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Everything posted by Skillzz

  1. Skillzz

    Tiers Mode

    Does this still work with all the latest additions to Rust, such as the Engineering table and so forth?
  2. Skillzz

    Timed VIP Status

    Ye it works, I've uploaded it currently to my own webserver though. But your link works as well. Could you though make the plugin without the need for the Timed Permissions plugin? Cause I don't really have a need for that plugin, feels excessive to have that plugin just to display the VIP status.
  3. Skillzz

    Timed VIP Status

    This link does no longer work? https://repo.rustpub.de/releases/premium-qualitat.png Could you give me the image? so I can upload it to my own webserver.
  4. Skillzz

    Raid Protection

    Thank you for taking the time to respond!
  5. Skillzz

    Raid Protection

    Does this plugin play nice while Raidable Bases are active?
  6. Skillzz


    Every single map that Gruber makes is of exceptional quality. Also at every map players think this map is the greatest and will never be topped in quality. Then Battlefront came out, this map simply blew away every single map he’s ever made before. This map is an emotional rollercoaster. The amount of WOW, HOLY SH*T and THIS IS AWESOME! messages I’ve seen from my players is in amount so much higher than any other Gruber map I’ve ever ran on the server. This map is Star Wars themed, and you can clearly tell that by almost every custom monument that was placed on the Map, Some of my personal favorites are among the Imperial Destroyer, Space Fighter Base, and Battle of Noth. Just exceptional quality custom monuments with care placed in perfect locations. The only thing that my players are missing, but I’m not going to lower the stars because of that is the Gambling area from Bandit Camp. But that in itself is not important for me, to downgrade this review, especially because the review is supposed to be about the custom aspect of the map itself. That my friends is rather higher standards with this map. By far this is THE best Gruber map out there in this moment and time. However, seeing what quality this man publishes, I’m sure another map will be better again soon!
  7. aaaah, gotcha, thanks for the headsup.
  8. So i've gotten this plugin, i've made the config like this { "How many recyclers would you like players with permissions to start with?": 3, "Only allow the player who deployed the recycler to access it?": true, "Allow team mates to access each others recyclers?": true, "Allow for recycler credits to carry over across a map wipe?": false, "Recycler pickup options": { "Allow players to pickup their recyclers?": true, "Allow players to pickup their recyclers by hitting it with a hammer?": true, "Allow players to pickup their recyclers by targeting it with a hammer and pressing fire_3?": true }, "Damage caused to the item when picked up?": 20.0, "Item starting health": 100.0, "Play an effect when a recycler redemption is added to a player via console?": true } However players don't get more then 1 recycler to redeem, am i doing something wrong?
  9. Easiest purchase to date on this platform Keep up the good work @DeathCodefling is a great platform! well done.
  10. You are doing a fine job man. Don't let those that complain about the name change affect you. Keep up the good work.
  11. Skillzz


    Just a quick FYI, not sure if a bug or just a bug on my server. It says blood was given when harvesting animals, but the blood bag does not actually appear in the inventory. everything else seems to work fine. Also: I purchased this one Lone, so i might not show up as a customer on here for this item.
  12. Skillzz

    Z-Admin Chat

    Thanks for looking into it, if you can find a solution for that, then you've got yourself a new customer
  13. Skillzz

    Z-Admin Chat

    Does this work well with Rustcord? I've tried other AdminChat plugins before, and the AdminChat would always show up in the linked channel on Discord that shows in-game chat through Rustcord. Does this plugin not show in a linked in-game chat channel on Discord (using Rustcord) ?
  14. Thank you for the swift response.
  15. Upon installing the server votes system, it actually breaks the credits system. Reproducing steps. With ServerVote installed: 1. Go to your profile. 2. Click purchases. 3. Try to add credits to yourself, and you'll see that it will give an error. Without ServerVote installed: 1. Go to your profile. 2. Click purchases. 3. Try to add credits to yourself, and you'll see that it will work. Not sure why servervote interferes with the credits system, but i have disabled this until it's resolved.
  16. it would be cool if there was a command players could use, to know which bradley is currently roaming the launchsite, for instance i have a PVE server players love this plugin, however most of the time they come unprepared to launch because they are not aware of which bradley has spawned. Would be nice for players to have a command they can use, for the plugin to let them know which bradley has spawned. (vanilla, easy, medium, hard, nightmare) Thank in advance! Unless such feature is already in there, and i'm just too blind to have seen it. Moves from Support to here on request by Krungh Crow.
  17. Skillzz

    Suggestion: Bradley View

    Ok i can move it to there if you want?
  18. Skillzz

    Suggestion: Bradley View

    Its not a bug report by all means, but it would be cool if there was a command players could use, to know which bradley is currently roaming the launchsite, for instance i have a PVE server players love this plugin, however most of the time they come unprepared to launch because they are not aware of which bradley has spawned. Would be nice for players to have a command they can use, for the plugin to let them know which bradley has spawned. (vanilla, easy, medium, hard, nightmare) Thank in advance! Unless such feature is already in there, and i'm just too blind to have seen it.
  19. Skillzz

    Suggestion: Protect sleepers

    Would be cool you could add Sleeper protection as well. Unless the player is teamed with said sleeper. If you add that, would be awesome for some PVE servers that do not use plugin like NextGenPVE or TruePVE. Hope to hear back from you soon.
  20. Skillzz

    Metabolism bug

    Any updates @Mevent?
  21. Skillzz

    Metabolism bug

    Hello, Mevent. First of all thank you for your quick responses and fixes. I got reports from my players that the metabolism skill is not functioning correctly. I'm talking about the skill that should reduce your Hunger and Thirst. Players are reporting that the hunger and thirst are not going down at all. even when they only have 1 skill point redeemed. I believe that would be a bug. Cause 3 skill points should equal to 50% reducing of Hunger & Thirst. But it's not going down at all. people basically have permanent maximum Hunger and Thirst. no matter how many skill points they add. I believe that is the only remaining bug in the plugin. The rest seems to all be working correctly now. Thanks!
  22. Skillzz

    Crafting Issues

    Hello, Mevent. Ok first of all the issue is partly resolved. It actually does craft the items. if you craft an item per 1, it will still display 0 seconds up until it actually is done crafting. If you craft multiple items, only the first item will remain on 0 seconds up until it is crafted, then the following items will count down as normal. Also if you craft 4 C4 for example as you can see in video, but you craft em per 1 in a row, you will gain all 4 crafted at the same time instead of just one. I feel like that's unintended too. I'll try to give you an example with this video:
  23. Skillzz


    Basically what happens is, when the plugin is enabled, (btw i purchased it on Lone, not here) and you reload the server. Whether players have the skills maxed out (the crafting speed one) or not, whenever they try to craft something, it remains stuck on 0 seconds and it won't finish the crafting. They are also not able to cancel the crafting process. For example C4 Crafting, without the crafting speed skill, it takes 30 seconds to craft a C4 at a Lvl 3 workbench. with crafting speed skill maxed out, it should be 50% faster, so 15 seconds. in both situations the crafting process starts at 0 seconds and it remains on 0 seconds in a constant loop without actually crafting the items. (this counts for every item in the game, no matter what you try), it even doesn't allow you to cancel the crafting. Reconnecting to the server doesn't fix it. it cancels the crafting. But you'll get stuck on 0 seconds crafting again when you try to re-craft something. I personally had to disable the plugin to make it work again for all my players. So it is definitely plugin related. I hope to have you informed.
  24. Disable the Quicksmelt plugin, and it will work.


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