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Everything posted by NooBlet
Other question i got what is the world position of this . And does it appear on plugin load and disappear on unload of nadeplus
Ill look at code but rocket only gets spawned when f15 grenades get thrown
and the f15 nade dont make a zone (which is the only way nadeplus applies radiation) so please explain what grenade was thrown
what was the f15 nade shooting at ? there is no body of a player or npc scientist
you might have to look at yourside . just tested all nades and dont see this issue you having ... the rockets is spawned just like rust does it with rocket launcher and after that its all rust . not plugin . ive had ppl talking about explosiveweapon plugin that might be the culprit . but dont own that to confirm. the "RAT" you speak about (asuming you mean RADIATION) does not happen in test i just did on al nades . maybe open ticket and supply all details (config , plugin version , console errors and server framework) @hid333
just checked code ... on plugin reload (this is also on restart ). player settings gets loaded to tugboat automatically ... so on restart should not affect this .... any other tugboat plugins that you use . so i can look deeper ?
Version 1.5.5
NadePlus adds a few custom Grenades to the world for more Tactical Gameplay Fair warning ....All Players with IsAdmin tag are exempt from nade effects (but in fairness Admins should not play, Right?) Custom Nades Radiation Nade (spreads radiation and kills NPC's) ** Requires ZoneManager*** WaterBomb (Puts out fire's also works on Bradley and patrol and removes radiation effect to players in radius) Medical Nade (heals players within radius) DropNGo Nade (drops nearby players Hotbar items to give you a chance to run away) Sleeper Nade (Forces players to sleep for a set time) Gravity Nade (pulls players /animals and scientist to explosion position) Ping Nade (Pings players and Scientists in blast radius) F15 Nade (spawns a F15 Jets to taget npc or player in radius) Wall Nade (spawns Walls for defense) Boogie Nade (makes players dance for set time) DroppedLoot Nade (pings loot that was dropped from list) Turret Nade (Spawns 2 turrets armed and active. Team and self will be authed) Landmine Nade (spawns landmines in radius) Yeet Nade (Yeets players and scientist away from explotions) Console Commands givenade <playername> <type> // 0 = Radiation 1=Waterbomb 2 = Medical 3 =DropNGo 4=Sleeper 5 = Gravity 6 = Ping 7 = F15 8 = Walls 9 = Boogie 10 = DroppedLoot // 11 = Turret //12 = Landmine //13 = Yeet givenades <playername> // gives all nads to player Admin Ingame Commands /getname - Puts to console prefab name admin is looking at Video examples Config { "Use F1 grenades?": true, "Grenade SkinID's": { "RadiationNade": 810239244, "WaterNade": 1104350225, "HealNade": 830797289, "DropAndGoNade": 1806709625, "SleepNade": 1052763402, "GravityNade": 879489202, "PingNade": 3139713369, "F15Nade": 2425947331, "WallNade": 3263974252, "BoogieNade": 2206463709, "DroppedLootNade": 830792231, "TurretNade": 1262374789, "LandmineNade": 3282943077, "YeetNade": 817317634 }, "NPC names to Exclude": [ "conversationalis", "shopkeeper", "missionproviders" ], "Nade Config's": { "Radiation Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "MaxRadiation": 60.0 }, "Water Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0 }, "Medical Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "Maxheal": 75.0 }, "DropNGo Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "NPCDropChance": 30.0, "AffectTeammates": false, "TimeNPCShootDisabled": 15.0 }, "Sleeper Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "TimeToKeepSleeping": 20.0 }, "Gravity Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "PullScientists": true, "PullAnimals": false }, "Ping Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 40.0, "PingScientists": true, "PingTeam": false }, "F15 Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 40.0 }, "Wall Nade": { "WallAmount": 4, "TimetillKill": 10.0 }, "Boogie Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "TimeToKeepBoogie": 10.0 }, "DroppedLoot Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 150.0, "Includeditems": [ "rifle.ak", "rifle.bolt", "rifle.l96", "rifle.lr300", "rifle.m39", "rifle.semiauto", "smg.2", "smg.mp5", "smg.thompson", "crossbow", "bow.hunting", "bow.compound", "shotgun.waterpipe", "shotgun.spas12", "shotgun.pump", "shotgun.double", "shotgun.m4", "pistol.revolver", "pistol.python", "pistol.eoka", "pistol.m92", "pistol.nailgun", "pistol.semiauto", "rocket.launcher", "lmg.m249", "multiplegrenadelauncher", "rifle.ak.ice", "hmlmg", "pistol.prototype17", "snowballgun", "minigun", "military flamethrower", "largebackpack", "smallbackpack", "rifle.sks", "t1_smg", "explosive.timed" ] }, "Turret Nade": { "TimetillKill": 30.0 }, "Landmine Nade": { "Landmineamount": 10, "SpawnRadius": 10.0, "TimetillKill": 120.0 }, "Yeet Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "YeetPlayers": true, "YeetScientist": true } }, "Enable Nade world spawns?": true, "Nade world spawns Options": { "RadiationNade": true, "SleeperNade": true, "GravityNade": true, "PingNade": true, "F15Nade": true, "WallNade": true, "DropNGoNade": true, "BoogieNade": true, "MedicalNade": true, "WaterBombNade": true, "DroppedLootNade": true, "TurretNade": true, "LandmineNade": true, "YeetNade": true }, "Drop Settings": [ { "Object Short prefab name": "crate_elite", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 7.0 }, { "Object Short prefab name": "codelockedhackablecrate", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 9.0 }, { "Object Short prefab name": "crate_ammunition", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 20.0 } ] } Known Conflict's any plugin that modifies stacks Future plans Add more nades add more custom setting per nade in config more screenshots and videos$10.00 -
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