GUI Shops)": "buybml", "Chat Command to Purchase a Beast Master License?": "buybml", "Economy Plugin - 1 Economics - 2 Server Rewards": 1, "Wipe License on Wipe?": true }, "Marker Settings": { "Animal Marker Radius": 0.3, "Animal Marker Color": "ffe135", "Animal Marker Outline": "000000", "Animal Marker Alpha": 0.75 }, "Beast Entries": { "Savage_Boar": { "Animal Config": { "Type (1 - Polar Bear, 2 - Bear, 3 - Wolf, 4 - Boar, 5 - Stag, 6 - Chicken)": 4, "Health": 500, "Attack Range": 2.5, "Attack Damage": 50, "Attack Rate [sec.]": 1.5, "Speed": 10, "Roam Range": 100, "Chase Range": 100, "Sense Range": 100, "Listen Range": 100, "Sleep Distance": 100, "Memory Duration": 100, "Hostile Targets Only": false, "Can Run Away Water": false, "Can Sleep": false, "Turret Damage Scale": 0 }, "Is a Maintained Beast? (Will Always Be Spawned To Patrol A Monument If They Don't Exist, Does not count towards Total Animals. Rec Spawn Rate Setting 1)": false, "If this is a Maintained Beast, What Is Its Cooldown in Seconds To Respawn After Death": 3600, "Tier Name (Chat)": "Savage Boar", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 200, "Monuments": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab" ], "Custom Spawn Profile": [ "PROFILENAME" ], "Spawn Chance": 1, "Random Distance Min from Monument": 100, "Random Distance Max from Monument": 200, "Min Amount of Items To Drop": 2, "Max Amount of Items To Drop": 4, "Loot Drop": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Skin": 3048132587, "Custom Name": "Cash", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ], "Licensed Beast Master Bonus Drops": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "glue", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] }, "Cocaine_Bear": { "Animal Config": { "Type (1 - Polar Bear, 2 - Bear, 3 - Wolf, 4 - Boar, 5 - Stag, 6 - Chicken)": 2, "Health": 500, "Attack Range": 2.5, "Attack Damage": 50, "Attack Rate [sec.]": 1.5, "Speed": 10, "Roam Range": 100, "Chase Range": 100, "Sense Range": 100, "Listen Range": 100, "Sleep Distance": 100, "Memory Duration": 100, "Hostile Targets Only": false, "Can Run Away Water": false, "Can Sleep": false, "Turret Damage Scale": 0 }, "Is a Maintained Beast? (Will Always Be Spawned To Patrol A Monument If They Don't Exist, Does not count towards Total Animals. Rec Spawn Rate Setting 1)": false, "If this is a Maintained Beast, What Is Its Cooldown in Seconds To Respawn After Death": 3600, "Tier Name (Chat)": "Cocaine Bear", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 500, "Monuments": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab" ], "Custom Spawn Profile": [ "PROFILENAME" ], "Spawn Chance": 0.1, "Random Distance Min from Monument": 100, "Random Distance Max from Monument": 200, "Min Amount of Items To Drop": 2, "Max Amount of Items To Drop": 4, "Loot Drop": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Skin": 3048132587, "Custom Name": "Cash", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ], "Licensed Beast Master Bonus Drops": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "glue", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] } } } LANG { "Revoked": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] Your <color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color> License has been revoked, You will not Receive Bonus Items on Beast Eliminations.", "InsufficientFunds": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] You don't have enough funds to purchase a <color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color> License. \nIt costs <color=#42b5a6>{0}</color><color=#a642b5>{1}</color>.", "AlreadyHasLicense": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] You already have a <color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color> License.", "BuyBeastMasterLicenseSuccess": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] <color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color> License Obtained. \nYou were charged {0}<color=#3e9c35>{1}</color>, Watch your Surroundings, <color=#b8ff35>{2}</color>!", "AnimalKilledBroadcast": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] \n<color=#b8ff35>{0}</color> killed a <color=#ff7c35>{1}</color> at <color=#35ffe1>{2}</color>", "AnimalFledBroadcast": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] \nA <color=#ff7c35>{0}</color> has Fled our Trackers...", "AnimalSpottedBroadcast": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] \nA <color=#ff7c35>{0}</color> has been spotted near Grid Location - <color=#35ffe1>{1}</color>", "RestrictBuildingMessage": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] You cannot build within {0} meters of a Beast Master Target.", "XPMessage": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] You gained <color=#ffe135>{0}</color> <color=#ff7c35>XP</color> for the <color=#ff7c35>{1}</color> Takedown.", "BonusItemsReminder": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] Remember, You can earn Bonus Items with a Valid Beast Master License." }
