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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    sorry guys it's fixed in 2.4.6
  2. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @CovfefeI wouldn't know why the grid doesn't finish. But I just released 2.4.5 so try that. It does take a long time on some servers to finish btw, like 2-3 minutes
  3. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @chuck norriskk ill see what i can do
  4. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @chuck norrissorry can you clarify this? it is a bit confusing
  5. nivex

    Loot & Corpse Timers

    heya. if players can't find their corpse then it is outside of the dome within 10 meters of it. it also draws on their screen exactly where it is. it will never despawn a corpse. it will always turn it into a backpack Eject Corpses From Enemy Raids (Advanced Users Only) you can set this false if you don't want the feature but i definitely recommend that players just get used to this and actually pay attention to their screen =p
  6. nivex

    buyraid instant refunds

    @CovfefeI replied in the plugin thread also. you don't have a cost enabled. you can set the value to 5000 or the max size of your map
  7. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @tyneariahi, it is as mentioned not recommended to sell in the shop. the buyraid ui is very easy to click on just set Cursor Enabled to true in the config though you can do this using buyraid 0 $player.id for ServerRewards and buyraid 0 %STEAMID% for XDShop, which 0 represents a random easy raid. @Covfefeheya, you don't have it enabled to require the cost of custom currency "Buyable Event Costs": { "Require Custom Costs": false, "Require Economics Costs": false, "Require Server Rewards Costs": false },
  8. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled this should prevent them from canceling immediately... it requires all boxes to be looted first. is this not good enough?
  9. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @DelltusPrevent Players From Hogging Raids
  10. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @chuck norrisI can add this in a future update yes
  11. nivex

    auto turret

    heya, this section was not removed and is still in the profiles oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles where it's been "Auto Turrets": { "Aim Cone": 5.0, "Minimum Damage Modifier": 1.0, "Maximum Damage Modifier": 1.0, "Start Health": 1000.0, "Sight Range": 30.0, "Double Sight Range When Shot": false, "Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode)": true, "Requires Power Source": false, "Remove Equipped Weapon": false, "Random Weapons To Equip When Unequipped": [ "rifle.ak" ] },
  12. thanks for the continued support @Covfefebut I am not able to build any bases atm. I do have 35 more coming between tier 1 and 2 when they're made unique, soon, though!
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. hi, no, this is for admins to move quickly around the map and also requires Automatically Teleport Admins To Their Map Marker Positions be enabled which is by default. many other plugins do the same but this removes the need to use them
  15. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    it's not a bug as far as I know. it's an issue with the host not installing the required dependencies for Unity on Linux machines. libgdiplus is that requirement
  16. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Swedish Chefsorry you will just have to wait for the update my friend. I am trying, but this other performance issue is stumping me yet again. i will likely release the update then fix the performance issue immediately afterwards as this issue is very important too as for the locks not being applied this is because the bug causes the plugin to halt before this option is ever processed. fixing the bug also fixes this issue as expected @beetleheya thanks i appreciate the detailed information, however the issue regarding gdiplus is in the documentation its also a separate, but similar, issue as you stated. and is an issue only on Linux machines from what i've seen so far
  17. Kill Underwater Npcs will cause them to die when they walk into deeper water Allow Npcs To Play Catch by putting the items in their weapon list. this is limited to 2 npcs by default (Amount That Can Throw Weapons) "Weapon": [ "machete", "chainsaw", "explosive.timed" ] Allow Npcs To Play Catch When Equipped With Explosives will cause the explosive to detonate when it reaches the target Amount That Can Throw Weapons does NOT define the amount that WILL throw weapons. this is a maximum amount only the number chosen is random and is based on the amount of items in the list above. 2 items makes it a 50% chance, 3 items makes it a 33% chance, 4 items makes it a 25% chance, etc. there is 3 items in the list above so that will be a 33% chance. this number is also influenced by how many npcs you are spawning. so if you spawn more npcs then you will have better odds. either way it is not a problem as-is
  18. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Deadpool @Rubiks-Q-Bertthanks for reporting the issue but it has nothing to do with players going offline. the issue is an error being thrown when the base pastes. it prevents it from being removed properly. this is fixed in the next update @chuck norrisgood stuff just continue to make sure your maps support it. islands or large areas of flat land are perfect for it.
  19. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    it's supported, but it's not recommended that you increase the protection radius unless your map can support it. it will make it more difficult for the plugin to find a suitable spawn location for such a large radius
  20. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    i can't stomach creating anymore UI right now but may consider it later. @KingSizeKevinif someone wants to contribute it then ill definitely add it
  21. nivex

    Buyable Raids

    there is nothing to block players from buying their own raids except the cooldown and this is not applied to the whole clan all other raids are blocked by default (raidablebases.blockbypass permission bypasses these settings): config: "Block Clans From Owning More Than One Raid": true, "Block Friends From Owning More Than One Raid": true, "Block Teams From Owning More Than One Raid": true none of this will work if the below option is false "Prevent Players From Hogging Raids": true, this will prevent them from doing damage when they're blocked this can by bypassed using: Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVE Bases Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVP Bases and by default players can enter ally raids when they have a lockout: Allow Ally With Lockouts To Enter there are no global cooldown applied to the clan, but there are individual cooldowns for buyable events: Cooldowns (0 = No Cooldown) and the other is for lockouts by difficulty or global lockouts if enabled. a lockout does not prevent someone from owning (buying) a raid: "Player Lockouts (0 = ignore)": { "Apply All Lockouts Everytime": false, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Easy)": 0.0, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Medium)": 0.0, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Hard)": 0.0, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Expert)": 0.0, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Nightmare)": 0.0, "Block Clans From Owning More Than One Raid": true, "Block Friends From Owning More Than One Raid": true, "Block Teams From Owning More Than One Raid": true },
  22. nivex

    spawning on tracks

    heh yea It's fixed in the next update thanks bro
  23. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    thanks for the translation I will look into this @Deadpool @LizardMods
  24. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Deadpoolplease say again in your native language. the translation is a bit confusing @DeanoI am trying to fix the issue sorry for the trouble
  25. nivex

    Lockouts Resetting

    yea I keep looking and I just don't see anything wrong. I will probably just rewrite the whole damn thing =\


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