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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Duplicate GUI

    Hi, I did it ages ago but never released the update because it wasn't a big priority. You can test to confirm the fix worked, if you want? If it works ok I'll make it public. PermissionsManager.cs
  2. Steenamaroo

    Removing permission

    It sounds like you do. I just created a group, joined it, gave it some perms, and rebooted my server. Everything was as I left it when I joined again. I can't think of a reason permissions wouldn't 'stick' so I'd be looking for a plugin which is clearing them, or deleting/creating the group.
  3. Steenamaroo

    Removing permission

    You don't need to add anything to server.cfg. As I say, if I had a group that was being emptied over and over again, I'd be looking for a plugin which creates/destroys that group.
  4. Steenamaroo

    Removing permission

    "is there a wake to make it store data e.g oxide.grant group vip nteleportation.use" Permissions manager is a UI front end for the existing commands. It gives you buttons to click to save you the trouble of typing out that command. ^ If permissions are being undone/removed/wiped, something else will be causing it.
  5. Steenamaroo

    Removing permission

    Sure, but you said the permissions for that group are being removed, which is also what would happen if the group was removed and re-added. It was just a thought.
  6. Steenamaroo

    Removing permission

    It's not going to be PermissionsManager. It doesn't do any adding or removing automatically, and it doesn't store any data of its own. It's just a UI front end for the existing oxide permissions system. If I had to guess, maybe some other plugin is creating, and removing, this particular group?
  7. Steenamaroo

    Removing permission

    Hi, I don't imagine it is.
  8. Ok, thanks. Try this, if you don't mind. BotSpawn.cs
  9. I'd really need to know if you're using custom spawn points or not. If you are please use `/botspawn edit <profilename>` to confirm if they are in the correct place. If you're not, please let me know.
  10. I'll have to get on a test server and check, then, but I have added and tested multiple new profiles over the last few days. I'd recommend using `/botspawn edit <profilename>` for the problem-profile then `/botspawn removespawn` untill there are no custom spawn points left, then use `/botspawn addspawn`, watching chat output for any navmesh warnings. If you get a warning about an added spot, use `/botspawn removespawn` then try again in a different spot. You should be able to see exactly where the spots are and, hopefully, watch the npcs spawn when you oxide.reload BotSpawn.
  11. Yes, you can go to the desired location and use the /botspawn add <profilename> chat command to add a new profile. If you then set Parent_Monument for that new profile, in the customprofiles data file, to the name of a default profile "Launch Site 0", for example, and reload BotSpawn, that new custom profile will automatically relocate after map changes, so that the profile always appears in the correct place relative to the specified monument. The Parent_Monument name must be exactly as it appears in the defaultprofiles json. The same is true if you choose to use custom spawn points with your new custum profile(s), but Parent_Monument must be set, and the plugin reloaded, before adding custom spawn points. "also, does the plugin affect how turrets interact with animals?" No, I don't believe so.
  12. Steenamaroo


    I'll take a look at that. Thank you.
  13. Then I guess they're just too far from navmesh? It should warn you if that is the case, when adding custom spawn points. "No navmesh was found at this location. Consider removing this point or using Stationary : true."
  14. "Any chance you have UseCustomSpawns true and some spawn points that are in the air or underground or something?" Rule that out first. Personally I'd just use custom spawn points for the lighthouses and harbors. If you already are then do /botspawn edit "ProfileName" to see where the current spawn points are. As far as I know any respawn/timer/population control issues are resolved in V2.1.6 but I don't think there was ever any issue regarding finding spawn points.
  15. Hi, Are you both coming from a few versions ago? V2.1.1 or something? There's a note in the main description explaining, but the way custom spawn points are stored has recently changed, in order to facilitate auto-migrating them if Parent_Monument is in use. That means people can use custom spawn points + Parent_Monument and only ever have to set up their spawns once, but it does mean that existing custom spawn points would need to be re-done now.
  16. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Yes, once you've set up some profile they will automatically spawn thereafter, as long as they're enabled. Yes, that's normal - The UI has to constantly reload to be up to date so you may see the occasional flicker or whatever.
  17. Thanks man! Same to yourself. No, there's nothing different about, or specific to, any single profile. Any chance you have UseCustomSpawns true and some spawn points that are in the air or underground or something? With radius as high as 200 it should definitely be finding something, somewhere, unless that's the case ^.
  18. Steenamaroo

    Too many names!!

    Hi, I don't know about the DeathNotes end but BotSpawn assign a random name to each npc it spawns, unless you manually specify names. If you were to give your profiles manual names like BotNames: ["Airfield Guard"], for example, that would cut down the numbers a lot. Check BotSpawn overview for proper formatting, as this field accepts lists of names.
  19. Hi, Can you ensure you're on the most up to date public version, please? That's V2.1.5.
  20. Ah, yeah. Don't remove MigrationData. I think the title of it literally says "DoNotEdit", no? Setting Parent_Monument to "" should have no adverse effects, though, other than existing custom spawn points being automatically removed.
  21. You definitely updated the BotSpawn.cs file? I've updated public now so you may as well get it from there, but I did find an instant-respawn issue with default profiles, and fixed/tested it.
  22. ugh, really? Ok, I'll have a look this evening. I made some changes to how custom spawn points are handled and it's had a few knock-on effects. Thanks for letting me know. Depending on the terrain around the lighthouse it may be very difficult to get random spawn points. In some cases custom spawn points may be necessary but they auto-migrate at wipe now (if you set Parent_Monument correctly before adding points) so at least it only needs done once.
  23. Steenamaroo


    Should be all good now @MastrJedii
  24. Waiting for feedback on something else before releasing a public update (...again<sign>). Here's the respawn fix until then, for anyone who wants. BotSpawn.cs
  25. @Sasquire- I'm not finding this one. Do you know the steps to reproduce it? Thanks.


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