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Everything posted by NooBlet

  1. NooBlet

    Portal Error

    here i loaded portals plus from codeflng with no config . so it generates new config .. and i dont get the error
  2. NooBlet

    Portal Error

    share console from loading plugin to error please and what did you do . try to enter outpost portal ?
  3. NooBlet

    Portal Error

    so its the default config . please delete the plugin and config file and download plugin again from here and load to server and try again . ive tested the default just after you mention it first time and did not get that error .
  4. NooBlet

    Portal Error

    supply your current config that was active when error occurred . and are you using oxide
  5. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    or atleast confirm you have "Use Monument to Monument Portals" set to true
  6. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    first open a suport ticket so we dont spam the discussions , need current config . @royalscribe
  7. https://umod.org/documentation/plugins/permissions
  8. NooBlet

    Car Heist

    there is also a player spawn ...... cargo is just a easy way to automate spawn without adding more timers and stress to server
  9. im assuming you mean uploaded . the review list is normally huge . so it takes time for curators to get them released as they still have to have talk with owners as well. So this can take anywhere from 2days to 30days depending on number of uploaded files. keep in mind . lately there has been idiots that has been uploading hundreds of plugins ,that's been chatgpt generated . and that slows down the review process
  10. as this is a console command . and if normal rust allows it , it would work , if the plugin only supports chat commands there might be an issue .... this plugin supports console commands . that dont take in a count your spaces (meaning spaces is accounted by rust normal context) . so nothing i can do to help in this regard . hope this helps @Venedas
  11. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    the config in description . is from MR @Robis i find this is a very well placed portals for the monuments ....
  12. it has a function that parachutes are persistent (stays in backpack slot)
  13. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    No there spawns no dungeons @shady14u
  14. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    @Robis put check in place if player has open portal to block next place
  15. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    ill have a look
  16. NooBlet

    Portals Plus

    fixed @Robis
  17. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.6
  18. Please delete your config file before update . i have Rewritten the config to fix this issue ive tested it over 4 different seed and it was correct every time hope this help you
  19. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  20. applied some fixes . opening test server now to test wipe cycle
  21. ill have a look
  22. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  23. yes the makeportal command is only to get the data that has to be entered into the config file to let the portal spawn at that monument .. and that spawned portal will be an exit only . you can only have one portal per monument , and as many monuments as you like ... monuments that duplicate like supermarcet,lighthouse and undewaterlabs are excluded to prevent issues . . so when you watch the video . i show how to do this
  24. i need more than that my friend. where is your current config . need the logs from console around that time what portal did you create . teammate , last death or monument
  25. NooBlet

    NPC's not moving

    how do you know? . id the map bounds correct for the rigs . is it a prefab from latest rust , is the prefab constraints correct ..... i dont create maps . i just make plugins . so i can show you in normal rust the plugin works ... and as i said . because i dont know what makes the oilrig different in a custom map i cant preproduce this issue . or even know how to fix it


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