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Everything posted by Fast_CD

  1. Fast_CD

    Harbor Event

    The error appears when the event starts. Spams the console without stopping until the event ends.
  2. Fast_CD

    Harbor Event

    After Halloween update, spaming in console: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.HarborEvent+ControllerHarborEvent.UpdateMarkerForPlayers () [0x0001d] in <b223e2226b694981a9a7fabbe9420326>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.HarborEvent+ControllerHarborEvent.ChangeToFinishTime () [0x00169] in <b223e2226b694981a9a7fabbe9420326>:0 at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x00109] in <1998bd32c4d0466da680156345913e39>:0 at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <1998bd32c4d0466da680156345913e39>:0
  3. Fast_CD

    Lang API

    @Khan Hello! Please tell me: there is no translation for vehicles in your plugin! When I try to add them, they disappear. That is, manually adding to the file does not work. Can it be done? Example: I want the horse to be translated to GUISHOP , but I have it everywhere as TestRidableHorse ((((
  4. Fast_CD

    Raidable Bases

    Hooray. Problem solved! Thank you very much!
  5. Fast_CD

    Raidable Bases

    @nivex Hello! In my settings, only the automatic appearance of the event is enabled. Parameter 1 is set for each type of base. It turns out that all types of bases are always spawned on the map by one unit. At the purchase event, I have a value of 5. That is, in total, 5 bases can be bought additionally. BUT! There was a problem after the last update: it is not possible to buy a raid base! for each type of base it gives an error that ONE available event has already been spawned.
  6. Fast_CD

    Raidable Bases

    Errors have arrived... version 2.4.4. rolled back to version 2.43 - normal flight NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BasePlayer.SendConsoleCommand (System.String command, System.Object[] obj) [0x00000] in <5e447a4bb1cb4b62bf6830ead66f8053>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableBases+RaidableBase.UpdateTime (BasePlayer player, System.Boolean state) [0x00034] in <2454b2d2522a4c9b8e9cfd7e0f7b3fa1>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableBases+RaidableBase.OnPlayerExit (BasePlayer target, System.Boolean skipDelay) [0x00025] in <2454b2d2522a4c9b8e9cfd7e0f7b3fa1>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableBases+RaidableBase.<CheckIntrudersExiting>m__4 (Oxide.Plugins.RaidableBases+Raider ri) [0x0004e] in <2454b2d2522a4c9b8e9cfd7e0f7b3fa1>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00024] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableBases+RaidableBase.CheckIntrudersExiting () [0x00021] in <2454b2d2522a4c9b8e9cfd7e0f7b3fa1>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableBases+RaidableBase.CheckEntitiesInSphere () [0x0003a] in <2454b2d2522a4c9b8e9cfd7e0f7b3fa1>:0 at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x000be] in <da65bb8f18014b5cab4c7d176d8e2794>:0 at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <da65bb8f18014b5cab4c7d176d8e2794>:0 (Filename: <5e447a4bb1cb4b62bf6830ead66f8053> Line: 0)
  7. Fast_CD

    Convoy Reforged

    map: ProceduralMap 4300 config: full DEFAULT! Convoy standing still and not moving
  8. Fast_CD


    Magic Steen I did this setting two weeks ago and there were bots. Apparently after some kind of update, everything flew off.
  9. Fast_CD


    It was true! And everything worked
  10. Fast_CD


    I don’t understand anything, but why did it become false ??? after all before that everything worked?
  11. Fast_CD


    wrong filedefault-CustomProfiles.json
  12. Fast_CD


    There are no errors in the console!
  13. Fast_CD


    I don’t understand anything! Bots from the default-CustomProfiles file simply cannot be spawned ... Deleted the file! Created new points and new bots, but they are not! Bots from the default-DefaultProfiles file spawn normally. What is the problem:? default-CustomProfiles.json
  14. Fast_CD


    I don’t understand anything! Bots from the default-CustomProfiles file simply cannot be spawned ... Deleted the file! Created new points and new bots, but they are not!
  15. Fast_CD


    @Steenamaroo After the wipe, bots do not appear on custom points! Why?? Didn't change the map! I'm a little upset
  16. Fast_CD

    Raidable Bases

    The botrespawn plugin has a roam range parameter. As long as I remember. it sets the radius in which the bot can move. Can add a similar parameter?
  17. Dear, are you delusional? What is the paid plugin? I just took a free plugin from umod, redesigned it a bit, because I wanted a helicopter to work for me. Now I have two plugins working. Which one is paid? The one here? or the one on umod? Didn't you confuse anything? And all that needs to be redone there is just a little bit for everything to work. Just rewrite a couple of lines.
  18. @Rust Admin It's much easier to remake a plugin with the same name from umod. You can contact me on discord, I will provide you with a reworked version of it. https://discord.gg/qg477WZNwk
  19. Fast_CD

    Raidable Bases

    @nivex There was a problem with the NPC. NPCs go beyond the domes of the bases and run far away. How can this be fixed / limited? So that they do not run out of the radius of the raid base. For me they really ran away from the base by two squares.
  20. Fast_CD


    My server got erased after restarting at 17:00 UTC. I kept thinking why, now it's clear why and it's sad. Custom map. All player buildings are gone. NPCs disappeared in the city. All shops are gone. I had plugin version 1.0.1 Installed 1.0.2 Reinstalled all server libraries. I rebooted the sevrer several times, it seems the flight is normal. Let's hope that the plugin won't erase it again.
  21. Fast_CD

    Raidable Bases

    click enter
  22. Fast_CD


    Just look at how many people have broken bots and they cannot buy this plugin for themselves because of its high cost. And I agree with whoever said that raid bases should then cost $ 100! But I disagree with those who say that you used it for free and now have to pay. Take a look at the raidbase plugin. It was also free. The developer did the right thing - he gave a choice: buy the full functionality or use the limited version for free. There was a too sharp transition from the free version to the paid version, and even during the wipe.
  23. Fast_CD


    Hmm. Well, okay, for those who are completely dull: for $ 40, 10 people will buy the plugin, and 40 will use it or will they buy all those 40 for $ 20? Where is the profit more?
  24. Fast_CD


    It is a pity that you caught the wrong essence from my post.
  25. Fast_CD


    The price is actually very overpriced! Not everyone can afford to buy it. I'm sure many will just fold and buy it for two or three. If the price was 15-20 $, the profit from it would be much higher! Sorry, but in some places on $ 40 a whole family lives on them for a week!


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