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Everything posted by NooBlet
Version 1.1.9
PortalsPlus adds the ability to have portal for player to monuments or teammates Permissions PortalsPlus.admin - needed to get portal placements when creating new portals at monuments with command /makeportal PortalsPlus.monumentuse - needed to alow monument to monument portal Commands giveportal <playername/ID> - console command to give players portal makeportal - spawn portal to get position and rotation relative to monument to add to config (this is not a spawn for portal use command)) Videos Config { "Use Teamate Portals": true, "Use LastDeath Portals": true, "Use Monument Portals": true, "Use Monument to Monument Portals": true, "Monument Portals": { "Launch Site": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": 211.0, "y": 9.2, "z": 97.1 }, "Rotation Corrected": 89.77 }, "Airfield": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -142.3, "y": 0.2, "z": -112.0 }, "Rotation Corrected": 89.49 }, "The Dome": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -1.05, "y": 19.83, "z": -5.2 }, "Rotation Corrected": 197.38 }, "Junkyard": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -46.5, "y": 11.32, "z": 11.7 }, "Rotation Corrected": 195.0 }, "Radtown": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": 34.3, "y": 1.0, "z": -17.6 }, "Rotation Corrected": 181.0 }, "Water Treatment Plant": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -4.35, "y": 60.35, "z": 69.1 }, "Rotation Corrected": 0.321 }, "Bandit Camp": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": 44.0, "y": 7.0, "z": -31.7 }, "Rotation Corrected": 135.34 }, "Power Plant": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -74.5, "y": 18.25, "z": 15.4 }, "Rotation Corrected": -90.0 }, "Outpost": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -24.4, "y": 0.12, "z": -29.9 }, "Rotation Corrected": 90.0 }, "Military Tunnel": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -53.96, "y": 8.9, "z": -6.2 }, "Rotation Corrected": 180.0 }, "Missile Silo": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": 56.2, "y": -5.9, "z": -16.3 }, "Rotation Corrected": 91.0 }, "Large Fishing Village": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -26.926, "y": 2.065, "z": -20.859 }, "Rotation Corrected": 358.677 }, "Sewer Branch": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -32.0, "y": 19.447, "z": -27.5 }, "Rotation Corrected": -32.0 }, "Ferry Terminal": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": -3.0, "y": 10.874, "z": -61.2 }, "Rotation Corrected": 180.0 }, "Arctic Research Base": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": 2.45, "y": 5.4, "z": 6.2 }, "Rotation Corrected": 357.405 }, "Ranch": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": 4.2, "y": 3.037, "z": 24.0 }, "Rotation Corrected": 179.0 }, "Large Barn": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": 3.872, "y": 9.022, "z": -3.73 }, "Rotation Corrected": 359.736 }, "Satellite Dish": { "Monument Portal Active?": true, "Position Corrected": { "x": 10.615, "y": 0.2, "z": -0.979 }, "Rotation Corrected": 90.741 } }, "Max Monument Portal Rows (6 max)": 6, "Enable PortalItem world spawns?": true, "Drop Settings": [ { "Object Short prefab name": "crate_elite", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 7.0 }, { "Object Short prefab name": "codelockedhackablecrate", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 9.0 }, { "Object Short prefab name": "crate_ammunition", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 20.0 } ] } Lang File { "NoPerm": "You dont have the Perms to use this", "NoAdminPerm": "Admin Permission needed for this command", "Rejectbutton": "Reject", "Acceptbutton": "Accept", "RejectMessage": "{playername} Rejected your Request", "RaycastFail": "Target Has something in the way for portal to spawn", "ActivePortalMessage": "There is a active portal for you already", "NoMon": "Monument to Monument is turned of in config , Sorry." } Example of console output [Portals Plus] Outpost : Position Correction = X: -19.588f, Y: 0.141f, Z: 30.933f : Rotation Correction = X: 0.000f, Y: 267.224f, Z: 0.000f Future Plans more portal aplications$10.00 -
Changed Status from Pending to No Response
This is not part of plugin. Ive seen certain seeds that does this . Or plugins like admin chinook . But this is not bc of this plugin
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
joined server and after 20min event spawned as expected. closing ticket
in my server my min is 4 and if there is more than 4 online at the time of the auto cycle then it does start
in dm . dont give your ip in public
give me your server ip so i can get pll in your server to see what happens
event will not start if req amount of players = or more than players online and within the time from plugin load between max and min time for cycle ... so as i see your min amount of player is 2 . do you have more tan 2 players online for the whole 30 to 35 min cycle? as i use this in my server aswell and it definitely auto starts if right amount of player is online when cycle comes by . i know this works . so what im asking is does your server meet the requirements at the time for this?
Glad to help
you can just google in c# how to do a smpt call . but this should be something like this : private void SendEmail(string recipientEmail, string messageBody) { string smtpHost = "your-local-smtp-server"; int smtpPort = 25; using (var smtpClient = new SmtpClient(smtpHost, smtpPort)) { smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true; var mailMessage = new MailMessage { From = new MailAddress("[email protected]"), Subject = "Rust Server Notification", Body = messageBody, }; mailMessage.To.Add(recipientEmail); smtpClient.Send(mailMessage); } } but this is just a google search . not tested . so you prob need to test this a bit and tinker to get it to work
no its not . but what you can do is this private class ConfigData { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Number of bears per square kilometer")] public int BearPopulation { get; set; } } and then your out put should look like this { "Number of bears per square kilometer": 2, }
halloweendungeon.population "0" xmasdungeon.xmaspopulation "0" same as said above . with in console writecfg and add to settings.cfg now when the event time comes i just use 0.5
yea talking about dungeons . if you have low pop (20 or so players .) setting the dungeon populations to like 0.5 should be fine thats what i do and it works fine . ppl get bored of them anyway in day or 2
in my experience the entity count has a major factor to fps on server when it coms to lower server specs . instead of lowering map size . first try this . spawn.max_density 0.5 spawn.min_density 0.5 in server console and follow up with writecfg also make sure the top is also included in your settings.cfg then after restart you should load less entitys (animals ,ores, trees and collectables) as i see it with lower pop servers you dont need so much resources ... and this (atleast for us) jumpt our server fps from 50-60 up to 100 - 120. hope this helps
bc im assuming you have multiple oilrigs (like more than one small rig) so as i didnt have the mindset of custom maps that might do that when creating it , the check for that was never added . but none the less . check update 1.3.9 for the attempted fix for that . where there will be a check if the oilrig is the one the player is at . so that should fix your problem