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@MrIceso sorry about this. Rust corrected their spelling of chocolate and it exposed a bug within my plugin that causes it to loop however many times you have Amount Of Items To Spawn set to, which can crash the server when its set excessively high. this is fixed in next update tier packages would have the item in the Difficulty Loot folder for each file. just search choc and rename that to chocolate. the next update fixes this as well by renaming it automatically so you don't have to I will release it in a few moments
you can increase the amount in the config. change the max amount allowed per difficulty and then set that total number under Max Maintained Events
it's not in the config file but was removed from the cs file in 2.6.2. everything is done using Rust's extents now in 2.6.2
@saintmichel13 @NoxiousPluK @MooDDang fixed in next update @Phuong no, they use the same loot tables. you can set Loot Amount Multiplier for buyables in the profiles. yes, in base loot table you can make that always spawn. add your items to your Base Loot table, and set Always Spawn Base Loot Table to true in the profile.
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hey i replied to your umod post.
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i don't make them disappear. I THINK you can fix this by deleting Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\252490 in your client folder, in which case it would just redownload the skins again so if some don't show then they will when they download again. height issue is fixed next update there is no setting to kill scientists on the road
ok fixed next update soon, I don't want to release it early when it's not quite ready. it just a minor annoyance with where it spawns so just bare with me. there's more great changes to come with this update fix fps by lowering the paste per batch setting as suggested by @OndraasekI recommend setting it to 5 or lower even on the best of machines it will still tank your FPS when it pastes. this is because of the usage of NextTick not being enough time for the server to process the batch properly. however it is not worth the CopyPaste dev changing this just because FPS temporarily suffers. that is to be expected when pasting a base into the game that has hundreds if not thousands of entities.
"Run Once On Server Startup": false, "Run Every X Seconds": 0.0, hi, it's this way by default. you must enable one of these to have it work automatically. i wouldn't set less than 3600.0 timer can only restart for everyone if the datafile becomes corrupted, and that would be an issue with your hosts machine. this would be in your logs also. if its not there then it didn't reset timers will reset to 7 days for active players. timers start automatically. /sab and abandonedbases.attack check those timers. attack is meant to start events when timer expires rather than using the two above options. this allows players to hunt for bases instead.
@aimacak it is intended that the base only despawns when it's inactive. if it is being raided then it is not inactive. so therefore Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive should not despawn the base when the timer reaches zero if its not inactive, but this ONLY applies when Reset is disabled they're different plugins so they're not going to function the same. it is intended that npcs do not spawn their clothes into the corpses inventory. this is why i am adding the option so that they can. all plugins must do this as the inventory is cleared natively when the npc dies otherwise @NeiboXPerience plugin should be excluding Raidable Base events in its OnLoseCondition hook by using the EventTerritory API @MACHIN3=] if (Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.Call("EventTerritory", player.transform.position))) return null;
@aimacak what one limit? time limits are per difficulty under Player Lockouts in the config the base will despawn when Minutes Until Despawn After Looting Resets When Damaged is false regardless of if it is active or not Despawn Inventory On Death is for the items the game spawns on their corpse when they die. not their clothes etc. I've added a new option for that in next update Spawn Loadout In Corpses Inventory
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ok, should be resolved in next update as i no longer have any despawn issues in that version
which version is loaded? they should always despawn on a normal reload.
raid bases don't decay, no i wouldn't know why things randomly disappear but it shouldn't be from this plugin
@Craft the only way a player can lose ownership of a base is if they become inactive. enemies cannot enter locked bases if eject enemies is true and the base is locked to the player. there is an extremely rare bug that has been around for a LONG time where a base will not lock to a player normally. there is no fix because its so rare no one can figure out how to reproduce it
there's nothing to do but wait for the update @CryEnginesome monuments have no radius and there's no detection of custom monuments in 2.6.1 and it is fixed in next update. i was using hardcoded radii for everything in prior updates which just isn't ideal. the next update does everything dynamically so it's more accurate than before
not sure with the recent changes to them. just disable the option for Move Cookables Into Ovens if it is broken and I'll fix it no such thing as an old config. no need to ever delete your config or start fresh unless you messed it up and don't know how to fix it. in which case you can still ask for help there's no need to change land level as far as i can see for the rest you will have to show me screenshots or just ask for help if you dread resetting the config again =p I don't understand. how is it going to spawn if it can't find a spawn point? and you put the filename under Spawns Database File by replacing none with the name of the file (do not put the file extension), so if the spawns file is mybuyablespawns.json then you put mybuyablespawns