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@MNfreakTimYup you can add as many as you like. Can even do custom items if you wanted!

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32 minutes ago, MNfreakTim said:

Howdy KpucTaJ (or anyone really),

This may be a stupid question (well it kind of is). But Is it possible to add more items to the boss monsters loot in the following section by simply adding items? I dont want to crash the plugin or my server if I adjust it improperly.

      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 100,
            "Maximum": 200,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 50.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""




Hi, yes, this is a list of items, you can add configuration blocks here as much as you need



[FR] Bonjour, comment pouvons-nous changer les loot des boss, car ce dernier et très faible ?
[EN] Hello, how can we change the loot of the bosses, because the latter is very weak ?

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is it possible that you will add an aiming level in the future? Nivex has it built into its raidable bases so it should be a code that also fits your pimped NPCs. they somehow lack a little bit of aim. give Raptor an M39 sit down c.a. 100-250m away to a tower e.g. Airfield and shoot at him. or should I ask Carl Zeiss about making a glasses plugin ^^

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hello how do you put custom loot on the bosses 

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spencer cleary


installed both npc spawn and the boss monsters, but cant get them to spawn in on map... am i missing something?


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More info please, where should they spawn? Standard monuments ? Custom monuments ? Random On the map ? did you write o.reload BossMonster into the console after you packed everything into the folder?


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spencer cleary


justy was going to have them spawn randomly throughout the map, and yes did an oxide reload 

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"Type of appearance on the map (0 - random; 1 - own list; 2 - standard monuments)": 0,

Have you set this line to 0 for all bosses in the config?




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Posted (edited)

41 minutes ago, spencer cleary said:

Justy wollte sie zufällig auf der Karte spawnen lassen, und ja, es wurde ein Oxid-Reload durchgeführt 


Return message ? Fead back ? 

Edited by Herrcooles
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On 3/30/2022 at 4:49 PM, Nems27 said:

[FR] Bonjour, comment pouvons-nous changer les loot des boss, car ce dernier et très faible ?
[EN] Hello, how can we change the loot of the bosses, because the latter is very weak ?

[EN] In what way would you like to change the loot table. Would you prefer to create your own or use the same loot that a certain container uses? Those are examples as there are even more options in the plugin configuration.

[FR] De quelle manière voudriez-vous changer la table de butin. Préférez-vous créer le vôtre ou utiliser le même butin qu'un certain conteneur utilise ? Ce sont des exemples car il y a encore plus d'options dans la configuration du plugin.



On 5/4/2022 at 3:29 PM, leejames1990 said:

hello how do you put custom loot on the bosses 

In what way would you like to change the loot table. Would you prefer to create your own or use the same loot that a certain container uses? Those are examples as there are even more options in the plugin configuration.



On 4/11/2022 at 12:06 AM, Herrcooles said:

is it possible that you will add an aiming level in the future?

This has been a part of the plugin since it was created.

Lower the aiming cone to increase their accuracy.



On 5/13/2022 at 5:39 PM, spencer cleary said:

installed both npc spawn and the boss monsters, but cant get them to spawn in on map... am i missing something?

What happens in console when you load or reload the plugin?



On 7/9/2022 at 3:14 AM, Jbird said:

[EN] In what way would you like to change the loot table. Would you prefer to create your own or use the same loot that a certain container uses? Those are examples as there are even more options in the plugin configuration.

[FR] De quelle manière voudriez-vous changer la table de butin. Préférez-vous créer le vôtre ou utiliser le même butin qu'un certain conteneur utilise ? Ce sont des exemples car il y a encore plus d'options dans la configuration du plugin.

[FR] Bonjour, j’aimerais ajouter des loots sur les boss comme BetterLoot, CustomLoot ou autre car la honnêtement je ne sais pas dutout comment changer leur loot, ou du moins augmenté les loot ( ajouté l’obtention d’arme, ressources etc.. )

[EN] Hello, I would like to add loot to bosses like BetterLoot, CustomLoot or other because honestly I don't know how to change their loot at all, or at least increase the loot (added obtaining weapons, resources ... )

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8 hours ago, Nems27 said:

[FR] Bonjour, j’aimerais ajouter des loots sur les boss comme BetterLoot, CustomLoot ou autre car la honnêtement je ne sais pas dutout comment changer leur loot, ou du moins augmenté les loot ( ajouté l’obtention d’arme, ressources etc.. )

[EN] Hello, I would like to add loot to bosses like BetterLoot, CustomLoot or other because honestly I don't know how to change their loot at all, or at least increase the loot (added obtaining weapons, resources ... )

[EN] My favorite way to customize their loot is to use your own loot table and create it. You can add each item you would like them to have a chance to get, give the probability, but most importantly you can add exactly the things that you want.

Alternatively you can use the path to the prefab of the loot table that you would like to use. If you get stuck the Mad Mappers Discord is a great resource and you can open a ticket there for more help or advice.

[FR] Ma façon préférée de personnaliser leur butin est d'utiliser votre propre table de butin et de la créer. Vous pouvez ajouter chaque élément que vous aimeriez qu'ils aient une chance d'obtenir, donner la probabilité, mais surtout, vous pouvez ajouter exactement les choses que vous voulez.

Vous pouvez également utiliser le chemin vers le préfabriqué de la table de butin que vous souhaitez utiliser. Si vous êtes bloqué, Mad Mappers Discord est une excellente ressource et vous pouvez y ouvrir un ticket pour obtenir de l'aide ou des conseils.



is it possible for me to keep the config but disable the boss? i just want 1 boss at any given time

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8 hours ago, saintmichel13 said:

is it possible for me to keep the config but disable the boss? i just want 1 boss at any given time

Currently there is not such an option built into the plugin. Though this might align with another suggestion so I will add this to the idea and update the Developer.

