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0g.Ghost.7373's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Graves"



    When killing scarecrows ,scientists ,animals or players they have a set chance to spawn a collectable grave (Halloween event).
    Features :
    Supports Scarecrows ,Scientists ,Animals and players (any normal surface npc) Set spawn chance through cfg which spawns a random grave (Halloween event) when the npc is killed. This is a remake of the first ever plugin I made years ago . Random Collectable Graves : stone iron sulfur wood bones (Halloween grave piles). Graves can spawn on any surface location a npc could walk and spawn  on. Graves can spawn inside buildings/caves/tunnels/sewers/underwater labs. Set grave pile prefabs from a list. Permissions :
    graves.canfind : To be able to trigger killing surface npc. graves.canfindanimal : To be able to trigger killing animals. graves.canfindplayer : To be able to trigger player kills or suicides. Configuration :
    set the chance between 0 and 1.
    { "Show Chat messages": true, "Grave prefabs": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-stone-collectable.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-bone-collectable.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-metal-collectable.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-wood-collectable.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-sulfur-collectible.prefab" ], "Spawn Chance (0 - 1)": { "Scientist": 0.2, "Scarecrow": 0.2, "Player": 0.1, "Bear": 0.2, "Boar": 0.2, "Chicken": 0.2, "Wild Horse": 0.2, "Stag": 0.2, "Wolf": 0.2 } } Localisation :
    English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder.
    { "Graves": "You killed <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> leaving a unmarked grave!", "GravesAnimal": "You killed a <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> leaving a unmarked grave!", "AnimalBear": "Bear", "AnimalBoar": "Boar", "AnimalChicken": "Chicken", "AnimalHorse": "Horse", "AnimalStag": "Stag", "AnimalWolf": "Wolf" }  
  2. More information about "RandomTipsPlus"



    Send Gametip messages on a timed interval to online players, and recieve queued Gametips.

    Simple configuration. Sends Gametip messages on a configurable timed interval and duration (seconds). Can use a permission to ignore a player to get the messages. API support for other plugins to use its simplified queue system. Support for SignArtist, NTeleportation , TownTeleport Vanilla messages are built in set gametip.server_event_tips to false in your servers setup to better use the vanilla event notifications Permissions Exclude: Global Timed Random messages
    randomtipsplus.exclude : To exclude the player from getting the Random Global Gametips sent by this plugin.
    Permissions Triggers: Assign these to make the players recieve messages on each function
    randomtipsplus.hackcrate : When starting to hack a Hackable crate. randomtipsplus.vehiclestart : When player starts a modular car randomtipsplus.substart : When player starts a solo or duo submarine. randomtipsplus.boatstart : When player starts a motorrowboat or a rhib randomtipsplus.tugboatstart : When player starts a tugboat randomtipsplus.minihelistart : When a player starts a minicopter randomtipsplus.scraphelistart : When player starts a scraphelicopter randomtipsplus.excavator : After player fuells the Excavator randomtipsplus.signartist : After player uploaded a image to a sign randomtipsplus.toolcupboard : When player places a Toolcupboard randomtipsplus.recycler : When player finishes recycling randomtipsplus.sleepingbag : When player placed a sleepingbag/bed/towel Permissions NTeleportation :
    randomtipsplus.nteleportationhome : On using /home commands randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpa : On using /tpa command randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpat : On using /tpat command randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpb : On using /tpb command randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpc : On using /tpc command randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpr : On using /tpr command randomtipsplus.nteleportationtown : On using /town command randomtipsplus.nteleportationoutpost : On using /outpost command randomtipsplus.nteleportationbandit : On using /bandit command randomtipsplus.nteleportationisland : On using /island commands Permissions TownTeleport :
    randomtipsplus.townteleportotp : On using /otp command randomtipsplus.townteleportbtp : On using /btp command randomtipsplus.townteleportttc : On using /ttc command Configuration Main :
    Debugg : Is disabled by default but can be activated if needed Show Messages is set to false by default so it will not run the standard messages on plugin install. If you don't want to use a prefix, then you can leave it empty. Global Tip Duration : Lifetime of the Global random sent messages Warning tips (RED) have a max lifetime of 5 seconds Messages : have a 2 line size , (/n) and (<color=orange>[view webpage]</color>) can be used Text is always sent as UPPERCASE. Configuration Vanilla :
    Only a true or false setting. Save Warning : Gives a warning each time the server saves to all players Messages can be changed in the language file Configuration Event :
    Various settings on certain triggers Includes triggers on placing Bags and Toolcupboards Configuration Teleports :
    (Important) if not using this feature then leave both Use NTeleportation triggers & Use TownTeleport triggers
    false so the plugin unsubscribes the hooks used for these (performance) { "Use Debug": false, "Show Messages": false, "Prefix": "[YourServer]", "Interval (seconds)": 600, "Global Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [ "Join our Discord ,Click <color=orange>[view webpage]</color> button.", "We run several cool Plugins !", "Grab one of our kits using /kit .", "<color=red>Color</color> code is supported" ], "Vanilla Events": { "Save Warning": false, "Attack Helicopter": false, "Airdrop": false, "Bradley": false, "Cargoship": false, "CH47": false, "Excavator": false, "Small oilrig": false, "Large oilrig": false, "Mining Quarry": false }, "Event Settings": { "Excavator fuelling": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Hack Lock": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Recycler panel close": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Bag placement": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Toolcupboard placement": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Vehicle Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Boat Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Submarine solo Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Submarine duo Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Tug Boat Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Mini Copter Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Scrap Heli Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "SignArtist Paint finished": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] } }, "Use NTeleportation triggers": false, "Use TownTeleport triggers": false, "NTeleportation (/home)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpr)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpa)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpb)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpc)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/town)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/outpost)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/bandit)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/island)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpat)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "TownTeleport (/otp)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "TownTeleport (/btp)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "TownTeleport (/ttc)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] } } Localization :
    English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder.
    { "AttackHeli": "The attack heli is patrolling the sky.", "Bradley": "A Bradley started roaming the roads.", "CargoPlane": "Airdrop inbound !", "CargoShip": "The Cargoship Has Entered the Waters.", "CH47": "A ch47 started its round.", "Excavator": "The Excavator just started digging !", "OilSmall": "Small Oilrig just came online !", "OilLarge": "Large Oilrig just came online !", "ServerSave": "Saving server entity's You might experience some lag !", "Quarry": "Someone started running a quarry!", "NotActive": "N/a Tell admin to check cfg" }
  3. More information about "Road Bradley"


