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Light Hammer

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Everything posted by Light Hammer

  1. Is the "TimedTopList" timer in minutes or seconds?
    This tool is a must have if you're hosting your own server. I didn't understand a few things about it at first, but that's all me and not this tool. Once I got my head around how it works and how to apply an already configured server to it, it was smooth sailing. The V2 BETA is mind blowing and I'm super excited to see what comes next! SO worth making donations to show support of such an amazing and useful tool. Thank you Los (and of course any/all who helped contribute to it's awesomeness).
  2. Thank you, quality work takes time and this is worth the wait.
  3. You are not alone my friend, many of us using this wonderful tool have issues addressing changes in the batch files not taking place. I have set many times all my parameters just to have it revert back to files installed/managed by R.S.T. All we can do is hang in there and hope V2 is released soon and it addresses all our issues.
  4. I'm so glad you found something and I'm not just crazy (well...not about this anyway) I certainly don't mean to rush you and I know you've got many people asking the same thing, is V2 coming in a week? 2 weeks? a month? I am desperate for the new version for the reasons stated above as well as the many other wonderful features discussed leading up until now. Most notably the server scheduled restart/wipe/update portion of it as using for example "Timed Execute" to restart my server every morning at 4:AM my local time just stops the server and I need to manually restart the server. To take this a step further a mobile app flexing the same server management capabilities would be a godsend as after the daily restart stops my server, I would at least be able to restart it again from my phone while I'm at work to curb the downtime. Thanks for letting me ramble, have a great day and keep up the good work!
  5. I am making these changes in the "server.cfg" file and I am trying to set codelock hackable crate time and team max size 4 players. With the server not running I enter the following below the 6 lines created by Rust Server Tool in the server.cfg file: server.hostname blah blah blah server.tags blah blah blah server.description blah blah blah server.maxplayers 100 server.url blah blah blah server.headerimage blah blah blah hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds 180 maxteamsize 4 Click save, start server and it always removes the hackablelockedcrate and maxteamsize from the config and leaves me with the original 6 lines created by Rust Server Tool.
  6. How would I go about things like: 1) Setting codelock hackable crate time to 3 minutes instead of 15. Everytime I make the change in the server config and save it, it reverts back. 2) Setting the team max size to 4. Everytime I make this change and save it, it reverts back. Any help is truly appreciated.
  7. At my earliest opportunity, donations will be made. Your work is most appreciated.
  8. Yes I would very much like to see an auto restart schedule and auto wipe schedule that auto updates Steam/Oxide. I'd be all in even if this were a "premium" version of such a useful tool.
  9. Yes my RustServerTool is working, just needed to click "options" to run anyway and it loaded up just fine. What's crazy is that when I clicked on Update Umod it found and loaded v 2.0.5392 and Umod site has .5390. It is functional though as far as I can tell.
  10. Sooooooo...not only is 1.1.3 not crashing it found an apparently newer version of Oxide not even listed on Umod yet. Should I be worried?
  11. Yeah I see a lot of people having issues in Reddit since last update. Many state low FPS on high-end rigs. Can't explain why, but, I am fortunate in not suffering that fate as I still have 100 FPS on my server.
  12. I have also lost function of this awesome tool. Start, freeze, error...repeat. I have no option other than closing it that doesn't brick my server. .NET Framework errors every time accompanied w/ 504 Gateway Timeout.
  13. Not necessarily a problem per-say, just something I'm too dumb to figure out on my own as this is my first attempt hosting my own dedicated.
  14. I've copy/pasted all the relevant info from my old host to all the relevant places in my dedicated. Running said batchfile starts the server and all my plugins are there, I have lvl 2 and everything is just as it was before I switched. After entering all the info from the server into your server tool, it starts the server and everything runs great...it's just vanilla. I was trying to use this wonderful tool to manipulate the server I currently have running and not start over from scratch. Hopefully my rambling incoherence makes sense lol.
  15. Los, I can't thank you enough for creating this. Now that I'm running my own dedicated vs. paying a host, this tool is invaluable as an owner/admin. Everything works great so far, my only hiccup is having it address a server I've already got running w/oxide and a handful of plugins. Just to confirm I read something about this issue will be resolved in V2 and if so any clues on completion? Just looking for clarification and certainly not complaining, please keep up the outstanding work...you rule.
  16. For whatever it's worth, my NPC's are spawning on roof of bases. Sometimes they are stuck within roof panels and cannot move...but they're up there and they're shooting. Haven't had one spawn inside any bases yet.
  17. On the occasion similar things happen to me, "/remove all" seems to sort me out
  18. w/out resorting to something cringe-worthy...
  19. It's hard to read all this and not feel torn as I agree w/all of it. I'll start by saying thanks Steen for having made it available, to us all, free of charge for so long w/support. This has obviously impacted so many of us and while some may have difficulty expressing how disappointing this is w/out resorting to something cringe-worthy...if I'm being honest i do feel somewhat let down. At the very least BotReSpawn could be $20 initially with the additional costs paid when these "new/upcoming features" become available and are stably released. I'd be willing to bet that approach would calm much of the grumbling.
  20. I had the same issue, Dev reached out w/ the answer. The section exists within the plugin....I just never scrolled far right enough to see it. It was all the way at the end of line 547 for me and I changed it to "{ AnchorMin = "0.806 0.955", AnchorMax = "0.99 0.989" }" Give that a try and see if it helps!
    Great plugin with great features, players seem to like the back and forth of taking the titles from one another. I removed from my servers however as I run the FiringRange plugin, which leaves you exposed to Bots, Animals and NPC's that cannot be killed, at every monument there is a range. This allowed me to rack up as many headshots as I wanted while in any range and made it impossible for anyone else to claim that title. So I installed a different plugin for player challenges instead. Other than that issue (which is really only to do w/my server setup) this is an outstanding plugin. ***Update*** The issue mentioned above was addressed and is working perfectly, so it has been reinstalled on my servers. Can't recommend this plugin ( and several others by Steenamaroo ) enough. The support is top-notch!
  21. Light Hammer


    While I've wasted more money on worse things, this is a $30 regret and would love a refund.


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