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Everything posted by Flammable

  1. Flammable

    Water well

    works with console to plant but then if you wanna rotate or place it properly looking left or right or fix the position you can do it with ubertool or just ent kill and spawn again until match the place, anyways you are right... you cant place them because they are not in-game as item, only as spawnable prefab
  2. Still happy you can play streams from web via new DLC Item boombox so hope people make something clever like plugin idk and implement it here and there if possible... I wish you were able to have loading screen music or something like this or actually high quality music playing here and there in zone or triggered somehow whatever else instead of shit voice record playback. About video I guess its next level stuff you cant do as of now and not sure but I think gifs and other "Updating" stuff in order to play something refreshing every couple of seconds gonna cause performance issues for the server right?
  3. Flammable

    Water well

    You can't pick them up but because I was curious about this well too, joined in my server and spawned one. People can't acces them like buy/puckup the item but still if you have UberTool plugin (look for it in google) you can achieve this as admin -> move the well prefab around and place it rotate etc...
  4. So If I add your plugin and then add cardtable item in the loot table (the unused vanilla item) will your plugin allow people to pick it up, recycle and fix the error messages. Your plugin looks great only hope can somehow implement tables in crates not crafting via command...
  5. Heey... Not sure how this plugin works but In-game you already have item and can spawn it with give cardtable. Only not sure why when you place or destroy it there are weird red errors on your screen for some reason. If this plugin is more stable would be great but, can you add to this plugin option to have card table item generated in elite crates or other type of crates because would be great.
  6. Yea true and as I know from other people still when you shoot no matter protection level 3, 2 or just 1 still breaks weapons so hard. One friend played inside one server with this AntiMacros and told me when he shoots like 5-7 bullets then next one goes like totally different direction like weapon goest crazy down in the corner like bullet goes randomly somewhere then again normal... Recoil is fucked up for normal players playing legit and have learned the recoil and when something like this happens they are wtf... Why this bullet or Ak goes randomly down or etc...
  7. Great, my idea is already made so you can ignore this topic or whatever : ) I am happy with everything...
  8. You gave me an idea now... Is it possible to configure text on notes from plugin config? If you unwarp the lootbag will do give the player note item only instead of all other stuff or sometimes bonus special item but still yeah note is the main goal from every unwarp and put the text form config on it...
  9. Flammable


