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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Deadpoolfixed in next update ty @Carvenoroh, you need to install libgdiplus. this will fix your issues. the install command is: sudo apt-get install -y libgdiplus
  2. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    can you post the error you had?
  3. nivex

    to many code locks

    that's unfortunate. anything else needs to be destroyed??
  4. nivex

    to many code locks

    ah good find. i will go ahead and have the codelocks destroyed, too
  5. nivex

    Bases Despawning Too Soon

    another note, this can happen if another plugin is destroying the GameObject used by Raidable Bases. unlikely, but possible
  6. nivex

    Bases Despawning Too Soon

    now that I think about it, it probably is a game bug. there is absolutely an issue where entities return null when they're not. i believe I have a workaround for that, so hopefully that addresses this, too and it's simple really, use (object)entity == null instead of entity == null for the null checks.
  7. nivex

    Bases Despawning Too Soon

    "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled)": 20, this is how long the base remains on the map "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged": true, this option can reset the timer for the above option "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min: 1)": 45, this option overrides both above options and is uninterruptable, and cannot be reset, once the base is looted or the TC is destroyed (if configured to end when TC is destroyed) otherwise, no, i have no idea how your base is despawning before these times run out. the plugin cannot despawn the base when these conditions are not met, unless something is influencing this behavior and this cannot be fixed unless that influence is identified. i have seen it happen myself a couple days ago, and now I recall a few instances of it supposedly happening before. my best guess is the server throws up a big F YOU sign and says no loot is left when there is. impossible? yes, but it's Rust, so...
  8. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    sorry, but I have no plans to add anymore difficulties. there's no point for me to keep adding more difficulties, as it will continuously be requested, and some people don't use more than 3. so the only solution is to make it where the user can specify their own difficulties, however few or however many they want. but that would require a huge portion of the code be rewritten which i simply don't have the time for atm
  9. nivex

    AbandonedBases - Unloaded

    i need the server logs as I've said already. enable them using the parameter above, or ask your host to do it for you. i cannot help you without an error
  10. nivex

    Moar feature requests

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. nivex

    Moar feature requests

    sorry to hear that. after a bit more thought this will require much more than a elevation setting which will have to wait your best bet is to reduce the Protection Radius and make sure the base is still encompassed by the dome and see if that helps
  12. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. nivex

    custom size the pvp zone

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. nivex

    Moar feature requests

    I've already moved Elevation to the profiles though this does give me an idea, to disable all spawn points X distance from the center of the map in order to force them there. however if there aren't many there then it will not spawn any bases lol
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  16. if (key == "stability") { flag1 = true; value = "false"; } and if (!flag1) { list.Add("stability"); list.Add("false"); } sorry, but I will not be allowing this setting until the issue with crashing servers is resolved, either via CopyPaste or a Rust update. you will have to enable it yourself by setting "false" to "true" such players will face the same issue on all servers. it is not optional for anyone.
  17. nivex

    Bases Despawning Too Soon

    hi ZEODE sorry you're having this issue. it could be another plugin cleaning up entities, but without more information such as errors or how to reproduce it i won't be of much help. this is the first i'm hearing of this.
  18. hi swedish chef, this is intended to prevent any server performance issues. it will try to spawn within that distance, and then it will increase to 5000 if that fails. you are better off setting it from 10.0 to 1000.0 as 10.0 will never work even when i make changes to improve this. it will remain this way until i figure out how to add finding a position into a coroutine
  19. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    maybe in the future. it's a cool idea, but I don't know enough to implement it yet
  20. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  21. nivex

    Lag When Trying to Spawn Base

    go ahead and change the CopyPaste config to paste 5 per batch instead of 15 and thatll help
  22. nivex

    Lag When Trying to Spawn Base

    when it tries to spawn bases, or when it is spawning a base? if the former then there's nothing that can be done about this until it's made into a coroutine. it's 100% reliant on your machine to be able to handle it if the latter then CopyPaste should be configured to paste no more than 5 entities per batch all other performance issues were fixed. 1. setting up the base once it's been spawned, and 2. when despawning the base. if you lag during these times then it's your machine. this is why it intentionally takes a very long time now to setup or despawn a base (to prevent performance issues) number of bases on a map depends on several factors including your entity count, player count and machine it really sounds like CopyPaste is configured wrong, your machine specs are not up to par, or you simply have too many plugins "Amount Of Entities To Spawn Per Batch": 1, "Amount Of Entities To Despawn Per Batch": 10, this can cause issues if set too high
  23. nivex

    SetupLoot Error

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  24. nivex

    SetupLoot Error

    ok, i'll go ahead and limit `stacksize` from creating too many stacks since this has happened a few times now lol
  25. it'll be implemented and i'll be removing the current system in favor of this one. but i have much bigger issues to tackle so it'll have to wait


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