  2. Version 2.2..2


    Animals can drop loot and have a static health and strength profile (random HP/Str) Radtown loot does not conflict with : Barrelless Bearrels Custom Animal Spawns Rust Spawner BackToTheWild AlphaAnimals Features : Wolf , Bears and Polar bears can drop a backpack upon death with a % chance on drop (Just like in LegacyRust) Boars, Chickens, Wild Horses and Stags Can be configured aswell (New in 2.1.0) Custom container animal type prefix through configuration (New in 2.1.0) Health and Strength can be randomized using min/max values. Setup animal Profiles (Health ,Strength ,Running speed and backpack droprate) Option to print the spawns to console showing HP and Strength Permissions : radtownloot..admin : To use the /rad admin command for extended settings and animal counts info radtownloot.loot : For giving players the chance to have the animals drop a backpack radtownloot.chat : To be able to receive chat messages on backpackdrop radtownloot.command : To use the /rad animals command for animal count on the server Commands : /rad animals : Prints plugin information and animal spawns on server chat /rad admin : Prints info about animal settings and droprates on server chat Localization : English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder. { "Info": "Animals can drop backpacks like in Legacy Rust.\n\n", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use that command!", "RadTownLoot": "The {0} dropped something!", "AdminInfo": "If Change stats on spawn is false values are not changed by this plugin.\n\n" } Logging : Each succesfull drop will now be loggd in the oxide log folder 5:14:15 PM] Krungh Crow[1234567890] killed a Wolf and loot was dropped 5:14:31 PM] Krungh Crow[1234567890] killed a Bear and loot was dropped 5:59:20 PM] Krungh Crow[1234567890] killed a Polarbear and loot was dropped Console Logging : Example Console logs if set to true [Rad Town Loot] A Bear spawned with 473 HP and 35 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Bear spawned with 374 HP and 34 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Bear spawned with 376 HP and 32 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Wolf spawned with 269 HP and 18 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Bear spawned with 353 HP and 35 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Bear spawned with 462 HP and 30 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Wolf spawned with 191 HP and 13 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Wolf spawned with 339 HP and 14 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Bear spawned with 394 HP and 39 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Wolf spawned with 151 HP and 22 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Wolf spawned with 219 HP and 17 Strength [Rad Town Loot] A Wolf spawned with 310 HP and 16 Strength Settings : Droprate settings * Bear droprate : Any value between 0.0/100.0 (0 means it will not spawn a backpack) * Chat Steam64ID : Add your servers steampicture using the steam64ID. * Use random skins : true/false * Spawn min amount item : Minimum amount of items to spawn in the backpack. * Spawn max amount item : Maximum amount of items to spawn in the backpack. If u want the item to be a Blueprint add .bp behind the item name (eg ammo.pistol.bp) then it will spawn as a blueprint. Loottable settings * shortname : The items shortname (eg ammo.pistol). * Amount : Max amount of the item to spawn in the backpack. * skin : Add the skin ID if u want it to contain a certan skin. * AmountMin : the minimum amount of this item to spawn in the backpack You can change/add/remove lines to the lootprofile. Configuration : A example how u can configure it { "Main config": { "Debug": true, "Chat Steam64ID": 0, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=orange>RadTownLoot</color>] : ", "Animal Type Prefix": "Radtown ", "Use Random Skins": true }, "Animal config": { "Skip Alpha Animals": true, "Skip Omega Animals": true, "Bear settings": { "Change stats on spawns": false, "Show spawns in Console": false, "Droprate 0-100": 80.0, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 250, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 20, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 25, "Running Speed": 6.0, "Loot settings": { "Spawn Min Amount Items": 4, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [ { "shortname": "black.raspberries", "amount": 0, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "blue.berry", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "blueberries", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "black.berry", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "yellow.berry", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "white.berry", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 } ] } }, "Boar settings": { "Change stats on spawns": false, "Show spawns in Console": false, "Droprate 0-100": 80.0, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 250, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 20, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 25, "Running Speed": 6.0, "Loot settings": { "Spawn Min Amount Items": 1, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 3, "Loot Table": [ { "shortname": "wood", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "hatchet", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "hammer", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 } ] } }, "Chicken settings": { "Change stats on spawns": false, "Show spawns in Console": false, "Droprate 0-100": 80.0, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 250, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 20, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 25, "Running Speed": 6.0, "Loot settings": { "Spawn Min Amount Items": 1, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 3, "Loot Table": [ { "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "wood", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "stones", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 } ] } }, "Wild Horse settings": { "Change stats on spawns": false, "Show spawns in Console": false, "Droprate 0-100": 80.0, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 250, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 20, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 25, "Running Speed": 6.0, "Loot settings": { "Spawn Min Amount Items": 1, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 3, "Loot Table": [ { "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "ammo.pistol.fire", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "ammo.pistol.hv", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 } ] } }, "Polarbear settings": { "Change stats on spawns": false, "Show spawns in Console": false, "Droprate 0-100": 90.0, "Minimum Health": 200, "Maximum Health": 350, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 20, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 25, "Running Speed": 6.0, "Loot settings": { "Spawn Min Amount Items": 1, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 3, "Loot Table": [ { "shortname": "stone.pickaxe", "amount": 1, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1 }, { "shortname": "stonehatchet", "amount": 1, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1 }, { "shortname": "spear.stone", "amount": 1, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1 } ] } }, "Stag settings": { "Change stats on spawns": false, "Show spawns in Console": false, "Droprate 0-100": 80.0, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 250, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 20, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 25, "Running Speed": 6.0, "Loot settings": { "Spawn Min Amount Items": 1, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 10, "Loot Table": [ { "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "ammo.pistol.fire", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "ammo.pistol.hv", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 } ] } }, "Wolf settings": { "Change stats on spawns": false, "Show spawns in Console": true, "Droprate 0-100": 100.0, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 250, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 20, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 25, "Running Speed": 6.0, "Loot settings": { "Spawn Min Amount Items": 1, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 3, "Loot Table": [ { "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "ammo.pistol.fire", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 }, { "shortname": "ammo.pistol.hv", "amount": 5, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5 } ] } } } }
  3. Version 1.2.1


    Trade market for bones where prices are dynamic and change each gameday at a set time. Features : Dynamic prices that will change on a set time. The market will exchange your animal bones to resources (whatever is set in configuration). Prices are made with a min/max setup and uses the random amount generated then saves it to a data file this price is then used as the value of the bones you want to trade (value is per 10 units). Support for the HumanNPC plugin This requires SkinAndBones and Fishr plugins to work (these handle the various bones) Commands : /bone market /bonemarket : Both these commands will open the Bone Market Interface. /bone info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file about the event) Permissions : bonemarket.useshop : Grants permission to use market through Chat commands. bonemarket.usenpc : Grants permission to use market through NPC (HumanNPC) Configuration : The following Fonts are available for ANY UI text in plugins ! droidsansmono.ttf permanentmarker.ttf robotocondensed-bold.ttf robotocondensed-regular.ttf { "Chat Prefix": "[<color=#4A95CC>Bone Market</color>] : ", "NPC Vendor settings": { "Use NPC shop": true, "NPC Id's": [ "2745013248" ] }, "UI Settings": { "Font to use": "droidsansmono.ttf", "Market Title": "Bone Market", "Market Title Color (RGBA)": "1 0.5 0.5 0.90", "Market Description": "Trade market for hunters\nTrade your Bones right here !!!", "Market Description Color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.90", "Bone item text Color (RGBA)": "1 0.5 0.5 0.90", "Use a background image": false, "Background Image link": "https://i.ibb.co/6NQmCgZ/Quail-Bird-Hunting-Silhouette-Free-Vector.jpg", "Background Image transparency (0-1)": 0.2 }, "Market refresh time (gameday)": 7.0, "Market Trade item (shortname)": "scrap", "Market Trade item (View name in GUI)": "Scrap", "Market Unit Value": { "Bear bones Low value": 2, "Bear bones High value": 6, "Boar bones Low value": 1, "Boar bones High value": 3, "Chicken bones Low value": 1, "Chicken bones High value": 3, "Horse bones Low value": 1, "Horse bones High value": 3, "Fish bones Low value": 1, "Fish bones High value": 3, "Stag bones Low value": 1, "Stag bones High value": 3, "Wolf bones Low value": 1, "Wolf bones High value": 4 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "FullInventory": "Your inventory was full handout is dropped on the floor", "FullInventoryUI": "Your Inventory is full handout will drop on the floor", "Info": "\n\n<color=#4A95CC>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=#4A95CC>/bone info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands\n<color=#4A95CC>/bone market</color> : Opens the market interface where prices change each gameday", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "OnlyNPC": "The Bone Market is only available at the Bone Trader NPC in Town", "Succesfulltrade": "You traded your bones for {0} {1}", "MarketReset": "Market started a new day with fresh trade prices.", "NotFound": "You dont have any to trade", "NotEnough": "You dont have enough bones for this trade" }
  4. Version 1.2.4


    Addon for my BackToTheWild plugin that can make the Alpha animals call for their pack and get aid. Features : Requires BackToTheWild plugin for the Alpha animal spawns When a Alpha animal is killed it will call for their weaker Omega who will come (too late) for its aid. Simple configuration Permissions for Gametip animal engagements Permissions for Mapmarker system to see Alpha's on the map Support for Economics Support for ServerRewards Chatnotifications when a alpha has spawned with Grid section through cfg Alpha Animal Types : Bear Polar Bear Wolf Permissions : alphaanimals.tipsimple : Simple Gametip message permisison alphaanimals.tipfull : Full info Gametip message permission alphaanimals.marker : To see the alpha mapmarkers if not set globaly alphaanimals.economics : To be granted economics points on alpha/omega kills alphaanimals.ServerRewards : To be granted ServerRewards points on alpha/omega kills Configuration : For the spawned Omegas the min and max hp values will be used { "Plugin": { "Debug": false, "Chat Steam64ID": 0, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=orange>AlphaAnimals</color>] ", "Anounce Alpha spawns": true }, "Economics": { "Use Economics": false, "Alpha Bear points": 300.0, "Omega Bear points": 100.0, "Alpha Polarbear points": 400.0, "Omega Polarbear points": 150.0, "Alpha Wolf points": 200.0, "Omega Wolf points": 50.0 }, "ServerRewards": { "Use ServerRewards": false, "Alpha Bear points": 300, "Omega Bear points": 100, "Alpha Polarbear points": 400, "Omega Polarbear points": 150, "Alpha Wolf points": 200, "Omega Wolf points": 50 }, "Animals": { "Life Duration (minutes)": 5.0, "Spawn Radius": 12, "Bear Packsize": 2, "Bear settings": { "Min HP": 350.0, "Max HP": 600.0 }, "Polarbear Packsize": 2, "Polarbear settings": { "Min HP": 350.0, "Max HP": 600.0 }, "Wolf Packsize": 5, "Wolf settings": { "Min HP": 350.0, "Max HP": 600.0 }, "Use Random Skins": false, "Loot settings (Alphas)": { "Spawn Min Amount Items": 10, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 15, "Loot Table": [ { "Item shortname": "ammo.pistol", "Custom name": "T3st name", "Skin ID": 2532520857, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 5, "Always add": true }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.pistol.fire", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 5, "Amount max": 5, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.pistol.hv", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 5, "Amount max": 5, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 5, "Amount max": 5, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 5, "Amount max": 5, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle.hv", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 5, "Amount max": 5, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle.incendiary", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 5, "Amount max": 5, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": true }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.rocket.fire.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": true }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.rocket.hv.