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Everything posted by nivex
hi, use the spawns database option in the config
@Andres Siilbekwhat update? and you can simply copy the copypaste folders contents to your server from any update, as you would any other base just note that an update to one tier does not mean it is necessary for the other tiers. lower tiers do not have as many bases so changes may not be needed to tier 1 or 2. same applies with the free version vs the paid version. they're different versions. just because one requires an update does not mean the other will
Suggestion: Option to show (copy/paste) base name in-game
nivex replied to doublee313's Support Request in Support
ok, i will note it down -
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hiya. you will need to keep trying. you simply don't have good enough terrain around you for a base to spawn at. it is better to move to a different location each try, or to set the max distance Distance To Spawn Bought Raids From Player to 5000 if its not already set to that. this shouldn't be an issue in the next update as i rewrote the whole search for location functionality
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heya, this is intended. you can disable this in the nightmare profile by setting Require Cupboard Access To Place Ladders to false
Suggestion: Option to show (copy/paste) base name in-game
nivex replied to doublee313's Support Request in Support
hi, i could add this, but i believe it is better to type /rb to see the name of the base? -
using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("FOffNavmeshSpam", "bmgjet", "1.0.0")] [Description("Stops the navmesh spamming for bots")] public class FOffNavmeshSpam : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] Plugin RaidableBases; void OnEntitySpawned(BaseNetworkable entity) { BaseNavigator baseNavigator = entity.GetComponent<BaseNavigator>(); if (baseNavigator != null) { Vector3 pos; if (!baseNavigator.GetNearestNavmeshPosition(entity.transform.position + (Vector3.one * 2f), out pos, (baseNavigator.IsSwimming() ? 30f : 6f))) { baseNavigator.topologyPreference = (TerrainTopology.Enum)TerrainTopology.EVERYTHING; BasePlayer bp = null; bp = entity as BasePlayer; if (bp != null) { ClipGround(bp, baseNavigator); } } } } private void ClipGround(BasePlayer bp, BaseNavigator baseNavigator) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.Call("EventTerritory", bp.transform.position))) { return; } NavMeshHit hit; if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(bp.transform.position, out hit, 30, (int)baseNavigator.topologyPreference)) { bp.gameObject.layer = 17; baseNavigator.Warp(hit.position); bp.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); } NextTick(() => { if (bp == null || bp.IsDestroyed) { return; } Vector3 pos; if (!baseNavigator.GetNearestNavmeshPosition(bp.transform.position + (Vector3.one * 2f), out pos, (baseNavigator.IsSwimming() ? 30f : 6f))) { Puts("No Navmesh found @ " + pos.ToString() + " bot will be stationary to stop spam."); baseNavigator.CanUseNavMesh = false; } }); } } } hi you can try this
ok thanks ill take a look
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hi. yes, you can delete the original files from the copypaste folder and/or the profiles. sorry for the late response
hi. i'll add this option
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
good thanks for letting me know guys
Tesla Coil => Requires A Power Source if this is true then it's not the plugin causing it I think I found the issue with HBHF sensors but from my understanding they were always working so I don't know for certain
@tyneariaaye change the anchors in the config under UI => Buyable UI @BEEF SUPREMEhi, no, bases do not persist. there are plans to make this optional as it has been requested dozens of times but no eta on this unfortunately. it's fairly complicated and I have high priority issues to deal with first. someone did contribute towards this so that will help when I get to it @mrdecoder @Rubiks-Q-Bert @chuck norristhis can only be caused by an error. can one of you provide me with it? it would likely be in the server logs and not in your oxide logs @spencer clearyive responded to your support thread @CHUCK DIXX no, it would need to be highly customized to do this. likely better suited in its own plugin. i will note this for later as ive thought about creating it a few times now sorry to everyone for the late replies. I was recovering from a serious medical issue
heya. ya I am certain it is the Rust update which should be resolved soon. there's no reason the grid should cause any lag as it runs in a coroutine precisely to prevent that in the first place