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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Custom Spawns help

    Hi, Glad to hear you found the issue, and even more glad it wasn't BotSpawn. Thanks for sharing your findings, for anyone else in the same boat.
  2. Steenamaroo

    Exclude tags

    Hi, Do you mean when a player with titles types a message? If so, I can make that optional.
  3. Hi, There's not really a lot to it. Just install the plugin in your plugins folder, look at rcon or server window to confirm it loaded, then type /perms in chat. You must be admin (auth2), or have the permission, to use the chat commands.
  4. Steenamaroo

    Custom Spawns help

    BotSpawn does work on CustomMaps but there are assets, seen and unseen, which can prevent npcs from spawning, or moving. The reason I'd test on a proc-gen before anything else is because that proves the issue to your files and settings, or your map. If it proves to your map then there may be something the creator can do. If you have the same issue on proc-gen then that's either a plugin conflict (run BotSpawn + Kits solo to prove), or something I have to look into.
  5. Steenamaroo

    Custom Spawns help

    Looks like you're running a custom map. I'd test your current kits + other settings on a proc gen and see how that goes.
  6. Steenamaroo

    Custom Spawns help

    Have you given them any unusual items in their kit belt? I just tested at a lighthouse where I'd expect problems but the npc ran around without issue.
  7. Steenamaroo

    Bypass Inherited

    Sure. You can put as many, or as few, players in a group as you want. By default all players are in the 'default' group.
  8. Steenamaroo

    Bypass Inherited

    Hi, This is explained in the FAQ but put simply players can have permissions against their name, and also against the groups they are in. If your player is in a group with X permission, then it doesn't matter if you give it to the player, or revoke it from the player. They still have it due to being in the group. The solution is to take the permission away from the group, or take the player out of it.
  9. Steenamaroo

    Not spawn on cave

    Not from our end, no. That would be a consideration for map-makers.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Not spawn on cave

    In that case, go back to reply 1 I'm afraid.
  11. Steenamaroo

    Not spawn on cave

    Oh, sorry - I thought you were using custom spawn points already, for some reason. You'd need to set UseCustomSpawns: true then use the chat commands (from description) to add some custom spawn points in the cave. Try with stationary false, first. If there's navmesh in that case if should work fine.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Not spawn on cave

    Hi, You can only place BotSpawn npcs in areas with navmesh, unless you set Stationary: true but, if you do that, they won't be able to move.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Custom Spawns help

    What's the surrounding area like? It may be that they have nowhere to go. If there are lots of obstacles and tight corners that's probably the case.
  14. Steenamaroo

    Duplicate GUI

    This is fixed in 2.0.5. Thank you.
  15. Steenamaroo

    Duplicate GUI

    Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  16. That's the same error - Thanks for confirming. Keep an eye out for the next update which addresses this issue.
  17. Hi, Check your server console or rcon whilst trying to open top1. If you see an error similar to this Failed to call hook 'LBUI' on plugin 'PlayerRanks v2.1.4' (InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements) then I've fixed this issue and the next update will address it. If you're seeing any other error, please let me know. Thanks for the report.
  18. This wasn't clear in the description - I've added more info now.
  19. No problem. Enjoy.
  20. Hi, They only spawn when the hack is initiated. Did you test that?
  21. Steenamaroo


    Hi Pookins. Thanks for the info. That's probably going to be a hard one to track down. I don't suppose you know what action triggered it? Any specific combination of attacker/victim?
  22. Hi, Thanks for the info. I'll fix it up next time I'm working on the plugin.
  23. Steenamaroo


    Hi, I don't think they use the 'naked torch' but they use the hand-held flashlight.


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