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Everything posted by Khan
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
Ya, the site owner re-wrote the site & changed everything you all will now be required to use his API system. Which means signing in to his website with your steam account & creating an API key to use inside my plugin's config file in my next update.. + It could take up to 30min now for the discord embed notification to send with his website re-write.. ( if the map hasn't already been generated on his website ) Mr.blue & hobble run the website btw, i have zero control/say over what they do on it, i just created the plugin to support it..
Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
Sadly if you cannot produce a console error, i cannot help with the situation. & I cannot locate this plugin you speak of on codefling or umod.
You will have to provide the error it outputs in console.
- #khan
- #discordwipeembed
- (and 8 more)
? listen, I've built & maintained a lot of my work for free for many years.. with 2 frameworks in the work now & special modifications having to be made to work with 1 or the other it's become too much of a hassle to continue to maintain my work for free, it was maintained & released as free for so long.. The umod version will be stripped & maintained still but future versions will not include a UI Editor only the config & chat commands. Just like Nivex & many other devs have done with their free plugins over the years. Example: Raidable bases, Bot Respawn etc As for compatibility with Russain made plugins, I have already patched all of the known conflicts, if you require special patches dm me on discord @Khan#8615 or make a support ticket. I am tired of constantly patching other "paid" devs work for free cuss they dunno how to fix "their work" or they simply don't care as stated on umod's forum thread posts many times..
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- #stacks
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Version 1.0.5
Allows complete individual settings of Beds | Towels | Bags & Campers using Permissions or Global setters with radius & limits! Improves server/client performance by auto-managing players bag limits & radius! You can assign a bed to a friend on your friends list in game & when they join it will give them the invite to join your team to get the bed/bag/towel/etc! Notes: Better Vanish ( the paid version ) has known bugs with chat commands not working while in vanish. To resolve the problem leave vanish mode. Player Chat Commands /bag <Shows just the limits & how many of what you have placed.> /bag bags | towels | beds | campers <Selects & shows how many of the specific bag you have placed down.> /bag towels clear | rename | limits /bag towels clear <Clears all of the selected bag type from the player that ran the command> /bag towels rename dingus <Renames all of the selected bag type to the new name> Configuration { "# of players that can place a spawn point in a zone radius": 16, "Player Respawn Zone Radius Check": 35, "Sets Global Defaults": { "True Only Owner can set name | False Allows team members": false, "Sets Total Max Limit within a radius": 12, "Sets Limit radius": 35, "Sleeping Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Bag", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 300.0, "UnlockTime": 30.0 }, "Towel Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Towel", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 300.0, "UnlockTime": 30.0 }, "Beds": { "DefaultTextName": "Bed", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 120.0, "UnlockTime": 30.0 }, "Camper Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Camper Seat", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 120.0, "UnlockTime": 30.0 } }, "Player Permissions": { "vip1": { "True Only Owner can set name | False Allows team members": false, "Sets Total Max Limit within a radius": 12, "Sets Limit radius": 35, "Sleeping Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Bag", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 150.0, "UnlockTime": 20.0 }, "Towel Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Towel", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 150.0, "UnlockTime": 20.0 }, "Beds": { "DefaultTextName": "Bed", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 60.0, "UnlockTime": 20.0 }, "Camper Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Camper Seat", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 150.0, "UnlockTime": 20.0 } }, "vip2": { "True Only Owner can set name | False Allows team members": false, "Sets Total Max Limit within a radius": 12, "Sets Limit radius": 35, "Sleeping Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Bag", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 75.0, "UnlockTime": 15.0 }, "Towel Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Towel", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 75.0, "UnlockTime": 15.0 }, "Beds": { "DefaultTextName": "Bed", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 30.0, "UnlockTime": 15.0 }, "Camper Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Camper Seat", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 75.0, "UnlockTime": 15.0 } } } }$15.00 -
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.7.2
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
- #khan
- #discordwipeembed
- (and 8 more)
OIii, your asking me if its a conflict?? HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW!? unless i fork out 40 bucks for a plugin to tell you!? When you should be doing the leg work your self to notify me! smh..
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Sounds like an Lskins bug, I am not going to pay 40 dollars for a plugin i have no use for/wont use. lol Tell that dev to sort it out, mine is free.
Yes, in the search the bar under the All category type: reset (hit enter key) multiply 10 (hit enter key) Then go to the weapons category inside the search bar again type: multiply 1 (hit enter) then go to the Attire category inside the search bar again type: multiply 1 (hit enter) That's about as close as your gonna get for auto-setting the rest you'll have to manually manage inside the built in UI Editor
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
- #console
- #spam cleaner
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- #stacks
- #rust stacks
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- 1
- #stacks
- #rust stacks
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Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.0
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
Changed Status from Pending to Closed