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Everything posted by snapple

  1. Does this allow you to set specific locations where build locations can be claimed? Like setting up spawns database locations and then when doing /claim it picks one of the open locations? Or is it entirely on the player to chose where their location to build is going to be?
  2. TugMe by bmgjet does most all of this and then some
  3. snapple

    Automated Messages

    So there is a way to prevent a group from receiving a message... But is it possible to have a way to prevent a group from trigger a message? For example if I wanted admin/mod to be able to log on/log off without triggering join/leave messages.
  4. snapple

    Automated Messages

    Oh ok thanks for letting me know! I was just setting up the config and hadn't tested it. Seeing just the single option for cooldown made me wrongly assume it was overall rather than per trigger msssage.
  5. snapple

    Automated Messages

    For AutoReply, would it be possible to have a per message autoreply cooldown rather than an overall cooldown? For example, if there was an automated response with a target for "wipe" and one for "admin"... One group could talk about wipe and get the automated response, then go on cooldown for a couple minutes because it doesnt need to spam. But during that minute someone else asks for admin. They don't get the response due to automated response being on cooldown because of "wipe". I could just make it a short cooldown and let it sing, but thought that this would be a nice QOL feature.
  6. snapple


    Hello! Really like this idea! Just had a couple quick questions about this. Does this poll show to only currently online or does it show to anyone who logs in while the poll is active? Are there any permissions to view the poll? For example if I had it viewable/voteable to players only after X amount of time spent on the server? Thanks for the info!
  7. snapple


    I disagree with the thinking that the timer balance is the solution. (it's already short but not the point) As well as having to advise people to do things a specific way because me as a server owner can't clear ownership of an event. The fact that the server owner can't clear player ownership of an event seems like a large oversight and well within the scope of this paid extension. I don't care about players using the requested command, even though I know some would. It bothers me that I don't have any control over it whatsoever short of unloading the entire extension.
  8. snapple


    Can a command be added for a player to remove themselves of ownership of an event? As well as an admin command to remove ownership of an event? For example, a player starts taking convoy or train dies n gets frustrated so they decide they dont want to do it... Now players have to wait for ownership to open despite the owner giving up. Shortening time of ownership isn't really an option as if they die on the other side of the map they need time to travel back. Just something like /clearowner and it will clear the nearest event or event your inside the radius of.
  9. snapple

    Error when "Minigame" starts

    Hey, getting this error on Bradley deaths. Seems to prevent the guards from spawning. I also have BetterNpc spawning guards at Bradley death, but some deaths both spawn without issues... Just wanted to share. Oh and I have a previous support request from when I was using carbon. I am no longer using it and this is on oxide, just FYI incase you saw the other request [Bradley Guards] Player[***] Killed the BradleyApc in grid M6 starting the MiniGame 10/04 00:48:10 | Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <f01c0b4aea2747d3be19340ac38d800d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass59_0.<SpawnGuards>b__0 () [0x001fe] in <d1d35d7c8abb42e1bec6daafa6bf82f8>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <032ab7611607468ebf42c14e3cf9df20>:0 10/04 00:48:10 | Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <f01c0b4aea2747d3be19340ac38d800d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass59_0.<SpawnGuards>b__0 () [0x001fe] in <d1d35d7c8abb42e1bec6daafa6bf82f8>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <032ab7611607468ebf42c14e3cf9df20>:0 10/04 00:48:10 | Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <f01c0b4aea2747d3be19340ac38d800d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass60_0.<SpawnGunner>b__0 () [0x001fe] in <d1d35d7c8abb42e1bec6daafa6bf82f8>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <032ab7611607468ebf42c14e3cf9df20>:0 10/04 00:48:10 | Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <f01c0b4aea2747d3be19340ac38d800d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass60_0.<SpawnGunner>b__0 () [0x001fe] in <d1d35d7c8abb42e1bec6daafa6bf82f8>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <032ab7611607468ebf42c14e3cf9df20>:0
  10. I have some players getting spammed every couple minutes with "Cannot respawn inside non-deployed pocket dimensions" Two of them, don't even have pocket dimensions... Two of them have pocket dimensions but both have all deployed. Do you know what might be causing this? A second issue: I had someones PD disappear. They didn't see why in chat, and it wasn't in PD list. I ended up finding it up in the sky with the door missing but completely intact otherwise with full upkeep. Is there any logging that can be added to be able to track where its spawned in the sky, when, and why it was destroyed?
  11. snapple