    Btw never thought about all this customization people ask but might try <size> tag later or <b> and see how it's gonna look like in-game but still love how simple this plugin is and you can add your discord link or basic advertisement / info for all online player / copyright / etc and its simple and clean
  10. I do not have budget right now to request this but lets gather some info if possible... While used to have a breakfast one morning got this idea. Then casually asked one developer from here about possibility of this idea, but wanna also get more feedback from other devs too. I do not know what exactly should happen from crazy plugin like this but at least will have 1 custom item named fortune cookie with custom item image of course (if item can be replace of existing not used in-game food item would be great so people can native use it by pressing hotkey or from inventory via EAT, if not possible still somehow consume with LMB and so on will be fine...) Then player, in-chat or via notification or if possible in cool UI, will see the fortune (random message from all added messages in the config file)... Actual effects from using the cookie? idk... Other than restoring specific amount of HP, probably if there's something like Luck related gameplay bonus for using the cookie (increased chance for something or feeling lucky for something after consuming for set period of time), I hope you got my idea here. Still main goal is about cool looking (for the fun part) plugin with shine/crack or unwarp sound effect upon use and probably small particles and the main part is the message. Not aiming at special mechanics etc... About integration into the current server loot there are a lot of ways with other plugins to do implement item I guess even if its custom, main idea here is to make it very rare for players to get one and have excitement to open it, not using them all the time.
  11. I saw exactly what you need and its better than this Orange version but looks private or not released for now... check 2CHEVSKII channel on youtube and you will see. Toggable NPC/HELI/BASE/RESOURCE/PLAYER options with permissions and nice blend with the default Rust UI
    Woooooow... This plugin is simple and at the same time epic. Very basic features but that's what you gonna need and nothing more. I do not know if plugins needs anything, already everything... About colors you just need to add html tag < color > and viola... Great!
  12. Uh, hope your Grandma is ok, this is more important than one videogame and plugins, take your time. Also by mentioning mixing table and crafting I meant that since Rust have sh*t limitations you can't use them to add real stuff to the plugin like gathering items then combining at the mixing table, then probably mixing again and crafting something to get the final item and then use it everything becomes not too special and again end up making the items via external crafts/cmds/etc then using with LMB cuzyou can't properly consume custom items like normal food. Then about this "loose hype", I mean that its still great plugin and hope my players do like it and I will be sure to support the plugin and get one copy for my server just from too many time waiting and also too many preview content already... its not like the 1st time when I saw the images of growing the plant and was Woooow...
  13. ok just hope its done soon cuz I start to loose hype for this since its already nothing special cuz limitations of the rust to add new crafting recipes, mix on the mixing table but you still made great work... I hope its soon live : )
  14. Can you please tell me how can fix this because on plugin unload people still have MP5 with 50ammo clip and also recoil again were weird as one player said... So how to fix the clip? (they said its for new weapons too so Idk...)
  15. Also please can I know why this guy said If you unload plugin its still same? Does it use to change stuff with server commands that are saved into the server permanently? As I know you can modify bullet damage, also accuracy and etc with server commands... Btw on the video preview there's no difference with original recoil as I saw and that's good.
  16. Ok and last question... What about this... New players won't notice anything but how this can impact pro players if they already practice and learned all weapon recoils/distance/other factors etc. If for example max level protection hardcore is used, can pro player notice weird stuff that's not supposed to be like this and this while shooting. I hope explained good. Btw thanks for the reply and answers : )
  17. Very interesting plugin... I have one question for now... Is this plugin based like "anticheat" arkan that tries to detect no recoil violations from probability and you need to judge then if that's pro player or scripter? What I mean by this? If player is very good, can this anti macro plugin mess with him while playing if he somehow manage to trigger the plugin or properly detect only macros program/mice only if he's using any? As I saw on the video preview looks like this will completely fix the scripters problem. Anyways plugin looks impressive.
  18. Btw why you would need to post links for other websites? If you need help with plugin from here you will ask in here of course. If you need to link plugin or mention it you can just type plugin name. If someone ask for plugin that do this and this and you know there's one in here that does exactly the same, you can DM the user for his discord and send him the plugin on discord. Yeah...
  19. If I make one day roleplay server or something more modded might be cool but for now I am not into this money shit that you gain from nowhere and use to buy items for free because you just get money and buy some weapons when you are in need instead of crafting them... just /shop and done idk, my opinion... Anyways GREAT job! This plugin like fully working ATM shown on the video have great UI and features as I can see. Never seen plugin like this before for ATM system, nice and keep the work, plugin have potential!
  20. Nice, I hope we can hop into test server next days and see how plugin works tests are needed, can't wait to see it live.
  21. Yeah great, just mentioned this because if you just plant/grow weed and sell for scrap gonna be uhh... Better farm barrels and crates, but if you can make something with buff then people will be more interesting into this script as players I mean trying it out and plant weed.
  22. I would like to hop in the test server and test the plugin : 0
  23. Great... Can't wait to see it available so can support development and get copy... I guess my players will like this : )
  24. Can you have option in the config to enable auto show Info or not when look at the plant and also T to show the info (if understood right) in-game sounds very good because not possible to click as I said. Other suggestions... Not sure what's going on and with who you work the plugin exactly and what's the full release gonna have just saw one image from David about dealer NPC and heard that smoking will give comfort as good effect if we are talking about the same stuff. So any short visual/sound effect (do not wanna make people hate this and do not use it) but small stylish for realism effect where your screen is somehow RGB and you hear the Rasta music from the fishing village would be cool. And I love how the plugins is going for now. Less or 0% commands for players if possible to be more vanilla looking and blending with the game is nice. Maybe some tips here and there through planting, gathering, etc for the players will be also welcome and handy.


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