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Everything posted by Khan

  1. Version 1.1.2


    Automatically adds monument cctv cameras to all placed computer stations. ISSUES: Requires default group to have autocctvstations.use If you are just installing you must enable the ones you want to have auto added. Then all players must pick-up & place back down their Computer Stations for them to apply. All newly placed Computer Stations will auto add them, this issue only affects previously placed ones. Permissions autocctvstations.admin - Is required to use the UI Editor. autocctvstations.use - Is now required for players to use this plugins features. Commands /cctvedit - Opens the UI Editor. Configuration { "Sets the CCTV Editor command": "cctvedit", "Text": { "CCTV Auto Station UI Editor": "CCTV Auto Station Editor ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜", "UI - Back Button Text": "◀", "UI - Forward Button Text": "▶", "UI - Close Label": "✖" }, "Colors": { "UI - Button Toggle Color": "#9ab36d", "TextColor": { "Hex": "01579b", "A": 1.0 }, "ButtonBackGroundColor": { "Hex": "0E0E10", "A": 0.9 }, "ButtonGreenText": { "Hex": "9ab36d", "A": 0.431 }, "ButtonGrey": { "Hex": "bfbfbf", "A": 0.3 }, "ButtonGreyText": { "Hex": "bfbfbf", "A": 1.0 } }, "Cameras": { "OILRIG2L6D": false, "OILRIG2L6C": false, "OILRIG2L6B": false, "OILRIG2L6A": false, "OILRIG2EXHAUST": false, "OILRIG2HELI": false, "OILRIG2L5": false, "OILRIG2L4": false, "OILRIG2L3B": false, "OILRIG2L3A": false, "OILRIG2L1": false, "OILRIG2L2": false, "OILRIG2DOCK": false, "OILRIG1L4": false, "OILRIG1L3": false, "OILRIG1L2": false, "OILRIG1L1": false, "OILRIG1DOCK": false, "OILRIG1HELI": false, "LAB1178": false, "LAB1180": false, "LOCKERROOM1183": false, "LOCKERROOM1184": false, "CREWQUARTERS1207": false, "CAPTAINQUARTER1208": false, "AUXPOWER1233": false, "INFIRMARY1247": false, "LOCKERROOM1255": false, "LOCKERROOM1256": false, "CLASSIFIED1280": false, "CLASSIFIED1281": false, "HALLWAY1292": false, "LAB1302": false, "LAB1304": false, "INFIRMARY1318": false, "OPERATIONS1332": false, "SPECTRE1345": false, "SPECTRE1346": false, "HALLWAY1352": false, "AUXPOWER1371": false, "LOCKERROOM1376": false, "LOCKERROOM1377": false, "LOCKERROOM1383": false, "LOCKERROOM1384": false, "CANTINA1416": false, "LAB1439": false, "LAB1441": false, "CANTINA1469": false, "LOCKERROOM1477": false, "LOCKERROOM1478": false, "INFIRMARY1491": false, "CREWQUARTERS1516": false, "CAPTAINQUARTER1517": false, "CLASSIFIED1546": false, "CLASSIFIED1547": false, "LOCKERROOM1552": false, "LOCKERROOM1553": false, "BRIG1564": false, "HALLWAY1573": false, "OUTDOOR2124": false, "OUTDOOR2137": false, "DOMETOP": false, "DOME1": false, "AIRFIELDHELIPAD": false, "COMPOUNDSTREET": false, "COMPOUNDCRUDE": false, "COMPOUNDMUSIC": false, "COMPOUNDCHILL": false, "TOWNWEAPONS": false, "CASINO": false, "COMPOUND72628": false, "COMPOUND72629": false, "COMPOUND72645": false, "COMPOUND72694": false } }
  2. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  3. Try this update, lemme know how it goes, Although if you could send me the data file it'd help see what's actually causing it. Discord id is Khan#8615 TeamFix.cs
  4. Khan

