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Everything posted by NooBlet

  1. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    you need to reach out to the map dev . and ask what is different to proc map oilrig and his . .. like i said before . all this plugin does is hacking extra crate . so there is no control(from pluginside) with the npc . thats all on facepunch side . and on this case the map
  2. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    so now the question is . is the oilrig the exact same as normal rust . or did the dev of that map changed it
  3. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    no .... you did not say custom map ..... the seed and size is to get the exact map to reproduce the issue ... custom map is different .. that means there is something else going on with the npc nav spawn that could be the issue .
  4. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    ok so its the seed ... in test server with your seed and size and the heavyrigplugin not loaded . small oil ch48 npc dont move from spawn . but do in large .... with plugin loaded large all moves with event or not .. so this is not plugin its the map seed that has a nav mesh issue at small oil rig . i did record all the test if you need it
  5. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    maybe a silly question..... with betternpc . are changing the aperance of the npc . if so . can i see your config and data file of betternpc that pertain to Ch47
  6. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    im going to load that map quick and check
  7. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    all this plugin does is calling more chinooks so if working normal without plugin it must work correct with wave ... map size? so i can test seed
  8. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    Map seed ? and does the npc move if wave is not activated ? (normal oilrig crate hack)
  9. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    again this plugin does not controlling npc's . please check in your console these 2 convars ai.think ai.move and then provide list of all current plugins . map seed and oxide version
  10. NooBlet

    Drug Business Plugin

    and if you can give me the console error at time
  11. NooBlet

    Drug Business Plugin

    mmmm as the rpc is to with mount . , @JuJu can you please make video what you did and to see the error happening ?
  12. NooBlet

    Drug Business Plugin

    i dont own this plugin . but wrecks . what else is mountable in this plugin .. just the computer station ?
  13. NooBlet

    Drug Business Plugin

    myself i try to respond within 24hours . but as life always getting the way it might take a few hours longer . then with info supplied from customer . you have to try ro replicate the results and find away around it .... i agree with @Wrecks do some test to give as much info to the dev and your problem can be then properly addressed
  14. NooBlet

    Drug Business Plugin

    you do realize that some issues can not be sorted out within few min.... just give the guy some time to respond and look into the issue ... .
  15. NooBlet

    Drug Business Plugin

    you need to give more time . some of us is in different timesones and not to mention some of use has jobs aswell . min give the guy 2 days 48 hours
  16. NooBlet

    Drug Business Plugin

    when did you open the support ticket ? on the plugin page? @JuJu
  17. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    Ok i found the issue ... just doing a restart test . then ill upload the update @Robis
  18. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    wil test that
  19. NooBlet

    The Imposter

    can maybe look into that
  20. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    Thanks glad your happy
  21. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    cords are relative to monument
  22. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    i would not call it incorrect just not where you wanted .. but yes place it where ever you need it . and yes it will persist asl ong as plugin is active
  23. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    @Robis in config you can set your own your bro .. ill be happy to give you cords for any monument . just let me know . please refer to video that explain how to add your own
  24. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    morning @JeffG , so you talking about just having a monument jump to another monument but it sounds like you have a prefab . that can be in map already ... i might be able to work with that ... guess i need details of the prefab ... like prefab name and possible identifier that it has to be able to link them via code
  25. NooBlet


    Please submit a support request here: https://codefling.com/maps/abandoned-city-3500?tab=support


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