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Everything posted by Khan
I've fixed the msg so that it now supports hours, minutes & seconds, I'll have an update out later tonight.
You cannot raid block your self. So if you built the base it's not going todo anything. Also, the way that feature works is like this. Example: If my wood door is 200 HP and my config setter is 10 that's 10% of 200 which would be 20hp but you'd have to pass that thresh hold so 21hp dmg should trigger a raid. Now lets say you did 90% that means the door needs to be 90% damaged. So 180+hp lost of 200 to trigger a raid.
I can look into adding those additional features / functions in the next update, but there is no guarantee that it would work currently with that War Mode plugin or PVE plugins. ( Will most likely need to add specific plugin support )
I don't think I coded it to support combat block times being grater then minutes soo, I'll probably need to update it to support hours, not sure will double check that either tomorrow or this weekend /
If you are on carbon I am fairly certain that is because carbon has / uses there own implementation for timers that they tried adding compatibility for to oxide plugins, so most likely a carbon bug. I will double check this on my oxide test server tomorrow/this weekend tho /
I don't currently support the war mode plugin. ( It has no API hooks )
Okie, look before IFTE bought it out from the original dev 'Yun', i had already messaged the OG dev 'Yun' of furnace plugin.. ( Months ago ) ( like 5 months ago ? ) I also have had multiple chats with the new Furnace Dev, in discord right when he took it over months ago & they still to this day have not updated it, despite me talking with them & giving them the code repeatedly. It is out of my hands. Furnace upgrades needs updated not mine. New Dev. Old dev
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
It's not a stack problem, it's a plugin compatibility problem so, regrettably no.
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
The problem is with jetevent's loot handling / creation. It's not a stack modifier issue, if it was all items wouldn't stack. Yet they do without any problems even with other plugins. I've already told other users about this before. It's not a stack modifier issue.
Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
Well imthenewguy harmony patches over all the default oxide stack hooks so it wouldn't be a stack issue with mine, at least I doubt it, either way there isn't a way for me to check or debug it.
I've reached out to Nivex & we have worked out a Raidable Bases update with hook changes so that I can update mine & they will work happy together again. Please wait for the next raidable bases update & death modifier update.
Also this is not a bug, but simply a plugin compatibility problem.