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.shotgun", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 8, "Amount max": 12, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "explosive.timed", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "explosives", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "pistol.m92", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.bolt.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "shotgun.spas12", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "smg.2.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "smg.thompson.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.8x.scope.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.flashlight.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.holosight.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.lasersight.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.silencer.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.small.scope.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "grenade.f1.bp", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "pickaxe", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "hatchet", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 1, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "can.beans", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 3, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "can.tuna", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 1, "Amount max": 3, "Always add": false }, { "Item shortname": "black.raspberries", "Custom name": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount min": 3, "Amount max": 5, "Always add": false } ] } } } Localization : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "EngageSimple": "<color=yellow>carefull This is a {animal}</color>", "EngageFull": "<color=yellow>carefull This is a {animal} {health} HP</color>", "KillAlpha": "You Killed a <color=green>{animal}</color> and <color=green>{packsize} Omega's</color> are summoned", "KillAlphaAll": "{player} Killed a <color=green>{animal}</color> and <color=green>{packsize} Omega's</color> are summoned", "KillOmega": "You Killed the <color=green>{animal}</color>", "EngageSimpleKill": "<color=yellow>You killed the {animal}</color>", "EngageFullKill": "<color=yellow>You got points killing the {animal}</color>", "AlphaAnnounce": "A <color=yellow>{animal}</color> was located around <color=orange>Grid {location}</color>" } Rust native API : To remove the Omega Animals the following can be used in console del omega del omega wolf del omega bear del omega polarbear Example call to see if a animal is a Omega : void OnEntityDeath(BaseAnimalNPC animal, HitInfo info) { if (animal == null) return; BasePlayer attacker = info.InitiatorPlayer; if (attacker != null && animal.name.Contains("Omega")) { Puts($"The animal was a {animal.name}"); } return; }
  5. Version 2.2.3


    Makes animals spawn with random HP and Strength with optional config to show each spawn in console and integrated chat listing on current server setup. Features : Animals can spawn as Alpha animal with increased stats and spawnrates (new in v2.0.0) Spawns any animal (vanilla or playerspawned) with altered stats Set Min/Max Health Set Min/Max Strength This will give each animal a random value in hp and strength !!! Option to change any animal type true/false Option to set populations through plugin or use the servers variables. Can print to console each animal stating hp and strength lvls true/false on spawning. Chatcommand printing current populations/health/and Total animal count per animal type to the chat (with permission) Animal list : Bear PolarBear Wolf Boar Stag Horse Chicken Permissions : backtothewild.Admin Commands : /bttw animals : for a full listing of cfg setup and total animal count Rust native API : Using Rusts native commands and checks like the example below in console del assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab you now can use a simpler method like below in console del bear del alpha bear del polarbear del alpha polarbear del boar del chicken del horse del stag del wolf del alpha wolf Example API to determin of a animal is a Normal or a Alpha animal void OnEntityDeath(BaseAnimalNPC animal, HitInfo info) { if (animal == null) return; BasePlayer attacker = info.InitiatorPlayer; if (attacker != null && animal.name.Contains("Alpha")) { Puts($"The animal was a {animal.name}"); } return; } Configuration Normal animals : Change animal stats on spawns : true/false Minimum Health Maximum Health Minimum Strength Maximum Strength Running Speed Configuration Alpha animals : Can spawn as Alpha : True/False Spawnrate (0-100) : based on % with 100% as always spawn as Alpha Health Multiplier : ea 1.5 multiplies the base randomisation value with 1.5x value Strength Multiplier (Att dmg) : ea 3.0 multiplies the base randomisation value with 3x value Speed Multiplier : ea 1.2 multiplies the base speed value with 1.2x value Animals will have any stat between minimum and maximum, giving a random stat. { "Skip Huntsman when using ChickenBow Plugin": true, "Console