    Team Fix

    Version 1.0.6


    Fixes Facepunch Team Logic when incorrect shutdown/crashes occurs resulting in all teams lost and restores them on boot. Includes config option for changing default team sizes ( off by default & preset as default value ) Warning This plugin does not support Clans Reborn or any other plugin that modifies or forces players into teams. Also, this plugin will NOT FIX, any server that already had a fucked up/broken teams prior to installing this plugin. Team Fix will only restore/fix teams in the event a server crash causes it. If its caused by a 3rd party plugin this cannot fix that. Setting the team size limit to 0 will disable teams on your server and force unload the plugin. ( Rust Default is 8 ) { "Option": { "MemberLimit": 8 } } Works with https://umod.org/plugins/automatic-authorization
  5. Khan

    Spinning Xmas Tree

    They will disappear on the first server restart after you have setup both plugins the first time but it will keep the lights and stuff visible for the duration of the server being online and future restarts after. So anyone that does re-connect after the first reboot simply just has to re-add the stuff for it to come back and that is just a face-punch limitation issue there is nothing the developer can do about that. But you and all you're players will be golden after that! Its a limitation of items that aren't originally intended to be moved in rust and this is the only work around to resolve it. Please add xmas_tree.deployed to the config file of white thunders parent entity fix save it and your good to go.
    Works good, players love it
  6. Khan

    Lang API

    Version 1.0.5


    Automatically translates rust item display names & descriptions to use in you're plugins. Most Recent Update for Repo is 12-16-2021 at 1pm ( Pacific Standard Time ) Features No config needed! Automatic language generations! Supports All 30 Rust Native Translations! Works With latest GUIShop beta branch, StackModifier, and EasyResearch! GitHub repository is updated when Facepunch updates which in return means as soon as your server is rebooted or you reload this plugin it will take affect! API Hooks // OnLangAPIFinished is called when LangAPI is finished processing private bool _isLangAPIReady; private void OnLangAPIFinished() { _isLangAPIReady = true; } // Added IsReady bool which will return true/false when your plugin is loaded to know if it's ready // Example usage below. private void OnServerInitialized() { if (LangAPI != null && LangAPI.IsLoaded) _isLangAPIReady = LangAPI.Call<bool>("IsReady"); } //How to properly check valid displaynames when using custom item displaynames in plugins. //Example first hook call usage method expects item.DisplayName.english ( returns true or false ) //Example second hook call usage method expects item.shortname, item.DisplayName.english, player.UserIDString string GetItemDisplayName(string shorname, string displayName, string userID) { if (LangAPI != null && LangAPI.Call<bool>("IsDefaultDisplayName", displayName)) { return LangAPI.Call<string>("GetItemDisplayName", shorname, displayName, userID) ?? displayName; } return displayName; } //Example expects the item.shortname, item.displayName.english, player.UserIDString //Return type is string LangAPI.Call<string>("GetItemDisplayName", "rifle.ak", "Assault Rilfe", player.UserIDString) //Example expects the item.shortname, item.displayDescription.english, player.UserIDString //Return type is string LangAPI.Call<string>("GetItemDescription", "rifle.ak", "High damage machine rilfe", player.UserIDString) //Added a new API bool check to detect valid item displaynames. //Retrun type is bool LangAPI.Call<bool>("IsDefaultDisplayName", "Assault Rifle") // IsReady bool will return true/false when your plugin is loaded to know if it's ready LangAPI.Call<bool>("IsReady")
  7. Khan

    HDRP update?

    Any update on this? Since the paid map is locked repairs/additions cannot be made even though I paid for the map... Can you provide me with the password to unlock it in the map editor? Especially if you have no plans to fix it.
  8. Khan

    HDRP update?

    Any news on when the hdrp update will be ready?
  9. Khan


    Any news on the HDRP update?
  10. Khan

    command errors

    Error's on server restart.
  11. Khan

    command errors

  12. Khan

    Banana Dream?