    Weather not changing

    { "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true, "Day length [minutes]": 30, "Night length [minutes]": 30, "Use time control": true, "Presets": [ { "Name": "Clear", "Duration [seconds]": 15, "Transition time [seconds]": 5, "Chance [0 - 100%": 15, "Wind": -1.0, "Rain": -1.0, "Thunder": -1.0, "Rainbow": -1.0, "Ocean": -1.0, "Atmosphere rayleigh": -1.0, "Atmosphere mie": -1.0, "Atmosphere contrast": -1.0, "Atmosphere directionality": -1.0, "Atmosphere fogginess": -1.0, "Atmosphere brightness": -1.0, "Clouds size": -1.0, "Clouds opacity": -1.0, "Clouds coverage": -1.0, "Clouds sharpness": -1.0, "Clouds coloring": -1.0, "Clouds attenuation": -1.0, "Clouds saturation": -1.0, "Clouds scattering": -1.0, "Clouds brightness": -1.0 }, { "Name": "Dust", "Duration [seconds]": 15, "Transition time [seconds]": 5, "Chance [0 - 100%": 5, "Wind": 0.0, "Rain": 0.0, "Thunder": 0.0, "Rainbow": 0.0, "Ocean": 3.5, "Atmosphere rayleigh": 2.0, "Atmosphere mie": 4.0, "Atmosphere contrast": 1.25, "Atmosphere directionality": 0.75, "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.3, "Atmosphere brightness": 0.9, "Clouds size": 2.0, "Clouds opacity": 0.25, "Clouds coverage": 0.0, "Clouds sharpness": 0.0, "Clouds coloring": 1.0, "Clouds attenuation": 0.25, "Clouds saturation": 1.0, "Clouds scattering": 1.0, "Clouds brightness": 1.0 }, { "Name": "Fog", "Duration [seconds]": 15, "Transition time [seconds]": 5, "Chance [0 - 100%": 5, "Wind": 0.0, "Rain": 0.0, "Thunder": 0.0, "Rainbow": 0.0, "Ocean": 4.5, "Atmosphere rayleigh": 1.0, "Atmosphere mie": 1.0, "Atmosphere contrast": 1.0, "Atmosphere directionality": 0.2, "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.9, "Atmosphere brightness": 0.5, "Clouds size": 2.0, "Clouds opacity": 0.0, "Clouds coverage": 0.0, "Clouds sharpness": 0.1, "Clouds coloring": 0.15, "Clouds attenuation": 0.15, "Clouds saturation": 0.8, "Clouds scattering": 100.0, "Clouds brightness": 0.8 }, { "Name": "Overcast", "Duration [seconds]": 15, "Transition time [seconds]": 5, "Chance [0 - 100%": 5, "Wind": 0.0, "Rain": 0.0, "Thunder": 0.0, "Rainbow": 0.0, "Ocean": 3.5, "Atmosphere rayleigh": 0.2, "Atmosphere mie": 5.0, "Atmosphere contrast": 1.5, "Atmosphere directionality": 0.75, "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.8, "Atmosphere brightness": 0.9, "Clouds size": 2.0, "Clouds opacity": 1.0, "Clouds coverage": 1.0, "Clouds sharpness": 0.05, "Clouds coloring": 0.15, "Clouds attenuation": 0.15, "Clouds saturation": 0.8, "Clouds scattering": 20.0, "Clouds brightness": 1.0 }, { "Name": "RainMild", "Duration [seconds]": 15, "Transition time [seconds]": 5, "Chance [0 - 100%": 5, "Wind": 1.0, "Rain": 0.2, "Thunder": 0.0, "Rainbow": 0.0, "Ocean": 4.7, "Atmosphere rayleigh": 1.0, "Atmosphere mie": 1.0, "Atmosphere contrast": 1.3, "Atmosphere directionality": 0.9, "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.2, "Atmosphere brightness": 1.0, "Clouds size": 1.0, "Clouds opacity": 1.0, "Clouds coverage": 0.4, "Clouds sharpness": 0.0, "Clouds coloring": 0.8, "Clouds attenuation": 0.05, "Clouds saturation": 0.8, "Clouds scattering": 0.4, "Clouds brightness": 1.0 }, { "Name": "RainHeavy", "Duration [seconds]": 15, "Transition time [seconds]": 5, "Chance [0 - 100%": 5, "Wind": 1.0, "Rain": 1.0, "Thunder": 0.0, "Rainbow": 0.0, "Ocean": 7.4, "Atmosphere rayleigh": 0.2, "Atmosphere mie": 5.0, "Atmosphere contrast": 1.5, "Atmosphere directionality": 0.75, "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.7, "Atmosphere brightness": 0.8, "Clouds size": 2.0, "Clouds opacity": 1.0, "Clouds coverage": 0.9, "Clouds sharpness": 0.25, "Clouds coloring": 0.15, "Clouds attenuation": 0.15, "Clouds saturation": 0.8, "Clouds scattering": 5.0, "Clouds brightness": 1.0 }, { "Name": "Storm", "Duration [seconds]": 15, "Transition time [seconds]": 5, "Chance [0 - 100%": 5, "Wind": 1.0, "Rain": 1.0, "Thunder": 1.0, "Rainbow": 0.0, "Ocean": 8.0, "Atmosphere rayleigh": 1.0, "Atmosphere mie": 3.0, "Atmosphere contrast": 1.3, "Atmosphere directionality": 0.75, "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.95, "Atmosphere brightness": 0.8, "Clouds size": 2.0, "Clouds opacity": 1.0, "Clouds coverage": 1.0, "Clouds sharpness": 0.4, "Clouds coloring": 0.15, "Clouds attenuation": 0.15, "Clouds saturation": 0.8, "Clouds scattering": 5.0, "Clouds brightness": 1.0 } ] } I'm not sure if the `fixed in next update` applies to the issue someone else had where it was closed and an hour later there was an update. But I am on my test server with these settings and ~20 minutes into MildRain This was initiated by clicking the blue button I tried switching to Dust with the green checkmark and yields the same result of being stuck on dust for around ~15 minutes now. This is a fresh server with no other plugins short of some admin things (no time/weather altering is what I mean) Plugin reload also does not start weather cycling
  12. removed
  13. I am also getting the same messages from players. I was planning on making all weather 60 seconds this evening to form a better test/conclusion.
  14. I initially asked nivex about it, because I had a couple questions regarding Bradley damage... But what I was told was this: "they'd need to use the CanEntityTakeDamage hook. otherwise TruePVE will block it if you dont have rules that allow it" But having rules in tpve that allow it would be less than ideal lol. Hope that helps!
  15. Wouldnt that allow players to damage bases with mlrs, molotov or grenades if I allowed it in Truepve?
  16. Would it be possible to add the option for the the last ditch effort attacks like MLRS to allow damage to player bases bypassing TruePVE? Using this in conjunction with Bradley Drops, and would love to see the additional risk involved with the loot pinata that is Bradley.
  17. snapple

