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Everything posted by Omega

  1. Version 1.0.2


    This plugin let you manage the placement of vending machines by permission and limit. It´s also possible to prevent from placing vending machines on land or/and water seperatly. Permissions Allow above water managevendingplacement.canplace.abovewater Allow under water managevendingplacement.canplace.underwater Allow above water with limit managevendingplacement.canplace.limited.abovewater Allow under water with limit managevendingplacement.canplace.limited.underwater Chat Command Show the List of limits by rank /vplimit Configuration { "AllowAboveWaterDefault": true, "AllowUnderWaterDefault": true, "ChatCommand": "vplimit", "DefaultLandLimit": 5, "DefaultWaterLimit": 3, "GroupLandLimits": { "default": 5, "vip": 10 }, "GroupWaterLimits": { "default": 3, "vip": 6 } } Localization English & German { "CannotPlaceUnderwater": "You cannot place vending machines underwater.", "ReachedLandLimit": "You have reached the land limit for placing vending machines.", "ReachedWaterLimit": "You have reached the water limit for placing vending machines.", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to place vending machines.", "CheckLimit": "You have placed {0} out of {1} allowed vending machines.", "NoLimitedPermission": "You do not have a limited permission to place vending machines.", "RankLimits": "Land Limits: {0}\nWater Limits: {1}", "LimitsHeader": "Vending Machine Limits by Rank:" } The plugin was created in parts with the help of artificial intelligence
  2. Omega

    Events Manager

    You have to deactivate all event timers of the event plugins you want to manage with EventManager.
  3. Hi, with 0 player on server 10:05 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnEntitySpawned' on plugin 'NPCGrenades v1.2.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.NPCGrenades.OnEntitySpawned (DroppedItemContainer bag) [0x0001f] in <ef2093cefac4480691d421d9287c8bdb>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.NPCGrenades.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0056d] in <ef2093cefac4480691d421d9287c8bdb>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0
  4. Hi, with 0 player on server 10:05 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnEntitySpawned' on plugin 'NPCGrenades v1.2.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.NPCGrenades.OnEntitySpawned (DroppedItemContainer bag) [0x0001f] in <ef2093cefac4480691d421d9287c8bdb>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.NPCGrenades.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0056d] in <ef2093cefac4480691d421d9287c8bdb>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0
  5. Omega

    Shoppy Stock

    This function is given. /list And btw. you have to install Redeem Storage API for the "shopping basket".
  6. Omega

    Balance after restart

    Hi, since the change to SimpleStatus or latest updates i have no balance visible after every server restart. After server restart After o.reload BalanceStatus
  7. Omega


    You could install this to prevent Quarry Ladder Flyhack Fix - Plugins - Codefling
  8. Omega

    Furnace Levels

    Read on top of page. Due to facepunch's changes and additions to furnace system, this plugin is no longer maintained therefore not available for purchase.
  9. Omega

    Events Manager

    He probably means a view for users without authorization to view the event times. When does what take place?
  10. Omega

    Args don´t work

    Solved, thank you!
  11. Omega

    Custom Buttons

    Voila, Rust Color Picker (rust-colorpicker.vercel.app) https://rust-colorpicker.vercel.app/
  12. Omega

    Args don´t work

    Hi, what´s the problem here? When i enter the arg and click on confirm said me Error, please contact the admin. Also it is not possible to click twice. Error appears with first confirm click. TeleportGUI commands Other args e.g. add friend work. { "Category Title": "PORT & HOME", "Category Description": "Features", "Category Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/Wsqh9J6.png", "Category Permission": "", "Button List": [ { "Button Name": "SEND PORT REQUEST", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/tpr %ARGS%", "Button Permission": "", "Players Input Args": true, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "Enter the player´s name here where you want to port to" }, { "Button Name": "PORT PLAYER TO ME", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/tprhere %ARGS%", "Button Permission": "", "Players Input Args": true, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "Enter the player´s name here and confirm twice" }, { "Button Name": "PORT TO HOME", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/home %ARGS%", "Button Permission": "", "Players Input Args": true, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "Enter the home point name here and confirm twice" }, { "Button Name": "SET HOME", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/sethome %ARGS%", "Button Permission": "", "Players Input Args": true, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "Enter the home point name here and confirm twice" }, { "Button Name": "DELETE HOME", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/delhome %ARGS%", "Button Permission": "", "Players Input Args": true, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "Enter the home point name here and confirm twice" }
  13. Omega


    Ok you´re right. Don´t noticed that. Good question than!
  14. Omega


    "Reward Items (Item Shortname, Quantity)": [ { "Item Shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Item Skin": 0, "Item Name": "", "Minimum Quantity": 40, "Maximum Quantity": 120 }, { "Item Shortname": "apple", "Item Skin": 0, "Item Name": "", "Minimum Quantity": 3, "Maximum Quantity": 5 }, { "Item Shortname": "bandage", "Item Skin": 0, "Item Name": "", "Minimum Quantity": 5, "Maximum Quantity": 7 }, { "Item Shortname": "pookie.bear", "Item Skin": 0, "Item Name": "", "Minimum Quantity":1, "Maximum Quantity": 2 }
  15. Omega


    It works, thank you!
  16. Omega


    Hi, Error while compiling SvFastMenu: ; expected | Line: 20, Pos: 28
  17. Omega


    Got a solution. Can be closed or remove.
  18. Omega

    Console command

    Thank you, not too bad.
  19. Omega

    Console command

    Don´t work. Tryed it with { "Button Name": "ENT KILL", "Button Lable Color": "#b80000", "Button Command": "ent kill", "Button Permission": "EMenu.admin", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" } and { "Button Name": "ENT KILL", "Button Lable Color": "#b80000", "Button Command": "/ent kill", "Button Permission": "EMenu.admin", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" } This for example work´s { "Button Name": "NOCLIP", "Button Lable Color": "#b80000", "Button Command": "noclip", "Button Permission": "EMenu.admin", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" },
  20. Omega

    Console command

    How that work´s? Tryed some command´s but does nothing. { "Button Name": "ENT KILL", "Button Lable Color": "#b80000", "Button Command": "ent kill", "Button Permission": "EMenu.admin", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": true, "Default Input Args": "" }
  21. Hi, (14:03:10) | Failed to call hook 'OnPlayerRespawned' on plugin 'UnderwearSelection v1.0.1' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key '76561198028925402' was not present in the dictionary.) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <2161c9885dd04ff291b79db9349c4b9b>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.UnderwearSelection.UnderwearChange (BasePlayer player, System.UInt32 id) [0x00000] in <2c3fde8ebbf04cb8a9399978936db48a>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.UnderwearSelection.OnPlayerRespawned (BasePlayer player) [0x00091] in <2c3fde8ebbf04cb8a9399978936db48a>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.UnderwearSelection.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00238] in <2c3fde8ebbf04cb8a9399978936db48a>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <cd9a02fd331347bd82d550bb1a9c8e9f>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <b76ec77c47d1449e92b2baab8603843d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <b76ec77c47d1449e92b2baab8603843d>:0
  22. Omega


    Best server menu I have bought for Rust. Simple, clean, and flexible. Thank you for that!
  23. Omega

    Button problem

    Hello again, please take a look at the latest entry in this config. When i add it and click the button than it don´t run /ammohud %ARGS% It run /extraevents ui which is two entry´s above.
  24. Omega


    Perfect, work´s. Thank you very much! [IQPermissions] A new permission EMenu.bauskin has been added to the configuration file [IQPermissions] A new permission EMenu.silber has been added to the configuration file [IQPermissions] A new permission EMenu.nachtsicht has been added to the configuration file
  25. Omega




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