    Road Bradley

    RUST Plugin Test Server
    connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050

    Road Bradley plugin enhances APC fights by spawning Bradleys with custom AI on selected roads or allowing players to purchase their own Bradley for battles.
    The plugin is highly configurable, letting you set almost every variable to your preference.
    It includes various features to enhance your Bradley fights, such as RF Detonators, targeting missiles, and more.
    Additionally, it fully supports custom map configurations.


    Set Bradleys to spawn and patrol roads Gives players the option to purchase their own Bradley, with damage and loot locked to the owner or their friends, clan (with required plugins), or team. Custom Bradley AI with settings for target distance, clothing check, tool check, and view distance, which is superior to the vanilla AI in many aspects. Supports currency plugins. Custom markers on Bradleys. A RUST-themed UI. Tank unstuck system that is fully customizable, with console messages if the tank is stuck for more than 30 seconds. Custom routes for custom maps are supported. You can make tank routing through multiple roads or setting the route to the longest road on the map. Bradleys can spawn with different profiles at set intervals. Permission system controls purchase unlocks with cooldowns and daily limits. Health, damage, napalm, and debris can all be configured. Custom loot support with item naming and all required things.  All Bradley routes can be displayed. Players can be rewarded based on the percentage of damage dealt to a Bradley. Random road timed events. Custom road editor to create and modify roads. Bradley fight bags enable players to respawn without losing loot and quickly return to the fight. Customize Bradley building damage. Restricting fights to owned buildings to prevent Bradley despawn. Customizable main cannon damage and building damage modifiers. Bradleys can call an MLRS airstrike on fighters when their health drops to a configured level. RF Explosives can be configured to automatically explode based on radius or frequency. Auto targetting rockets available to shoot down all flying vehicles.  

    The "Tank Routes - Spawns Per Maps" config part ins based on levelurl so if your map file is named CustomMapV1.3.3.map if you add CustomMap to config it will work.
    It might depend also on map host. Checked on DropBox and Discord. Tank Road IDs can be checked through /tankroute command.  

    roadbradley.admin - Allows you to use /tankroute command. roadbradley.bypass - Bypass Bradley purchase cost.  

    /tankroute - Displays help about methods of route displays. /buytank - Opens the Bradley purchase UI. (Configurable) /spawnrbtank <profile> <userId> - Will spawn tank with profile for the userId player. (Chat and Console command) /spawnrbtank <profile> <route> - Will spawn tank with profile on configured route. (Chat and Console command) /tankcount - Shows active road bradley count. (Chat and Console command)  

    void OnRoadBradleySpawned(BasePlayer owner, BradleyAPC apc, string profile, string targetRoad) - Called when someone succesfully purchased an road bradley. void OnRoadBradleyKilled(BradleyAPC apc, ulong bradleyOwnerId, string profile) - Called when road bradley gets killed. bool CanRoadBradleyTarget(BradleyAPC apc, BasePlayer player) - Override custom target method. Needs to be enabled in config.  

