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  1. More information about "Oasis Custom Map"


    Oasis Custom Map

    Oasis is a new concept of custom map for rust.
    Everything is surrounded by desert and in the middle is a huge green oasis. In the Oasis, you can find many custom places to build. Two cities are made in such a way as to allow you to build inside some houses. You can completely build up the first floor, and the second floor has several varieties of interior for your comfort.
    You may notice flying islands with the possibility to build. Can also build in custom small canyon caves screenshots of some of them you can see.
    In the middle of the oasis is a large oilrig, which is completely restyled.
    Also some custom monuments inside and outside the oasis. 
    We are happy to finally show this map, we hope you enjoy exploring it.

    Map size: 4096
    Custom Monuments:
    - Forest Wooden Towers
    - Hobbit houses
    - Tram City A
    - Tram City B
    - Desert Town
    - Tiny Desert Town with restyled fp supermarket A
    - Restyled FP Supermarket B
    - Restyled FP Gas Station
    - Restyled FP Bandit Town
    - Restyled FP OilRig
    - Tram Depo A
    - Tram Depo B
    - Warehouse C
    - Intricate Сustom Сave (from the same rocks as the map)
    - Simple quarry with hidden building place
    - Waterfall A
    - Waterfall B and cave with a lake (players can build)
    - Railway RadTown (not for workcarts)

    Facepunch Monuments:
    - Airfield
    - Bandit Town
    - Cave Large Hard
    - Cave Large Sewers Hard
    - Cave Medium Hard
    - Cave Medium Medium
    - Cave Small Easy
    - Cave Small Hard
    - Cave Small Medium
    - Compound
    - Desert Military Bases
    - Excavator
    - Fishing Village A/B/C
    - Gas Station
    - Harbor
    - HQM Quarry
    - Launch Site
    - Lighthouse
    - Military Tunnel
    - Oilrig 1
    - Oilrig 2
    - Powerplant
    - Sewer Branch
    - Satellite Dish
    - Sphere Tank
    - Stables A/B
    - Sulfur Quarry
    - Supermarket
    - Swamp
    - Trainyard
    - Warehouse
    - Junkyard
    - Water Well A/B/C/E
    If you have any questions about the map, need help or find a bug, please let us know!
    Our discord https://discord.com/invite/GGgx822
  2. More information about "Hardy Planters"


    Hardy Planters

    Hardy Planters creates customizable planter boxes that do not require water, sunlight, fertilizer or temperature to grow.
    The plugin allows server owners to create their own profiles for planter boxes, allowing for the modification of overall quality and growth gene multiplier, directly affecting how quickly all plants will grow.
    This allows for some unnaturally fast plant growth, if set above the default value.
    The plugin works by preventing the default logic on the planter boxes, and instead adds it's own behavior to control it.
    It is compatible with servers that adjust the "planttick" and "planttickscale" convars as well.
    The following video show cases and explains how the plugin's functionality.

    Command (chat): giveplanters
    Parameters: Nil
    Description: Gives the user one of each planterbox from the config
    Command (console): givehardyplanter
    Parameters: <target player ID or name> <profile skin ID or display name>
    Description: Gives the target player a planterbox that matches the specified profile. Useful in shops etc.

    hardyplanters.admin - Required to use the commands. hardyplanters.use - Required to find the planter boxes in loot containers.  
  3. More information about "Pyramid"



    first off i should warn you this monument will straight up murder your players and basically every trap their lifeless useless body will not be retrievable. there are many many rooms and about 23~ of the rooms all have different puzzles that have a medium/high chance to kill your players
    this a pyramid with a ton of puzzles in most of the rooms and all of the puzzles can/probably will kill your players... A LOT. but they seem to enjoy it... masochists'... there are 4 separate main paths  that all lead to the same room you can see this in the video. the video only does 1 path and is the easiest path also shows no secrets. each of the 4 paths have secrets and branches in them. each path has their own normal loot at the end but is not the main loot of the pyramid. there are many secret rooms but only 1 real loot room that are quite difficult for players to find... 
    i also made it very easy to change the exterior of the pyramid to your pleasing. info in zip file
    8045 prefab
    780 io
    186 loot container - they only have access to roughly 10-25% of the loot depending on which path they take then they will need to exit the pyramid and try again from the start
    there is a guide in the zip file with more details on how to place prefab
  4. More information about "Submerged Railway Pack"


