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Flint Monkey

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Everything posted by Flint Monkey

  1. Flint Monkey

    Server Hud

    @AhigaO - love the changes you've made to the plugin. Is it possible to add an indicator for altitude/height in game?
  2. Flint Monkey

    Can't upgrade to 2.0.10

    I am also experiencing this issue. It wouldn’t be an issue I’d even notice if my update plugin didn’t prompt me to download and install the updated version every time it runs.
    My players are talking about this new plugin in discord and looking for ways to work together to take down the harder tiers. Any plugin that makes players connect is a win. Thanks for putting this together, @Sabby, and for continuing to improve it over time!
  3. I came her to ask for this and am glad 1) others are asking for it and 2) you're looking into it. Rather than tone down the tiers you put in place, I'd love to reduce the frequency/likelihood of the Nightmare tier, especially early on in the wipe. It'd also be great if there were a way to specify what tiers are available at what locations. For example, I use convoy and might not want a Nightmare roaming the map on roads.
  4. Flint Monkey

    Server Hud

    I reloaded all my plugins and this fixed the issue. It could have been imagelibrary.
  5. Flint Monkey

    Server Hud

    Since the update, images in the Hud are no longer loading:
  6. This worked - I cannote believe I missed that as it's not set for any of the other monuments. Thanks!
  7. Hi @Steenamaroo, The kits are marked with a 1 in the BotReSpawn GUI, and they are generated by BotReSpawn. I had to set up a hotkey, but I eventually was able to do a '/botrespawn info' to get info on the NPC. I am attaching screenshots here. Any other ideas on what might be going on? This is the only monument I've seen an issue at. Thanks, Flint
  8. Since the last update, I am having an issue where my bots at Ranch 0 are loading up as scientists (not pulling in their kits). Other monuments seem to be loading correctly. I looked through the config in the GUI as well as in the code and I'm not seeing any issues. Names are loading up correctly... it's just the skins. And the skins/kits are able to load at other monuments where they are selected using BotReSpawn. Any idea why this might be? Here's my code for Ranch 0: "Ranch 0": { "type": 0, "Spawn": { "AutoSpawn": true, "Radius": 60, "BotNames": [ "Ozzy Omlette", "Sparkplug Witwicky", "Cooter", "Buford T. Justice", "Angry Beaver", "Foghorn Leghorn", "Clarabelle" ], "BotNamePrefix": "Ranch", "Keep_Default_Loadout": true, "Kit": [ "npc-egghead", "npc-mechanic2", "npc-mechanic1", "npc-sheriff", "npc-beaver", "npc-chicken", "npc-cow" ], "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 3, "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 2, "Announce_Spawn": false, "Announcement_Text": "", "BotHealth": 150, "Stationary": false, "UseCustomSpawns": false, "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false }, "Behaviour": { "Roam_Range": 60, "Aggro_Range": 30, "DeAggro_Range": 40, "Peace_Keeper": true, "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 25, "Bot_Damage_Percent": 50, "Running_Speed_Booster": 10, "AlwaysUseLights": false, "Ignore_Sleepers": true, "Target_Noobs": true, "Melee_DamageScale": 1.0, "RangeWeapon_DamageScale": 1.0, "Target_ZombieHorde": 0, "Target_HumanNPC": 0, "Target_Other_Npcs": 0, "Respect_Safe_Zones": true, "Faction": 0, "SubFaction": 0 }, "Death": { "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0, "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "", "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 5, "Corpse_Duration": 10, "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 5, "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50, "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100, "Wipe_Main_Percent": 80, "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 80, "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 80, "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100, "Rust_Loot_Source": "foodbox", "Respawn_Timer": 10, "RustRewardsValue": 0.0 }, "Other": { "Chute": false, "Suicide_Timer": 10, "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": true, "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [], "Disable_Radio": true, "Use_Map_Marker": false, "Always_Show_Map_Marker": false, "MurdererSound": true } },
  9. Flint Monkey