Logging settings": { "Show Bear spawns in Console": false, "Show PolarBear spawns in Console": false, "Show Wolf spawns in Console": false, "Show Boar spawns in Console": false, "Show Stag spawns in Console": false, "Show Horse spawns in Console": false, "Show Chicken spawns in Console": false }, "Population settings": { "Set population variables ?": true, "Bear population": 5.0, "PolarBear population": 3.0, "Wolf population": 5.0, "Boar population": 5.0, "Stag population": 6.0, "Horse population": 6.0, "Ridable Horse population": 4.0, "Chicken population": 6.0 }, "Bear settings": { "Change Bear stats on spawns": true, "Minimum Health": 400, "Maximum Health": 600, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 30, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 40, "Running Speed": 0.1, "Alpha": { "Can spawn as alpha": true, "Spawnrate (0-100)": 100, "Health Multiplier": 3.0, "Strength Multiplier(Att dmg)": 1.5, "Speed Multiplier": 1.0 } }, "PolarBear settings": { "Change PolarBear stats on spawns": true, "Minimum Health": 400, "Maximum Health": 600, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 32, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg": 44, "Running Speed": 6.0, "Alpha": { "Can spawn as alpha": true, "Spawnrate (0-100)": 10, "Health Multiplier": 3.0, "Strength Multiplier(Att dmg)": 1.5, "Speed Multiplier": 1.0 } }, "Wolf settings": { "Change Wolf stats on spawns": true, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 300, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 20, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg)": 30, "Running Speed": 0.1, "Alpha": { "Can spawn as alpha": true, "Spawnrate (0-100)": 10, "Health Multiplier": 3.0, "Strength Multiplier(Att dmg)": 1.5, "Speed Multiplier": 1.0 } }, "Boar settings": { "Change Boar stats on spawns": true, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 450, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 15, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg)": 25, "Running Speed": 0.1 }, "Stag settings": { "Change Stag stats on spawns": true, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 425, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 15, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg)": 25, "Running Speed": 1.0 }, "Horse settings": { "Change Horse stats on spawns": true, "Minimum Health": 150, "Maximum Health": 600, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 15, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg)": 25, "Running Speed": 1.0 }, "Chicken settings": { "Change Chicken stats on spawns": true, "Minimum Health": 25, "Maximum Health": 100, "Minimum Strength (Att dmg)": 1, "Maximum Strength (Att dmg)": 5, "Running Speed": 1.0 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder. { "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "Version": "\nVersion : V", "Info": "\n<color=green>List of current Population(KM2)/Health min/max settings\nAnd counts how many are on the map</color>", "NoPermission": "<color=red>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>" } Credits : Thx @Horus for making a awsome icon
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Simple plugin to block Animals from attacking HumanNPC's No permissions, No commands, No configuration, Just drop it in the plugins folder.
  7. Zayasik


    Version 0.3.1


    About AutoSpawner This plugin allows you to randomly spawn animals for a price in resources. Features: - You can customize your animals for spawn(custom items for any animal). - If You have same fuel for some animals - will picked random animal with same fuel. - AutoLoad groups for config file. - Power off/on from Rust+ on SmartSwitch. - Tracking all spawners for Admins from simple UI. Chat commands: /craft_spawner - command for craft custom spawner. Admin commands: /autospawner list - Open UI with all spawners on server(need ownerid*). //Example UI in screens Permission: autospawner.craft - Give permission to craft. autospawner.place - Give permission to place. Groups: "default": { "priority": 0, "maxSpawners": 1, "maxAnimals": 5 } Notes: Dont add or remove animals from config file, just disable or enable them as needed. After restarting server, all animals will be removed. Config Example: { "AutoSpawner config": { "spawnInterval": 5.0, //Timer for spawning "spawnRadius": 5.0, "speedFall": 3.0 //The speed of animals falling to the ground }, "Animals Custom spawning": { //First config key example for all animals in the list "bear": { "enabled": true, //Enabled/disabled to spawn animal "animalPrefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/bear/bear.prefab", //Dont try to change this "fuel": { "fuelShortname": "lowgradefuel", //Only shortnames items "skinId": 0, //Your custom skinID "fuelAmount": 10 //Cost fuel for spawn one animal } }, "wolf": {...}, "boar": {...}, "horse": {...}, "chicken": {...}, "stag": {...} }, "spawnerSkinId": 3358767438, //Your custom skinID for autospawner "Cost craft": { //Cost for craft "lowgradefuel": 10, "metal.fragments": 100, "wood": 100 }, "Permissions": { "default": { // Default config from start plugin "priority": 0, "maxSpawners": 1, "maxAnimals": 5 }, "vip": { //Example from my oxide.groups "priority": 1, "maxSpawners": 5, "maxAnimals": 10 }, "premium": { //Example from my oxide.groups "priority": 2, "maxSpawners": 10, "maxAnimals": 20 } } } Demo Video(v0.1.0):
