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Everything posted by Dr.D.Bug

  1. Is it possible to add some configuration, that we can modify the strength of the patrol heli and also the loot content?
  2. I guess he mentioned that only the player/team/friends who called the heli can damage it and other cant damage the heli
  3. Dr.D.Bug

    Recycler disappears

    The recycler disappears immediately if you remove the floor or foundation beneath the recycler. Can this be prevented?
  4. Dr.D.Bug

    Error after Feb 2025 Update

    Plugin may need an update: UnderwaterGuard - Failed to compile: 'UnderwaterGuard.PatrolNpc.MovableBaseMountable.GetDismountPosition(BasePlayer, out Vector3)': no suitable method found to override | Line: 1434, Pos: 38
  5. Dr.D.Bug


    Is it possible to import a list of skins? Currently im also using another skin plugin where i have lots of nice and well known skins for my players and it is quiet hard to add about 100 and more skins by command.
  6. Having good Food, enjoying some nice holidays and meet the family
  7. Hi there, is it possible to add the level of the current running Bradley when someone uses the command /bt info ? Most players did not see when the events start, which level is the currend Bradley.
  8. Unfortunately i still got the same error after server restart: [Oxide] 04:10 [Warning] [UpdatesChecker] Codefling has an update available for FerryTerminalEvent.
  9. If this is okay for Yac Vaguer i think it should work. After reloading the plugin, i currently still get the same message. I'll try it again tomorrow and let you know.
  10. Hi there, unfortunately there are two Plugins at Codefling with exact the same name "Ferry Terminal Event". I am currently using the plugin from "KpucTaJl" and not by "Yac Vaguer". Although i set the config for these developers to: "Authors": { "KpucTaJl": true, "Yac Vaguer": false } i always got the message: [Oxide] 17:43 [Warning] [UpdatesChecker] Codefling has an update available for FerryTerminalEvent. Allthough the plugin from "KpucTaJl" which i use is up to date. ...of course same message also via Discord (attached) Any idea what to do? pls. help
  11. Need Update for December Rust Update: [Oxide] 20:41 [Info] [CSharp] Started Oxide.Compiler v successfully [Oxide] 20:41 [Error] Error while compiling BradleyTiers: 'PhoneController' does not contain a definition for 'PositionToGridCoord' | Line: 968, Pos: 76
  12. Tnx @Marte6
  13. Is it possible to offer the recycler to players only against an in-game payment? For example 1000 scrap or against a list of materials / resources e.g. pipes, gears, high-quality material.
  14. Dr.D.Bug


    Yes it's the newest version1.3.1 This is what i get in the console: [Oxide] 01:56 [Info] Unloaded plugin BotReSpawn v1.3.1 by Steenamaroo [Oxide] 01:56 [Info] [BotReSpawn] Automatically Harmony patched 'ScientistNPC.get_displayName_Patch1' method. (DisplayName) [Oxide] 01:56 [Info] Loaded plugin BotReSpawn v1.3.1 by Steenamaroo
  15. Dr.D.Bug


    Hi there, i have tested the new feature "Give_Scarecrow_Loadout". So far it works great. When i set the RUST loot source to ScarecrowNPC, also the loot is just fine. The only thing i have to mention is that the bots unfortunately have no individual names. They are all called scientist.
  16. Dr.D.Bug

    Linking and Unlinking

    Finally linking and unlinking works fine and the discord role would be assigned and revoked. So far so good, but got this message now:
  17. Dr.D.Bug

    Lights On

    Hi @Mals, no problem at all. I'll send you my config and the List of Plugins soon. Maybe there will be some conflicts with Everlight and No Decay. . I forgot to mention; in the current constellation with all these plugins the torches won't disappear. But at least I wouldn't keep Everlight as additional plugin just for the torches.
  18. Thanks, i'll try this soon and let you know
  19. Dr.D.Bug

    Lights On

    I haven't found whether this question has already been asked here. Unfortunately, torches of all kinds fall apart and disappear. Is there a way to keep them?
  20. Dr.D.Bug


    Have you read the comments before and installed the newest Version uploaded today? We all had problems with the default names "Scientist".
  21. Dr.D.Bug


    In the prior versions, the bots that I equipped with a kit always had individual names. That is no longer the case and now they are all just called Scientist. Did i missed something in the configuration?
  22. Do you have a guide how to install and run this bot on a own linux server via docker? I have a small virrtual Ubuntu Linux Server @ IONOS formerly known as 1&1 in Germany just for testing purposes, but in this case it could help me. If this not work, i also have a smal RhaspberryPi 5 next to my my router waiting for many exciting tasks
  23. Now i got new Error Messages and the process works until the point where the role should be changed. The new user stands with his first role and got no new role
  24. After i changed the Discord.js Version in the package.json to "discord.js": "^14.15.3", and deleted the folder .npm and node_modules it finally works. Don't know if it would have been enough to just delete the two directories but now it works. There are still a few warning messages about old versions. Do you know which are the current versions are?


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