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Everything posted by nivex

  1. @weaksauce heya. I'm just waiting on an Oxide update for this to add the hook that I've requested:) you can use this for the time being. by default it works for turrets not owned by a player (so raid bases). if you want it to apply to all turrets then you can edit the config. NoInterference.cs
  2. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @FreeManStars no. you should assign that permission to a group instead of granting the permission to individual players. o.grant group vip abandonedbases.immune then to see who has the perm you can use this command: o.show group vip give them group using: o.usergroup add 76561198250830000 vip remove them from group using: o.usergroup remove 76561198250830000 vip you cannot remove the permission from them unless you remove them from the group using that command. so use a group that will work best for this.
  3. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @FreeManStars that permission will persist for as long as they have it. it gives immunity to the entire base they are associated with. there are no Oxide commands to remove all perms. you have to remove it from individual players or groups you've assigned the permission to
  4. nivex

    Raid bases not always despawning

    heya, you won't need to install libgdiplus on a windows machine. that library is for linux I am not sure why this happens. it has been an issue for months, but unfortunately I can't fix it until I can reproduce it myself. no errors have been provided so it makes it extremely difficult to figure out I did make several changes in the next update that I am hoping fix it so we'll see you can remove those bases by going to them and using /rbe kill_cleanup
  5. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @FreeManStars you can add as many of them as you need, yes I am not sure if you can cross over into another day like that. you might have to do 22:00 to 23:59:59 and 00:00 to 04:00 since it is working off of the servers current date time. yes, it will reappear with that
  6. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    np. I don't get alerts for edits. abandonedbases.notices is when players are notified that a base has become abandoned (An abandoned player's base is now raidable at {0}) it doesn't matter if they leave. the plugin will use its currently configured options. the time zone the server's operating system is using. times for players update when they connect, when they wake up, when they go to sleep (such as logging off) and when reloading the plugin. if he's online then it's not going to tell you that his base is converting in 23 hours unless he has exclude permission or you're looking at a different player. I will look into the looting issue. being ejected is the same cause. vanish/noclip/canbypass perm will bypass this - those other perms will not. canceling the event ends it completely. I don't know what happens after that, your plugins determine that. the event is over. it's not going to do anything after you've canceled it. times work based on 24 hours. 0-23. grey loot bags that fall from containers despawn after 1 hour at most unless you are continuously opening them. either way, once the event is over it no longer has any control over that base. your other plugins do, like prevent looting plugin. @FreeManStars
  7. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    just fixed issues where bases would stop respawning, or no longer be available, after some time which required the plugin to be reloaded lots of reasons this can happen so I won't bother explaining them all. namely profiles which don't work on the map you're currently using, and busted forced height settings can cause it too.
  8. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Aussie4life you can zip everything and DM it to me. rb config, rb data folder, copypaste data folder and copypaste config
  9. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Nikedemoscare to elaborate? edit: nevermind, this can only happen if the player is not inside the bubble and tries to deploy the box into the bubble. so there might be a bug where the plugin isn't detecting him inside, but if he was outside and deployed inside then it will always kill it and that goes for any entity, and is intended
  10. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Aussie4life sounds like a bad base then your pocket dimensions comment is too vague
  11. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @QueenLuckyshot ya, there are plugins that auto-auth you on turrets when you are authorized on the TC like I said, if you want the option I can add it but that's your call. it would only be a few lines of code.
  12. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/839691032085135380/1162782499571781723/RUST_2023.10.14_-_10.59.36.01.mp4 I used your config and it does work @FreeManStars you need those permissions, and make sure the above 5 reasons are not preventing it. you must have TruePVE or NextGenPVE installed too
  13. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @QueenLuckyshot heya. on vanilla the auth from TC doesn't protect you from turrets. auth on the turret does. I could add an option that auths the players on the turrets when they take the TC, but I think that takes away from the immersion of the event, not to mention the difficulty of it. also, you're sort of embodying the idea that the player can take over the base when that's not possible. I have no issue adding it, but those are some points to think about.
  14. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    ya, but it will not show time if 1. it's in a zone 2. you own it or are authed on the TC 3. your team or clan owns it 4. there is an event too close already 5. if events are disabled during Automatic Conversions Disabled Between These Times probably #5 since you mentioned that before. @FreeManStars
  15. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    players only need abandonedbases.basic if you want to see that info you need to grant yourself abandonedbases.attack and abandonedbases.attack.time permissions as I said earlier =p then go attack a building that isn't yours or your ally (team, clan, friend) to see it @FreeManStars
  16. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    yes, the data file is erased each wipe, Sphere Amount to 0 disables the dome, and deleted means it did not meet the minimum foundation and wall requirements it's your decision what permission you give to default group. abandonedbases.basic is 3 days. that works for the majority of servers but everyone has their own preference. I recommend at least 3 days. skipped means the TC was not found, the building has no entities which decay such as building blocks, or it was too close to another event so it will retry again later. np. lots of improvements in the next update too. @FreeManStars
  17. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    heya, no problem @FreeManStars if you set the despawn to 0 then it can't despawn. so it will keep converting until no TC is left anymore, then it will decay on its own. I don't convert bases that have no TC. you can set the number of conversions, or increase the timer instead and I recommend a higher despawn timer instead attack a base with abandonedbases.attack and abandonedbases.attack.time permission and it will tell you the time. if you did not install the plugin soon enough then it will not be accurate for any players that were online prior to the plugin being installed. the plugin won't know the last time someone was on if it was not installed when they were last online. so it will never convert their base. you should install it with a wipe so this doesn't happen. yes midnight to noon and noon to midnight
  18. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  19. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @FreeManStars abandonedbases.basic permission is 3 days then it becomes raidable - give a player this permission or another from the config file - higher lifetime takes priority - so if a player has basic and vip perms then vip takes priority by default it will not automatically convert any bases unless you configure - Run Once On Server Startup - Run Every X Seconds (do not set less than 3600) - you can run a scan manually with sab command once Despawn Timer expires the base will be deleted/despawned. you can set Despawn Timer to 0 to disable this, but then the base won't be deleted. if someone destroys the TC then the base won't be converted a second time. it will simply decay and no one will be able to raid it again once the plugin is reloaded/server restarts.
  20. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    yup, in the next update hope to have it released soon
  21. nivex

    how I can limit raid event

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. nivex

    how I can limit raid event

    yes, use that then no problem
  23. nivex

    how I can limit raid event

    heya. I don't understand. you want buyable events only? "Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = disabled)": { "Allow Max Amount Increase From Difficulties Disabled On A Specific Day Of The Week": true, "Easy": -1, "Medium": -1, "Hard": -1, "Expert": -1, "Nightmare": -1 }, disable automated events then and configure Buyable Events section
  24. np I've added commands rb.reloadprofiles - this reloads the profiles and the associated base loot tables rb.reloadtables - this reloads all loot tables it won't be allowed to use any reload command when a base is pasting, or when the grid is loading but there will be messages for both
  25. Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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