    Server Hud

    @AhigaO - I love how clean this panel looks. Thanks for making something that's been complex so simple. There are a couple of magic panel plugins that my players use frequently that are missing: Is it possible to include the grid position in the UI? Many players use that to communicate where they are (rather than using coordinates) for general grouping/planning. Another player already asked this... is there a way to add a radiation level indicator? The best option is amount of rad protection / amount of rad present, but even a yes/no would be appreciated. In addition, I'm having an issue where I cannot get the dropdown button list to execute chat commands. I've created a simple one for /info. Perhaps I don't have the syntax right. I've tried including it with and without the '/'.
  10. It'd be great if there were a way to see the most recent update date in the Purchases list.
  11. Great - I will try this later today. Thanks again!
  12. hey @Steenamaroo- I want to have multiple NPCs with the same kit spawn at a single monument (in this case astronauts at Satellite Dish) with different bot names and drop varieties. To do this I: configured the kits by adding quantity of kit 5 npc-astronaut (kit name) went into the data config file and specified 5 different bot names… one for each of the npc-astronaut kits updated the data file to the server reloaded the BotReSpawn The NPCs are spawning correctly in terms of quantity I configured BUT they all have the first name only (no randomization). What am I doing wrong?
    This is the second time I am updating my review. BotReSpawn has become the plugin that I prioritize over all others; in other words, if another plugin conflicts with BotReSpawn, I unload it. BotReSpawn has allowed me to create a unique, custom experience on my server. It's THE reason players stay on my server. Why do I prioritize this plugin over all others? The ability to customize how and where your NPCs spawn, whether you want to assign them to an existing monument OR create your own The AI of the bots is realistic, unpredictable, and continue to get better over time; I use several bot plugins on my server and the botrespawn ones are my personal favorite Adjusting the way they look and what weapons they use with kits makes configuration dead simple The GUI is easy to use and the config files are easy to understand; @Steenamaroo does a great job explaining how and why things work the way they do You can copy settings from one group of NPCs and apply them to another with one click; you can also save templates and import them If you want to save specific loadouts (for example, for events like Halloween), there's now a button to do that @Steenamaroo is ALWAYS responsive and respectful (even when it's user error), and continuously improving the the plugin This is a must have plugin for any modded server, especially for PvE environments., and the functionality combined with the support offered is well worth the investment.
  13. Thanks!
  14. Hi @David - I just purchased this plugin and did _not_ get the Place Anything plugin with it. It looks like I should have selected the "Buy Bundle" option, but I swear it wasn't there when I was making the purchase. Any thoughts on how to remedy this?
  15. Flint Monkey


    I'm looking for what the default kits are for NPCs (Facepunch's settings, not the modified ones). Does this info get sucked into NPCKits.json? I haven't installed NPCKits yet and suppose I could just install it and take a look myself.
  16. Should I be limiting their Aggro_Range further then? I assume the range is relative to the bot itself?
  17. Okay, it looks like it's not user error on my part. I went into the config and fixed the prefix... I am still seeing airfield zombies at the other monument.
  18. Ignore this message - error was between my chair and keyboard. I'd copied the loadout from the airfield to the arctic base because they are in the same biome... and it copied the "BotNamePrefix" as well.
  19. Not sure if this has been asked before... I apologize if it has. In my current map, the airfield is fairly close to the Arctic Research Base and for this reason, gunfire in one attracts bots from the other. Is there a way to limit this travel? I have tried setting the roam range considerably lower but it's not preventing the overlap. Are there other settings I should be looking at?
  20. Flint Monkey


    @Steenamaroo and others - do you know if there is a way to pull a list of the default kits for existing NPCs today so I can modify what exists instead of doing a blind replace?
  21. @David - Does this plugin allow you to place items like junkpiles?
  22. Hey @Kaho - I'm trying out your map for the first time and love the monuments. This is a great way to showcase them! A player noticed the following in Miller Town. We suspect something is supposed to be under these:
  23. @Steenamaroo - can you provide a bit more clarity on the "Remove_Backpacks_Percent" setting in Global settings? I'm having an issue where I _think_ backpacks appear when/where my bots suicide, but tbh, it's hard to sit around and test this. Is that what this setting does?


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