    There is no readme file inside the .rar just a .map file
  13. Khan


    Did you only update the 1 road spot? cuss all roads need to be snapped to the ground terrain properly still for all other hills an stuff? (Haven't tested new map update yet though) but all was affected
  14. Khan


    + Map spawn points are broke they all spawn at 1 spot at the top snow area no matter what i do.
  15. Khan


    Every single road is affected like slightly off the ground if you no-clip inside them for example you can see the gaps. Because of this all npcs that go on roads look like weird. xD
  16. Khan


    Hello, Umm none of the roads are correctly snapped to the terrain stuff and its leaving a gap of space causing NPC's to vanish under them in like there feet's and in some spots there hole bodies..
  17. Khan


    Any chance of making the eyes buildable land? I have players say it shows on the map as buildable but they get there and its not. maybe make a small land surrounded by the water kind of like a moat?
  18. Khan


    Yeah, no worries I just thought you had caught it with this update but I forgot about the discord link being broke as well cuss I had to google how to add to server.
  19. Khan


    "Thanks for purchasing Skullisland by Deeplyfri3d" Readme needs correcting is all.
  20. Khan


    I freaking love the race track! Wish it was double the size! Wish the map size was the new default at 4500 or bigger! Could use some beach areas only complaint I had from players. 10/10 Would have bought even for just the prefabs I personally have had no issues running this map even with all the extra extensions/mods/plugins.
  21. Update; After reverting back to 2.0.7 I was able to repair the other plugins that broke. ImageLibrary, UberTool, HeliRefuel, MapMyHeli, SkipNightUi, RustRewards, etc I was able to restore; SqliteException: Could not open database file: server/my_server_identity/sv.files.192.db (issues after BotSpawn broke it.) Plugins: Failed to load 'System.Data' because one or more of its dependencies could not be loaded. (Filename: Line: 292) (Fixed this issue) https://imgur.com/ZjNP8Ny
  22. If your having any issues with players being kicked for attacking/killing NPC's or players. Or HeliRefuel | CHAOS_CODE Plugin not working after 2.0.8 update... And a few other plugins break as well. from updating to 2.0.8 (Delete that broken ass version plugin cs file.) throw in version 2.0.7 like i did and go to Web RCON and type restart. Wait the 300 seconds and let it properly restart don't use your hosting companies restart button that just breaks crap for me. https://imgur.com/zKX6jmD
  23. I'm having a lot of issues with bot spawn since we updated to 2.0.7 and even worse ones after 2.0.8. HeliRefuel event plugin started working again when i put version 2.0.7 in. But if I update to 2.0.8 All my players are unable to attack any NPC or each other without getting kicked from the server with errors like this. And this player got kicked for hitting anyone with an AXE, or throwing it too. I have a lot of errors like this from Bot spawn. We are using paid map; The_Earth_Apocalypse_rev701.map disconnecting: Exception (cs:50653): FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. System.Number.StringToNumber (System.String str, System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, System.Number+NumberBuffer& number, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info, System.Boolean parseDecimal) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) System.Number.ParseUInt32 (System.String value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo numfmt) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) CommunityEntity.CreateComponents (UnityEngine.GameObject go, JSON.Object obj) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) CommunityEntity.AddUI (BaseEntity+RPCMessage msg) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) CommunityEntity.OnRpcMessage (BasePlayer player, System.UInt32 rpc, Network.Message msg) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BaseEntity.CL_RPCMessage (System.UInt32 nameID, System.UInt64 sourceConnection, Network.Message message) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.OnRPCMessage (Network.Message packet) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.OnNetworkMessage (Network.Message packet) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client.HandleMessage () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client.Cycle () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.Update () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) CommunityEntity:OnRpcMessage(BasePlayer, UInt32, Message) BaseEntity:CL_RPCMessage(UInt32, UInt64, Message) Client:OnRPCMessage(Message) Client:OnNetworkMessage(Message) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client:HandleMessage() Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client:Cycle() Client:Update()


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