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Everything posted by Ac3

  1. Ac3

    Industrial Dung

    Everytime i add poop into the compuster i got a error EDIT : Fixed it by removing config / lang files
  2. Ac3

    Pies still Discoonect

    No more help needit for me , I dont know what is causing the disconnected pipes then. U can close this support ticket Thank you for your time
  3. Ac3

    Pies still Discoonect

    What happends is that the pipes are disconnected afther a server restart but if nobody have the same problem i think its me then , Maybe like u said 1 of my plugins
  4. Ac3

    Pies still Discoonect

    Hello , I restart the server with smoothrestarter , I am on Ubunto server 22.04 LTS so i have made a crontab-e and smoothrestarter to restart the server every day @ 5:00 AM i have cheked the logs but i dont have any logs or errors from the plugin it just random stops splitting / disconnecting pipes i added a screenshot of my logs files The pipes are disconnecting at a plugin reload to , So not only on a server restart
  5. Ac3

    Pies still Discoonect

    Hello , Afther the last update u did pipes still disconnect afther a server restart , And the spliiting is not working when pipes are connected afther a while. When the pipes are once connected and they disconnect the splitting is not working anymore
  6. Ac3

    Industrial Dung

    Hi i encountered this problem when i restart the server the pipes dissconnect
  7. Ac3

    Industrial Dung

    Hello , Love the plugin but every time the server restarts the pipes disconnect ?
  8. Ac3

    Jet Event

    Got it working, The plugin wasnt starting when server restart but now its fixed
  9. Ac3

    Jet Event

    Sorry for the late reply , here is my config JetEvent.json
  10. Uhm it was a team of 5 , 3 people were online that tested the helicopter , 2 offline , None of the offline people were testing only the 3 online
  11. What i can do is test it on a test server , See if the problem still comes up
  12. yes they were in a team
  13. Hi sorry for the late response , I tested it with few of my players spawned signals for them and letted them kill the helicopter from base . And tested a few myself and if the heli is down if gives the error in rcon i tested 3 version and only 1.17 and 1.18 are giving the problems i am now on 1.16 and all problems are gone ( On the same config. I dont have any other plugin that i know that effects helicopters or fire on crates ( If i had any other plugins that effect the Helicopter it should not work with 1.16 also then i gives me the same error but 1.16 is fine no errors and all crate are lootable whitout the message "On Fire"
  14. Ac3

    Jet Event

    The plugin inst loading on server restart , I have to manualy reload the plugin every server restart , I think i have JetPack plugin not working togehter
  15. Using 1.1.6 now and all problems are solved no erros anymore and fire on crates working , with the same config i used on 1.1.8 so tested 1.17 and 1.18 and both are giving errors and the fire on boxes are not wokring in the config
  16. Hi i have a problem i can't fix everytime the the helicopter goes down its gives me this error? And i have disabled fire damge on crates and gibs but sthere is still fire on the crates I cant figure it out deleted the config and lanuage files and did everything from scretch but still the error in rcon and fire on crates HeliSignals.json
  17. Ac3


    Do i need to use SimpleEvents? Because the plugin on its own doesnt start the challenges itself? EDIT NeverMind got it working
  18. Ac3

    No power on doors

    Got it all working Thank you verry mutch
  19. Ac3

    No power on doors

    I am verry sorry but its working also with the newer version of the map I dint find the fuse box with the fuse its working Only the bank is not , Do u need the fuse at the bank to open the door so yes where is the fusebox located?
  20. Ac3

    No power on doors

    Got it , Thank you verry much for the fast reply and help
  21. Ac3

    No power on doors

    hello i, First of all i love the map , But none of the blue /red doors are powered , Same goes for the Zeppeling if u put a fuse in the door is not opening to the other ( Underwaterlab like rooms) - GhostBusters building there is no power on the red / blue door - Zeppeling fuse lights up but doors won't open Bank dont have power also for the card I have installed the latest rustedit.dll


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