    { "Tank Purchase - Commands": [ "buytank", "bt" ], "Tank Route - Use Asphalt Roads Only": false, "Tank Route - Check for Map Obstacles (recommended for custom maps with prefabs on roads": false, "Tank Route - Remove Roads With Obstacles From Pool": false, "Tank Route - Teleport Bradley To Random Road Position after X Stuck Errors (0, to disable)": 0, "Tank Route - Broadcast Stuck To Fighters": true, "Tank Route - Obstacle Keyword Whitelist": [ "roadsign", "train_track", "road_tunnel", "doorcloser" ], "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints from all routes": 1, "Tank Route - Minimal Route Checkpoints To Use": 5, "Tank Route - Remove Timed-Event Roads From Purchasable Pool": false, "Tank Route - Randomize Spawn On Road": true, "Tank Route Editor - Height Offset": 0.1, "Targeting - Target NPC": false, "Targeting - Target Sleepers": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Check For Caller Building Damage": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Allow Damage For Caller Team Buildings": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Unowned Damage Entity Reminder": 50, "Loot & Damage Share - Unowned Damage Entity Bradley Kill": 200, "Loot & Damage Share - Ignore Crate Ownership Checks": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use Friends": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use Clans": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use RUST Teams": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Limit Server Spawned Bradleys Loot To Top Damage Player": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Disable Unowned Tank Damage To Buildings": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Disable Tank Damage To TC And Sleeping Bags": false, "Purchases - Used Purchase System (0 - None, 1 - Economics, 2 - ServerRewards, 3 - ShoppyStock)": 3, "Purchases - Used Currency (If ShoppyStock Is Used)": "myCurrencyKey", "Purchases - Currency Symbol (used in display)": "$", "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradleys (0, to disable)": 3, "Limits - Daily Limit Type (true - calls, false - won fights)": true, "Tank Info - Display Timed Bradley Info": true, "Tank Info - Timed Bradley Shop Name Format": "{0} BRADLEY\n[Health: {1}]", "Tank Info - Display Purchased Bradley Info": true, "Tank Info - Purchased Bradley Shop Name Format": "{1}'s {0} BRADLEY\n[Health: {2}]", "Tank Health UI - X Anchor (0-1)": 0.5, "Tank Health UI - Y Anchor (0-1)": 0.0, "Bag Respawns - Enabled": true, "Bag Respawns - Max Bags Per Player": 4, "Bag Respawns - Max Bed Distance From Player": 100.0, "PopUpAPI - PopUp Profile Name": "Legacy", "Tank Disarm Frequency": 1470, "Enable CanRoadBradleyTarget Hook": false, "Custom Tank Death Properties": { "Show Road Bradley Death Locations On Map": true, "Fireball Count (0, to disable)": 0, "Use Fireballs As Chest Lock (not recommended, high performance impact, if false, uses custom method)": false, "Hide Gib Flying Spheres (used for their scaling, will make gibs 'jump' once)": true }, "Tank Unstuck - Killed Entity Names": [ "servergibs_bradley", "scraptransporthelicopter", "magnetcrane.entity", "minicopter.entity", "supply_drop" ], "Tank Routes - Spawns Per Maps": { "default": [ "default" ], "Detroit": [ "default", "custom" ], "HapisIsland": [ "hapis" ], "ParadiseIsland": [ "custom" ] }, "Tank Routes - Purchasable Road ID Blacklist Per Map": { "default": [ "Edited_756", "Edited_33" ], "Detroit": [ "Edited_4" ] }, "Tank Routes - Custom Purchasable Roads Per Map": { "default": [ "CustomRoad1", "CustomRoad2" ], "Detroit": [ "DetroitRoad1", "DetroitRoad2", "DetroitRoad3" ], "HapisIsland": [ "HapisRoad2", "HapisRoad3", "HapisRoad4" ] }, "Tank Routes - Spawn Configuration": { "custom": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [ [ "0", "1" ], [ "2", "3" ] ], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": false, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 1200, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 12, "3": 20 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Extreme": 1, "Hard": 3 } }, "default": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": true, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 900, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 8 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Hard": 2, "Normal": 5 } }, "hapis": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [ [ "HapisRoad1" ] ], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": false, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 900, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 8 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Hard": 2, "Normal": 5 } } }, "Tank Routes - Purchasable": { "Extreme": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "roadbradley.extreme", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 7200, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 1, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": { "roadbradley.limit.premium": 3, "roadbradley.limit.vip": 2 }, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 5000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 10000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] }, "Hard": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 7200, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 1, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": {}, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 1500, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] }, "Normal": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 3600, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 3, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": {}, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 100, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 1500, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] } }, "Tank Routes - Configuration": { "Extreme": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.7, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 5000.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 75.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 15, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 25.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": true, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 4, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [ 4500.0, 3000.0, 1000.0, 100.0 ], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "Scientist Options - Disable Scientist Spawn": false, "Scientist Options - Amount Of Scientists To Spawn (might not spawn all of them)": 4, "Scientist Options - Scientist Spawn Radius": 3.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "custom", "Loot - Floor Rewards For Damage Dealt": true, "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [ { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" }, { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 500, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 }, "Hard": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.6, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 2500.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 50.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 15, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 20.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": true, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 2, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [ 2300.0, 1100.0 ], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "Scientist Options - Disable Scientist Spawn": false, "Scientist Options - Amount Of Scientists To Spawn (might not spawn all of them)": 4, "Scientist Options - Scientist Spawn Radius": 3.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "", "Loot - Floor Rewards For Damage Dealt": true, "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [ { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 }, "Normal": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.6, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 1000.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 50.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 10, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 15.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": false, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 2, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "Scientist Options - Disable Scientist Spawn": false, "Scientist Options - Amount Of Scientists To Spawn (might not spawn all of them)": 4, "Scientist Options - Scientist Spawn Radius": 3.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "", "Loot - Floor Rewards For Damage Dealt": true, "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 } }, "Loot - Presets": { "custom": { "Loot - Min. Crates": 2, "Loot - Max. Crates": 4, "Loot - Min. Items Per Crate": 4, "Loot - Max. Items Per Crate": 5, "Loot - Loot Table": [ { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "Amount": 1, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 1, "Additional Items": [] }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 1000, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 2, "Additional Items": [] }, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 1, "Additional Items": [ { "Shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Amount": 20, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ] } ] } } }
  4. More information about "Additional Belt"


