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Pumpkin Head 1.2.0

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Posted (edited)

[10/29/2021 12:54:21 AM] Failed to call hook 'OnEntitySpawned' on plugin 'PumpkinHead v1.0.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.PumpkinHead.OnEntitySpawned (NPCPlayerCorpse corpse) [0x0001f] in <27e9808747444b2d92aa42afe0c06157>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.PumpkinHead.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00246] in <27e9808747444b2d92aa42afe0c06157>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <9882f28dc2204b4dba514a9ad18f5042>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <9882f28dc2204b4dba514a9ad18f5042>:0 

Got that error when someone harvested pumpkins - using the default config nothing was changed

Edited by FastBurst


Looks like it is triggering any time a NPC Player Corpse is spawned.



@Krungh CrowWant to know before buy is there any chance by modifying the kit data in the json file to stack the impossible. Ex. Pumpkin and mummy suit or pumpkin and scarecrow suit+ wrap or whatever. I do not want to buy as I remember there was plugin to remove restriction for clothings but need to only stack the pumpkin head clothes so?

The Friendly Chap


Idea for a seperate plugin: allow clothing items to stack (or prevent clothing from checking if it can be equipped. 

PLAYER would need perms, but as a kit it may useful for making better dressed. Sharp Dressed Man. 

Krungh Crow


2 hours ago, FastBurst said:

Looks like it is triggering any time a NPC Player Corpse is spawned.

i have a couple thousand npc running haven't got this error(yet)

Krungh Crow


Some outfits dont stack with a head wearable item



37 minutes ago, Krungh Crow said:

i have a couple thousand npc running haven't got this error(yet)

I was getting them on all my servers, I was able to stop it but by wrapping it in a try catch and that put an end to it.

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32 minutes ago, Krungh Crow said:

Some outfits dont stack with a head wearable item

There is a mod out there that overrides the wearable items function - That is what he was referring to, seen it on a few servers. Have no idea where they got it though but it does exist. So there is a way to do. I just never attempted it or had a need for it personally but would be nice to use on some zombies to create some crazy looking ones.

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I do try with kits but when add in datafile items and redeem the kit later I get the not werable pieces in my inventory instead in the clothes slots. I hope npc do not do same sh*t and wear everything stacked. I can find the mod I am referring to,  I think also it was from here just its OP and broken for players to use it also I do not see point to pay money if wanna stack 1 pumpkin and 1 scarecrow suit only and never use it again... Sadly will have to remove pumpkin or idk I will see what can be done...

Btw plugin looks great!

Krungh Crow


Cheers ye without some magic those dont stack at least not on players same with the frankenstein gears.

Fits npc but not on players 


Posted (edited)

@Krungh Crowfound some issues...
1. I thought this spawns behind you to scare you but actually spawns in front of you on the same place where you pickup the pumpkin, so if you for example do hard auto-walk around the river and spam E (USE) on pumpkins and you hit E on the NPC the time it spawns you can see inventory of the NPC then it will wound this way. Then follows you wounded. I guess do not have to mention you can steal all premade kit. (not sure if this happen as I said if you press E on the bot or its caused from something else, just see the videos below)
2. How to disable NPC's default corpse loot? Also name of the npc corpse is my in-game name but apart from this small issue, drops regular murderer loot I guess in the main corpse. Then backpack with the custom loot is droped separately... Can somehow custom loot hop into the npc's inventory instead of secondary backpack or just toggle On/Off to disable looting of the main corpse?

3. Not an issue with the plugin but tried to stack clothes with kits and fails like fails on me (scarecrow suit+ pumpkin+ other boots...) 😄


Edit: If you wonder why my NPC do not have weapon, I wonder the same... probably have to include it in the kit and will do it later.

Edited by Flammable
Krungh Crow


  1. Ah yes brief wounded state makes npc get lootable (good find  i need to block it or temp remove the wounded state ).
  2. Ah the nice backpack drops are kind of my signature but it can be added to corpse instead if needed by config  options in the future.
  3. and yes like in any other plugin where u assign kits to npc u need to include a weapon in the kit.



Posted (edited)

ok thanks for the reply, leave your signature in 2 but allow to also toggle this and use default body instead in the  future would be great.

about 3 (weapons) if I wanna have npc's with pitchfork and with sickle and same clothes still have to add 2 kits? as I know they can't cycle weapons from 1 kit right?

Edited by Flammable
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Uh also can you add (if not a problem) simple weight or % system into the custom loot in the future?
I want to add items that should be more rare than others. Right now everything spawns on the same chance.

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

in current version yes u need to cycle between kits having diffrent weapons or assign multiple weapon in the belt bar in 1 kit(this should change weapons during the lifetimg as in weapon changing of the npc).

Not adding weight or rates to loot to keep these plugins as light as possible for now but i will update that eventualy

Edited by Krungh Crow
Krungh Crow


Patched wounded state and added small spawn radius on version v1.0.3



ok great, thanks also if add beancan to the hotbar they do not throw it like other scarecrows do in vanilla, ideas?

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

that is beceause they are not scarecrows 

Edited by Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

ok  got it.


that is beceause they are not scarecrows - Krungh Crow

@Krungh CrowYou said they are not scarecrows... I hear the sounds of killing murderer when kill a PumpkinHead bot, so? If plugin use murderers as base for the NPC and I do not use murderers anywhere on my server, I can just edit their loot table from AlphaLoot then disable backpacks drop with the custom loot in the plugin and put the custom loot inside the main body? Is this gonna work and fix the backpack dropped and the weight system this way for now?

Edited by Flammable
Krungh Crow


if they are the only murderer npc then yes.
scientists and murderers are all commonly used with most plugins.
Not a fix or issue either way for a lightweight plugin as this.

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Posted (edited)

Got small suggestion. Can you add option to set in config short prefab/asset sound when NPC spawn?

Edited by Flammable
Krungh Crow


nice one 🙂 i am allready testing some sound changes when it is killed


Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, Krungh Crow said:

nice one 🙂 i am allready testing some sound changes when it is killed

Great but for now I love the default murderer sound when npc die, so if you have toggle switch for your changes would be good and yeah I can't wait to see the update :)

Edited by Flammable
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Krungh Crow


thx for the reminder ^^

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