What I would suggest though is to make a backup copy of the config, and then remove all but the one you would like to have active.

Were you hoping to cycle through different bosses or were you just wanting one active boss?

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53 minutes ago, Jbird said:

Currently there is not such an option built into the plugin. Though this might align with another suggestion so I will add this to the idea and update the Developer.

What I would suggest though is to make a backup copy of the config, and then remove all but the one you would like to have active.

Were you hoping to cycle through different bosses or were you just wanting one active boss?

I like this idea too! For us it would be interesting to have only a few of our bosses active at one time. It would allow us to cycle through many different combinations of bosses throughout the day. Very cool!

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right now i just removed everything so i can experiment with one boss. the players have a lot of suggestions but for now i'm trying to make an end game boss where its roaming a around the whole map. kinda like your diablo in a diablo game. 

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8 minutes ago, Neighigh said:

I like this idea too! For us it would be interesting to have only a few of our bosses active at one time. It would allow us to cycle through many different combinations of bosses throughout the day. Very cool!

Absolutely, there are a few ideas even including being able to spawn a boss by command and potentially this being the only way to spawn them, or triggers to spawn them to make your own mini event. Then the question just becomes how difficult will it be to code these into the existing plugin and how much time would it take. All ideas are welcome though and KpucTaJl is one of the best developers at finding a balance between accepting and incorporating ideas, as well as explaining when they can't be done or just having to say no at times. Some developers take too many ideas on and it ends up turning the plugin into a mess that needs constantly updated. Still I think some of these ideas sound like they would be able to be added and are not overly complicated, so when he is home and when he has the time I would expect some of these ideas to be a possibility in a future update.

5 minutes ago, saintmichel13 said:

right now i just removed everything so i can experiment with one boss. the players have a lot of suggestions but for now i'm trying to make an end game boss where its roaming a around the whole map. kinda like your diablo in a diablo game. 

I like the sound of that! I've certainly had several efforts to make mine difficult. I caught players trying to find easy ways to defeat them early on. One great thing to do with them for something like this is to place them in a small arena, or inside a building, so that accessing them forces players into true battle instead of giving them options to avoid battle and do distance from afar.

Have fun with it!

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i want it to be like a big boss event. we can do things like have attacks , spells, different weapons, different attack modes,  minions and sub bosses. and the players can have the option to fight it only when they are ready (so the marker on the map is a good add--- maybe a warning if its getting too close), maybe also an option to not make it go to near bases so players can only approach it when they want to but also roam everywhere. making it also compatible with other plugins like kits will help us re-use existing configs that we have.

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an example is player ranks.. it has a feature to add player tags.. so if a player "kills" it, we can have a ttag for topBossKiller 

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3 hours ago, Jbird said:

Absolutely, there are a few ideas even including being able to spawn a boss by command and potentially this being the only way to spawn them, or triggers to spawn them to make your own mini event. Then the question just becomes how difficult will it be to code these into the existing plugin and how much time would it take. All ideas are welcome though and KpucTaJl is one of the best developers at finding a balance between accepting and incorporating ideas, as well as explaining when they can't be done or just having to say no at times. Some developers take too many ideas on and it ends up turning the plugin into a mess that needs constantly updated. Still I think some of these ideas sound like they would be able to be added and are not overly complicated, so when he is home and when he has the time I would expect some of these ideas to be a possibility in a future update.

I like the sound of that! I've certainly had several efforts to make mine difficult. I caught players trying to find easy ways to defeat them early on. One great thing to do with them for something like this is to place them in a small arena, or inside a building, so that accessing them forces players into true battle instead of giving them options to avoid battle and do distance from afar.

Have fun with it!

can you share some tips on how you did this? i just use procedural maps btw. i also use roaming with a very high number but the boss isnt really moving around. i could imagine them eventually building bases just to fight him kinda like how they do with convoy. 

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6 hours ago, saintmichel13 said:

i want it to be like a big boss event. we can do things like have attacks , spells, different weapons, different attack modes,  minions and sub bosses. and the players can have the option to fight it only when they are ready (so the marker on the map is a good add--- maybe a warning if its getting too close), maybe also an option to not make it go to near bases so players can only approach it when they want to but also roam everywhere. making it also compatible with other plugins like kits will help us re-use existing configs that we have.

The great thing about all of these ideas is most all of them are already incorporated! Kits is already compatible by the way that sounded like a suggestion but it is already a part of the plugin.

      "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "",


4 hours ago, saintmichel13 said:

an example is player ranks.. it has a feature to add player tags.. so if a player "kills" it, we can have a ttag for topBossKiller 

 Not sure on this one. The NPCs have to be created from existing NPCs, and most if not all of NpcSpawn NPCs have the same base. So it would be difficult to track this if I am not mistaken. It would require both dev's to possibly make it work but because they are using a common NPC just being modified from it's default look and settings.

3 hours ago, saintmichel13 said:

can you share some tips on how you did this? i just use procedural maps btw. i also use roaming with a very high number but the boss isnt really moving around. i could imagine them eventually building bases just to fight him kinda like how they do with convoy. 

My recommendations are to use buidings, even puzzle buildings can work well for this. Some prefabs sold on sites like this are excellent for placing bosses inside. Anything that forces players to go inside to get to the boss, works very well. Leaving them to roam is fun, I have a few that roam, but the majority of mine are all inside so that players have to seek them out intentionally, and so that they do not have much of a chance to make the fight easy. Players would build bases like you described if I had them spawning at certain places in the open. So having them spawn randomly is best if they will be outdoors.

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