    Additional Belt

    The AdditionalBelt plugin is a useful tool for players who want to get the most out of their game experience.
    By providing an extra slot in your inventory to carry needed items, this plugin can make gameplay more enjoyable and rewarding.
    One of the main benefits of using this plugin is that it allows players to carry more items without losing valuable inventory space. This can be especially useful in gameplay moments where inventory management is a key gameplay element, as it allows players to be more efficient and effective in exploration and combat.

    Doesn't stress the server. The whole plugin is made on the mechanics of the game and does not stress the server in any way, no data files, no containers with the creation of new items. Convenient bind switch through "E then R", which allows you to freely switch between belts even in the most intense PvP. Nice UI button next to belt slots for switching inside inventory. It's possible to protect a dropped belt, after which a codelock will be installed on the crate. Video
    Plugin Demo:
    additionalbelt.enabled - Permission to receive/wear an additional belt additionalbelt.loot.protection - protect a dropped belt from being looted by other players additionalbelt.nodrop - Disable the belt dropout additionalbelt.keep - Saving the belt, returns after respawning  
    Key combination for switching:
    E then R  
    Default Command:
    belt (Configurable in the config)
    Default Config:
    {   "Cooldown between belt switches in seconds": 0.0,   "Notify the player in the chat after switching belts?": true,   "Command": "belt" }  
    Default Lang:
    {   "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",   "LootProtection": "This crate is protected, it cannot be looted.",   "Title": "Belt of {0}",   "Switch": "You switched to an additional belt.",   "Cooldown": "You switch between belts too often, you can switch again after {0} seconds.",   "Grant": "You have been added an additional belt. Usage: E then R, console command - {0}, chat command - /{0}.",   "Revoke": "You have been revoked for an extra belt.",   "RevokeWithDrop": "You have been revoked for an extra belt. The belt is dropped next to you, remember to pick up your items." }
    bool HasBelt(ulong playerId) // Find out if a player has an additional belt or not (includes sleepers) List<Item> GetItems(ulong playerId) // Get a list of additional belt items (includes sleepers)  
  5. More information about "Military Airfield Event"


    Military Airfield Event

    As soon as the event starts, several troops (NPCs) are spawned to defend an hackable crate that will be delivered by the CH47. This crate may contain a lot of loot, so the troops have the duty to defend it. For this purpose, there is a variety of troops such as snipers, close-range shooters, and long-range shooters.
    If a player manages to initiate the hacking of the crate, all the airfield troops will be relocated to a combat position. In other words, all troops that you haven't seen yet or that are hidden will be moved to the center of the airfield to defend the crate. After a few minutes, a plane will be sent with supply drops containing weapons to assist the troops in defense. However, airborne troops will also be dispatched from the plane to parachute down and aid in defending the crate.
    If the crate is looted, all troops will be destroyed, leaving only the crates, supply drops, and bodies to be looted by intruders.

    /ma start to start the event /ma stop to stop the event /ma position to get the current position based in the airfield monument (used to config)
    militaryairfield.admin to access all commands
    private void OnMilitaryAirfieldEventStarted(); - // Called when the event starts private void OnMilitaryAirfieldEventEnded(BasePlayer? lootedBy); - // Called when the event ends


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