  8. Duff


    Version 1.0.7


    The NoDetect plugin prevents players with the "NoDetect" permissions from being targeted or detected by various hostile entities in Rust, including SAM sites, turrets, scientists, and animals. This provides players with a unique advantage, allowing them to navigate the game world with reduced threats from NPCs and automated defenses. Perfect For PVE & PVP Servers Plugin Preview Features Protection from NPCs: Players with the appropriate permissions can avoid detection and attacks from hostile NPCs, including scientists and animals. SAM Site Protection: Players can become undetectable by SAM sites, preventing them from being targeted by these automated defenses. Turret and Trap Immunity: Players can avoid triggering turrets, traps, and mines, ensuring safe passage in dangerous areas. Dynamic Command Activation: Players can activate or deactivate their States status with simple chat commands. Commands Activate Commands /startscientist: Activates the NPC targeting logic specifically for scientists. When this command is active, scientists will not attack the player. Only players with the "nodetect.scientists" permission can use this command. /startanimal: Activates the animal targeting logic. When this command is active, animals will not attack the player. Only players with the "nodetect.animals" permission can use this command. Deactivate Commands /stopscientist: Deactivates the NPC targeting logic for scientists. When this command is inactive, scientists will attack the player again. /stopanimal: Deactivates the animal targeting logic. When this command is inactive, animals will attack the player again. How to Use the Plugin Permissions: Ensure that players have the required permissions assigned to them. nodetect.sams nodetect.turrets nodetect.animals nodetect.scientists nodetect.flameturret nodetect.shotguntrap nodetect.mines nodetect.beartrap nodetect.bradley nodetect.heli nodetect.nohostile nodetect.nocommandanimals - all players with this permission do not need to type the /stopanimal or /startanimal - Animals will automatically ignore the players nodetect.nocommandscientists - all players with this permission do not need to type command to benefit from the Nodetection for Scientist they will now automatically ignore the player nodetect.nocommandallnpc - all players with this permission do not need to type command to benefit from NoDetection for Any NPC - includes BetterNPC npcs Commands for Managing NPC Interactions: /startscientist: Prevents scientists from attacking you, allowing for a safer exploration /stopscientist: Re-enables attacks from scientists, allowing for challenges within the game. /startanimal: Prevents animals from attacking you, giving you the freedom to explore without fear of the animals that at times can be very annoying /stopanimal: Permits animals to attack once again, ensuring that players can enjoy the thrill of hunting and survival. Plugins By Duff https://discord.gg/2KBPH7hXb7
  9. Version 1.0.7


    RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Animal Crates plugin adds a unique twist to looting barrels and crates. You can place any animal in a crate or barrel to surprise players while they collect loot, or increase the number of animals on your server in a new way. You can add any type of animal to crates and barrels. To check if an animal is in a crate, hit it with a melee weapon. Chances for animal spawns and types are configurable, as well as the number of animals to spawn. You can also set any entity to spawn when breaking or looting the container. animalboxes.use - Gives permission to spawn animals in crates. { "Require Permission": false, "Animal Prefab List": { "bear": "assets/rust.ai/agents/bear/bear.prefab", "boar": "assets/rust.ai/agents/boar/boar.prefab", "chicken": "assets/rust.ai/agents/chicken/chicken.prefab", "heavy_scientist": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_heavy.prefab", "scarecrow": "assets/prefabs/npc/scarecrow/scarecrow.prefab", "scientist": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_roam.prefab", "stag": "assets/rust.ai/agents/stag/stag.prefab", "wolf": "assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab" }, "Crate Container List": [ "crate_normal_2", "crate_normal_2_food", "crate_normal_2_medical" ], "Barrel Container List": [ "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "oil_barrel" ], "Crate Animal Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Barrel Animal Chance (0-100)": 15.0, "Crate Minimum Animal Amount": 1, "Crate Maximum Animal Amount": 1, "Barrel Minimum Animal Amount": 1, "Barrel Maximum Animal Amount": 2, "Crate Animal Chances": { "bear": 5.0, "boar": 40.0, "chicken": 10.0, "heavy_scientist": 5.0, "scarecrow": 10.0, "scientist": 10.0, "stag": 25.0, "wolf": 40.0 }, "Barrel Animal Chances": { "bear": 0.0, "boar": 0.0, "chicken": 9.0, "heavy_scientist": 0.0, "scarecrow": 1.0, "scientist": 0.0, "stag": 0.0, "wolf": 0.0 } }