    Submerged Railway Pack

    It is a large kit of underwater railway modular parts designed for you to easily add submerged railways to any map by simply snapping each part into place.
    Parts are available in twin railway lines.     
    It took me so long to complete and I am pleased that it has finally been released.
    known issues: Sometimes a fish swims into the tunnel and you turn right to go left on the split track
    I will be adding more parts and snap-on decor packs to this in the coming weeks.
    Tunnels ~ UnderWater Moonpool 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Diver Access 3x 18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x72 (Twin).prefab Underwater Bend 45 (Twin).prefab Underwater Smooth Incline Bottom (Twin).prefab Underwater Smooth Incline Top (Twin).prefab UnderWater Entrance 3x54 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x47 Siding (Twin).prefab UnderWater Split 3x72 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x47 Build Area (Twin).prefab UnderWater End 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Tunnel Ventilation 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Switch 3x54 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Blast Door Auto 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x216 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x144 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Entrance To Land (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x72 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x18 (Twin).prefab Snap-ons ~ Diver Access Gear Locker.prefab Tunnel NPC Guards.prefab Blastdoor Checkpoint Guards.prefab Build Zone Locomotive Spawn.prefab Build Zone Workcart Spawn.prefab Lights 2 3x18.prefab Build Zone S.prefab Build Zone L.prefab Build Zone M.prefab Repair Team End 3x36.prefab Hydraulic Seal Open.prefab Workcart Spawns End 3x36.prefab Sunken Tug End 3x36.prefab Sunken Tug+Loot End 3x36.prefab Leaks+Sparks End 3x36.prefab Hydraulic Seal Closed.prefab Backup Air Supply.prefab Overgrown Ocean Plants.prefab Moonpool Duo Sub Guard+loot 3x36.prefab Moonpool Duo Sub 3x36.prefab Moonpool Solo Sub Guard+loot 3x36.prefab Moonpool Solo Sub 3x36.prefab  

  5. More information about "Ganja"



    This plugin allows players to gather weed from hemp plants and craft joints using a mixing table. There are different types of weed where each type can be found in a different biome. Joints can be crafted at a mixing table and will give the player configurable buffs and healing with each tier having different effects.
    Fully customizable Different types of weed Configurable effects for each type Custom crafting UI integrates in the mixing table UI Configurable recipes for mixing table Yield amount and chance configurable for each type Ideal for Roleplay Servers  
    New in v2.0.10: Give command
    Server owners can use this command to give weed or joints to themselves or a certain player. The identifier has to be specified in the config file for every type of weed or joint.
    ganja.give <weed|joint> <identifier> <amount> <player?>  
    ganja.give - Required to use ganja.give command  
    New in v2.0.0: Fully configurable crafting:
    With Version 2.0.0 the crafting system has been integrated in the mixing table. Joints can now be crafted by using the right ingredients in the right slot. The crafting recipes are fully configurable. New recipes can also be added.

    New in v1.0.8: Loot Table integration:
    This plugin now supports the custom item api of Loot Table and Stack Size GUI, so you can easily add weed to the loot table. When both plugins are installed on the server, the weed items will show up in the custom items tab of Loottable (right image):

    Different tiers:
    Depending on the biome, you will receive different tiers of weed, the biomes can also be changed in the config. By default, tier2 weed can be gathered in the snow biome, tier1 in the desert and tier0 everywhere else.
    Names, droprates, and boosts can also be configured individually for each tier.
    With a joint selected in the hot bar:
    Right click to ignite / extinguish a joint When joint is bruning: left click to use a joint  
    Permissions can be disabled in the config, making gathering and crafting accessible to everyone regardless of permissions.
    ganja.craft - Required to craft joints ganja.gather - Required to obtain weed  
    Biome masks:
    The biome mask is a simple 4-bit number that determines where a certain tier of weed can be found. Each biome has its own number; add these numbers together to select multiple biomes. The numbers for each biome are as follows:
    1 - Arid 2 - Temperate 4 - Tundra 8 - Arctic For example: Low Quality Weed has the biome mask 6 by default (see configuration below). That means it can be found in the Temperate and the Tundra biome.
    { "Weed configuration": [ { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.4, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 3 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 6, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Low Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 }, { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 3 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 1, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Medium Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 }, { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.1, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 2 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 8, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "High Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 } ], "Crafting Recipes": [ { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Low Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2894101592 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.4, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 20.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Healing per use": 1.0 } }, { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Medium Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2894101290 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.8, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 20.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Healing per use": 4.0 } }, { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "High Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2893700325 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 1.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 30.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 30.0, "Healing per use": 8.0 } } ], "Require permission for crafting": true, "Require permission for gathering": true, "Disable built-in stack fix (set to true if you have problems with item stacking/splitting)": false }


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