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Everything posted by Khan

  1. Khan

    main class stackmodifier

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. Khan

    main class stackmodifier

    that is you're 3rd download of the plugin and your windows is re-naming the file when you download another copy of stackmodifier. So you need to delete your old copies & redownload latest update. Currently it says the file name is stackmodifeir (3).cs which is wrong.
  3. Khan

    Error compiling

    Okie, so i guess I could separate the currencies for the research table & tech-tree so you could set them to be different but it would require a feature update and the config may or may not update properly which means you may have to redo it. Knowing this, would you still want the feature update?
  4. Khan


    Not sure what you are referring to as this plugin was built from the ground up. So it does not suffer from any issues or bugs that the free umod version has. But in general the issue you are describing has never been a problem with my plugin here on codefling.
  5. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    @Kobani I was developing a feature addition for different stack sizes in storage containers specifically but haven't had a chance to finish the design / implementation ( lack of testers mainly ). But currently the plugin only handles setting server stack sizes it doesn't handle separate stack sizes in different storage containers. At the moment you would need another plugin to handle that.
  6. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    @Ping Chun Chang A support ticket with the console error would be great if you have it?
  7. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    @Kobani Okie so stack-modifier just sets the server stacks and does handle certain use cases. However again what you are describing is 3rd party plugins not respecting the server set stack sizes. Whenever a player receives an item from any plugin that plugin should be handing it to the player from the server set stack sizes which is where the main issue is coming from that you are describing. I've had to patch and update a lot of plugins to fix/respect server set stack-sizes in order for issues to not come up like this. ( kits, guishop, etc ) The game natively gives you items / stacks of items no larger then the server set stack size limits, such as vending machines etc. So the fact is its still other developers making plugins that don't follow that logic and they don't check the stack sizes properly prior to handing the items to the player. In summary any plugin you see that is giving players items in stacks higher then they are set on the server are bugged. And those developers need to go into their code and update the logic accordingly so that they are not bypassing the server set stack size limits.
  8. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    @Kobani Plugins that give anything to players should be respecting the stack sizes set on the server so that would be a 3rd party plugin bug. I ran and maintained GUIShop on umod for 4 or 5 years roughly and I had implemented special code that respects server stack sizes whenever any items where given to the player. So that would be something to ask nivex for to add support that respects server set stack sizes when giving the players items. I took screen shots of the code I made in guishop that handles stack size checks accordingly and gives the player the items in stack sizes that respect the server set amounts.
  9. Khan

    Stack Sizes Double on Plugin Reload

    Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Closed
  10. Khan

    55.6 rifle ammo

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. Khan

    55.6 rifle ammo

    A bug with reloading the plugin for rare use cases has been fixed pls update.
  12. Khan

    Stack Sizes Double on Plugin Reload

    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  13. Khan

    Stack Sizes Double on Plugin Reload

    Fixed in latest update.
  14. Khan

    UI bugy

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.7
  15. Khan

    UI bugy

    The video playback does not happen for me, i sit here for 5min and only get the first 15 sec of the playback starting / stopping / buffering. A google drive or dropbox link / download would be best since i cannot watch the videos. ( both are free ) Also, I am not experiencing any such issues with the UI system since update 1.0.6, I suggest a server reboot after updating to 1.0.7 & to not test it using admin tools. Since admin tools such as Vanish for example will directly break the test results since i do not support vanish at this time or other unkown / reported admin tools/plugins. I have fixed the death timer counting the wrong way tho in my latest update.
  16. Khan

    UI is bugy

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.6
  17. Khan

    UI is bugy

    The video playback was not working for me, however I did also notice this issue but only when you instantly attempt to trigger a raid/combat block This bug was due to the hook being subscribed too early prior to the ui being cached, my latest update resolves this issue.
  18. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.5
  19. Latest update should resolve all requests / issues.
  20. Khan

    New issues

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  21. Okie, so you would like an option to set a timer for the new "Until Death" toggle? So that the player either has to wait out the timer or die specifically to reset the block status, correct? I should be able to update that feature request for you if that is the case.
  22. " Is it possible to add also: "Raid Block player until times run out." So there is no other way to get out of the block. " The zone automatically handles it if their still in the raid blocked area they will always remain raid blocked regardless if they die / respawn / wakeup inside specifically that zone. If you use the new Until Death option then only the attacker becomes raid blocked & it's until he dies. Their is no ui / timer since its for life. + Their is no zones/spheres/distance checks for that mode because it's pointless to have when its for life & theirs no timer.
  23. Khan

    New issues

    The UI goes away because on reload the plugin resets everything to clean it's self same on unload. All plugins must do this otherwise how can you ever remove the plugin.. ( without a reboot lol ) The death feature means all other functions are disabled is how I had programmed it in. ( No Zones, No Spheres, No Distance checks ) if you raid someone to trigger a raid block you become raid blocked until death. If you try to use a blocked command it will say until death. By default if you die in a raid zone/sphere it would always reset your raid block regardless. ( this is due to various reasons but mainly 3rd party plugin compatibility issues ) I checked the output from a F1 grenade and the thing is facepunch outputs the damage as: Bullets & Blunt which is why it does not count. Only Explosion & fire damage to wood counts for raid blocks. This is to reduce troll problems. I could add config support to add additional weapons that can trigger a raid block if you'd like.
  24. Khan

    Latest issues

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3
  25. Khan

    Latest issues

    Hello, ya most of that was bugs & the update kept being delayed cuss facepunch / oxide has been updating every day since thursday so far so sorry about that. I've updated and added a fair bit of config options / fixes so please give it another go. Side notes: 1. respawn is the same as clearing it on death ( just added the death & the update i just did adds an option for perma raid block until death ) 2. not really sure why wakeup would be needed since players could put them self to sleep & then abuse it..


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