    Rust Rewards

    Odd, I have never seen a chat for activity. I have notifications sent to chat; and all of this works. But have not seen activity reward notifications.
  18. snapple

    Rust Rewards

    RR has a built in activity reward (every hour gain 100rp for example)... Is it possible to have this announced into chat?
  19. snapple

    Skill Tree

    Also finding it does not seem to be procing. Players said something and I confirmed it doesnt seem to be working by smacking a ton of nodes.
  20. I am getting this error when Bradley is killed. Everything else about the event seems to correctly except the spawning of guards. I am trying to use it on Carbon platform with no adjustments made to the config except for turning Bradley settings off, as I am using Bradley Tier as well. This was downloaded and first time installed around an hour ago from the time of this post. [BradleyGuards] snapple[*] Killed the BradleyApc starting the MiniGame Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <db3360bb83824ed1831e0b293cb12ebe>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass60_0.<SpawnDriver>b__0 () [0x001d7] in <eb527057acf349108f72fafc00e00709>:0 at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <aae8a4da7b834342930ae7f3c9076371>:0 Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <db3360bb83824ed1831e0b293cb12ebe>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.<SpawnGuards>b__0 () [0x001d7] in <eb527057acf349108f72fafc00e00709>:0 at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <aae8a4da7b834342930ae7f3c9076371>:0 Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <db3360bb83824ed1831e0b293cb12ebe>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.<SpawnGuards>b__0 () [0x001d7] in <eb527057acf349108f72fafc00e00709>:0 at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <aae8a4da7b834342930ae7f3c9076371>:0 Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <db3360bb83824ed1831e0b293cb12ebe>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass62_0.<SpawnGunner>b__0 () [0x001d7] in <eb527057acf349108f72fafc00e00709>:0 at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <aae8a4da7b834342930ae7f3c9076371>:0 Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PlayerInventory.Strip () [0x00000] in <db3360bb83824ed1831e0b293cb12ebe>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards+<>c__DisplayClass62_0.<SpawnGunner>b__0 () [0x001d7] in <eb527057acf349108f72fafc00e00709>:0 at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <aae8a4da7b834342930ae7f3c9076371>:0
  21. Hi, the readme from the file i just downloaded is empty. I can populate on my own, but just thought you should know. I am excited to get these into my rotation! Thanks


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