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Everything posted by Enchantress

  1. Update it is only in the BBQ. Sorry did not know this till just now a player cooked in a cauldron and it works fine and fire pit works fine to but fire pit is not fast like the bbq and cauldron are i do not know why.
  2. Enchantress

    Cooking Fish broke lol

    So when cooking fish filet it cooks a few then all fish disappear. I set meat to 1 on all and it still did it. i have it normally set 100 1000 10000 in the furnace part for meat but i set them all to 1 and it did not fix it. I unloaded skills and fish stoped disappearing. As far as I have found it is only raw fish that is having this issue lol.
  3. Enchantress

    Wind tirbines

    I am having a issue with the wind turbines. It's not blocking them. I used the name from corrisonhour and that didn't work so I used the debug plugin and got a different name from it so I used it and it's still not working. Was wondering if you knew the correct way to put it in by chance?
  4. Enchantress

    having issues

    So this is not working for players and i look at data file and all steam ids have changed either the last number or the last 2 numbers changed. Ive tried with players disconnecting multiple ways and rjoinging in different order still not working. Do you have any ideas?
  5. Enchantress

    adding zombies

    https://www.bing.com/search?q=zombie+horde+rust&cvid=63c1e24ccaa24c488e366324aef556c1&aqs=edge.0.69i59j69i57j0j46j0l4j69i60.1893j0j1&pglt=41&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=HCTS they are zombieNPC if that helps and thank you so very much!!! I tried adding it myself in place of scarecrow but it didnt work lol.
  6. Enchantress

    adding zombies

    How can i add zombies from zombie horde to be counted in kills. Love the plugin
  7. On my server horses are not killable via true pve and sometimes i have a player that has horse kills but yet horses are not killable i even went as far as to search server logs and oxide logs and death notes i have searched every log i can think of and no where was a horse killed. I even have it set to cost you 1000 economics if you kill a horse and the person never lost the economics. So i am wondering if there is a way its registering horses as something else? I am not sure how this can be. If you have any ideas i would love to know how. Also very great plugin my players really enjoy it
  8. Enchantress

    can i change command

    thank you very much. i could not find it last night at all much apprecitated
    This is amazing very fun to use. As a server owner i use this alot. My players use it to i have it at certain times that they can use it and they think it is very awesome
    i love this plugin very fun and interesting. Players really enjoy this and can customize it really nice to.
  9. Enchantress


    Really good add on for server. Players like it and gives them a boost (depending on how you want it) Very customizable. Great support for the plugin. I love how customizable it is I can remove or add skills, permissions, can change the color of the menu, and add picture to the menu very nice.
    This is amazing my players love this plugin. They have so much fun with it. I have more players farming than ever before and im always hearing how awesome this is.
    This plugin is really neat and useful for sure. I use it on my pve server but would also be useful on pvp. Would recommend if your looking for extra storage. I like how i can make it only at certain spots or via chat.
  10. Enchantress

    can i change command

    im trying to find which file the command is in i would like to change it like the chat command for players is /gstorage id like to make it /gs i have looked threw cs, config, lang, and data but cannot find it in there at all. If you have a minute could you please let me know which file it is in so i can change it. Also great plugin
    This is the coolest. I can spawn any NPC with a grenade. This will be perfect for the little events I run i no longer have to f1 spawn stuff in, I can just throw a grenade to do it. Amazing would totally recommend this.
  11. Enchantress

    help player being spammed

    Players are being spammed when they rank up its just spamming like crazy help
  12. Enchantress

    nothing spawns

    ty very much and will do for sure ty for fixing it
  13. Enchantress

    nothing spawns

    so i loaded the plugin and nothing spawns i even tried config it and still cannot get anything to spawn plz help. Thank you
  14. ok so i can just use betternpcnames n put stuff in there inventory and they will drop it? if so that works just fine. ty very much.
  15. Is there a way to add custom loot to these npcs?
  16. Enchantress

    fast ovens

    ok thank you very much for the reply and update.
    I love raidable bases plugin it is so amazing. My players love it and my server would not be as fun with out Raidable Bases. Its a must have plugin. Would recommened to everyone this plugin is amazing.
  17. Enchantress

    fast ovens

    how can i make the ovens faster quick smelt will not work with this plugin but i have it set like this now 20": { "Cost": 75000, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 1000000000000, "Value 2": 0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [ and its still not that fast any help
  18. Enchantress


    it completly quit working for me out of the blue when you put them together it will craft but will not do damage and it was just working n all sudden stopped any idea what it could be i have redownloaded it serveral times
  19. Enchantress

    no loot

    i deleted the plugin off my server and redownloaded it and put it back in server changed tree spawn to true put to 100 and put backpack to true killed a couple still no backpack and that is all i changed on it so i dont know.


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