  10. Version 1.2.6


    This plugin will give a player temporary visibility into various entities in the game. Currently, there are three types of entities: nodes, animals, and food. Stay updated and supported on our Rustonauts discord - https://discord.gg/JQwaqgca. Features - view all nodes on the map (sulfur is yellow, metal is red, stone is black). - view all animals on the map (bears - black; boars - red; wolves - yellow; stag - cyan) - view all food items in containers (eg. apple, chocolate) as well as growables (eg. corn) Permissions visibility.use -- Allows a player to use Visibility via chat command. visibility.nodes -- Allows a player to use Visibility via chat command for nodes. visibility.animals -- Allows a player to use Visibility via chat command for animals. visibility.food -- Allows a player to use Visibility via chat command for food. Commands (chat) /vi nodes /vi animals /vi food /vi clear Configuration { "Visibility time (seconds):": 8, "Visibility cooldown (seconds):": 60, "Allow Nodes Visibility:": true, "Allow Animals Visibility:": true, "Allow Food Visibility:": true, "Announce Player Connection": true } Localization { "InitNodes": "-- gathered nodes --", "InitAnimals": "-- spotted animals --", "InitFood": "-- visualized food --", "NoPerms": "You don't have permissions to use this command", "NoPermsNodes": "You don't have permissions to use this command for nodes", "NoPermsAnimals": "You don't have permissions to use this command for animals", "NoPermsFood": "You don't have permissions to use this command for food", "Cooldown": "Sorry, you are in a cooldown period and cannot use Visibility at this moment." }
  11. Version 3.0.0


    Increases the population of animals and monsters at night. https://youtu.be/lm8A-P0pMqQ Configuration File { "# Plugin Settings": { "- Do killed players at night scream (boolean)": true, "- Do a wolf howl on the server when the night starts (boolean)": true, "- Do inform players that the night starts with a text (boolean)": true, "# Equipments List": { "- Headwears (list string)": [ "bucket.helmet", "hat.wolf", "none" ], "- Torsos (list string)": [ "hoodie", "none" ], "- Hands (list string)": [ "burlap.gloves.new", "none" ], "- Legs (list string)": [ "burlap.trousers", "none" ], "- Feets (list string)": [ "burlap.shoes", "none" ] }, "# Day Population": { "- Bear per Km² (float)": 2.0, "- Boar per Km² (float)": 5.0, "- Stag per Km² (float)": 3.0, "- Wolf per Km² (float)": 2.0, "- Murderer per Km (float)²": 0.0, "- Scarecrow per Km (float)²": 0.0 }, "nightPopulation": { "- Bear per Km² (float)": 4.0, "- Boar per Km² (float)": 10.0, "- Stag per Km² (float)": 3.0, "- Wolf per Km² (float)": 4.0, "- Murderer per Km (float)²": 1.0, "- Scarecrow per Km (float)²": 0.5 } }, "# System Settings": { "## Performance Settings": {}, "## Database Settings": { "- Save interval in second (extra save, integer, 0 = disabled)": 0, "- Wipe database on wipe (boolean)": false, "### Backup Settings": { "- Maximum amount backups (chronogical remove, integer)": 3, "- Backup interval in minute (integer, 0 = disabled)": 1440 } } }, "# Profiles": { "default": { "- Profile Level": 0, "# Profile Settings": {} }, "premium": { "- Profile Level": 100, "# Profile Settings": {} } } } Optimized for Performance This plugin has been developed with a primary objective to be very performant, thus limiting plugin-related performance losses. Multilingual This plugin is designed to be usable in different languages. English and Français are available by default. Some Russkiy system messages will be also available by default. Administrators can add their own language. About Mælep My other plugins: Codefling's profile Looking for plugins: Fiverr's Gig Warranty and Updates The customers benefits from a 28-day warranty from the date of the last sell of the plugin. This warranty covers bugs related to the script and, as far as possible, bugs related to Rust and uMod updates. Terms of Service of Mælep The Mælep's plugins are in no way affiliated to Facepunch, uMod or Codefling. He should not be considered as a developer endorsed by Facepunch, uMod or Codefling. Any contribution or purchase made on this website is donated to Mælep. For more information, support or a purchase history, please use the support section available on the page of the plugin. Payment to Mælep is payment for the digital items contained in the purchase. This transaction is final and there is no refund. If you are banned for breaking the rules of Codefling, you will not be refunded. Requests for refunds due to delays, Rust and uMod update flaws or any other problems are submitted at the discretion of Mælep. Credits Icon of the plugin by Freepik on flaticon.


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