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Everything posted by ThePitereq

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. It's weird problem. Have you edited your direct-sell command? Maybe it directs to non-existing shop? It seems that it tries to format currency from shop that doesn't exist.
  3. Hey, please go to config and set Enable Debug to true, then send an error.
  4. Just look at bracklets. They should glow up on 90% of text editors, like Notepad++. If they do close in wrong place, you made something wrong. "Server Sell Items": { "wood": { "0": { "Display Name": "Wood", "Minimal Price": 0.2, "Maximal Price": 4.0, "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "", "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0, "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0, "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 50000 }, "1567546863": { "Display Name": "Magic Wood", "Minimal Price": 1.0, "Maximal Price": 19.0, "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "", "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0, "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0, "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 100 } }, "metal.refined": { "0": { "Display Name": "metal.refined", "Minimal Price": 0.1, "Maximal Price": 0.2, "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "", "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0, "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0, "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 150000 } }, "stones": { "0": { "Display Name": "Stones", "Minimal Price": 0.4, "Maximal Price": 5.0, "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "", "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0, "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0, "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 50000 } } }
  5. it's in wrong place. Keep the tabs and spaces clear and you will see the problem. You've placed metal.refined inside wood. I also recomend some json verify online tool. Creating both sell and buy requests doesn't mean that the buy request will do something to slel request. there needs to be a player that will directly buy/sell something from/to player.
  6. so it seems your market is disabled? Or maybe it's their codename? Maybe you've changed only shop display name? The codename is taken from the key of shop in your oxide/config/ShoppyStock.json
  7. oxide/data/ShoppyStock/StockMarket/Config/<shopName>.json Server Sell Items
  8. you can store only items, that are allowed to be sold in server's sell market
  9. Do you have "shop" redeem inventory in your RedeemStorage API config? It seems that it's missing. I'll add an message about missing storage in next RedeemStorageAPI update.
  10. Yes, in the Command tab you can input multiple commands Here's example: "unbreakabletools-0": { "Command (if set, ignore item)": [ "oxide.grant user {userId} neverwear.tools", "servermessage 2 '{userName}'" ], "Shortname": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 1, "Item Name": "", "Display Name": "Unbreakable Tools [Permanent]", "Is Blueprint": false, "Icon URL (if skin not 0)": "", "Price": 100000, "Required Permission": "", "Daily Buy Max": 1, "Wipe Buy Max": 1 },
  11. Okay, but it will be not added now, because it required a lot of testing. Changing whole plugin to different variable can cause 1000 more problems than there currently is. If it's a problem now all i can do what's fast is an small command addon, that will multiply everyone's balance by value in command argument, so it can stay on integers.
  12. I can add option to remove formatting but there will be no warranty of correct balance display if it's too big. Idk where can i add that description. It needs to be responsive because not every item will have description.
  13. I think it would be possible to support values after coma, but then then the balance would look a lot bigger. I can add option that will not sell things if the sum value is below 1. I think i can add option that will overwrite category index in stock market, but it will just place them at the first place, so if you want to sort everything you will need to input all categories there.
  14. 1. Oh, I forgot about that one. Will be fixed in 1.0.1. 2. Where would you want this format? 3. Names are set through configuration files. For now it's imposible to set their names. This change would require updates in everyones configs so i'll keep it to future updates.
  15. Hello everyone! I am very sorry, but I didn't manage to test the 1.0.1 today as I promised. The update will be available tomorrow. This update is a hotfix with all your reported problems and questions about the plugin. It will contain additions like: - "All Items" tab on market - Removes requirement of adding each skinned item manually to stock market - Option to change how X Button on Child-GUI works - Take x% of each player's balance at the map wipe - Purchase cooldowns - UI color change support - Set upper price limit - NoEscape support - Option to fill up your shops automatically with all vanilla items and a lot of fixes. All things above are already done. Just didn't manage to test them in time. A few things that you've requested are bigger things that need more time to make, so they will be added sooner. Sorry again!
  16. Oh, sorry to mention about raid block. Will be also added in the incoming update.
  17. Will try to find and fix this problem. The plugin support names with spaces. All "codenames" gets their language display versions generated in language file, so they can be suited up for each language individually. You can edit categories by blacklisting items therre, or adding new ones in custom item list. You can create custom categories in main config in Stock Market - Custom Category Keys tab
  18. When you have enabled bank, and when price of the item will get to this price point, all items of this type from bank will get sold for that price.
  19. Upper limit can be added in next update. But there is a tax for each transations so it should make it not worth of it.
  20. Yeah, i've got question like that before. I can add option that if skin is missing from list it will add it to default unskinned listings with correct icon and name.,
  21. Oh, sorry @TomHud i see another mistake. You need to edit in config of Redeem storage api the key of storage from "shop" to "market" or in ShoppyStock from "market" to "shop".
  22. Yeah, you can configure it but you don't need to, it should work as it is. Just run /redeem market and your stone should be there.
  23. it's where redeemed items go. I made it so that noone can store items there and take them out anywhere.


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