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Everything posted by Kaucsenta
Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.3.0
Hello, please attach config and data Also a print screen about the chat what is the question and what is you type in. Also you can hop on my discord and discuss it in PM. Thanks in advance.
Changed Fixed In to 1.3.0
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Hello MaLai, I checked your posted data, it seems not a valid JSON format. There was a missing ',' and several missing "}" character. See the corrected one:, also you can use the https://jsonlint.com/ to validate your json file content in the future: [{ "question": "Mit welchem Befehl erhält man alle wichtigen Informationen des Servers?", "valid_answer": "/info", "incorrect_answer": [ "/shop", "Es gibt keinen Befehl dazu." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 3000 } }, { "question": "Ist unser Server ein reiner PVE oder PVP Server?", "valid_answer": "PVE", "incorrect_answer": [ "PVP", "Keine Ahnung" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 5000 } }, { "question": "Darf auf diesem Server geklaut werden?", "valid_answer": "Nein", "incorrect_answer": [ "Ja", "Keine Ahnung" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 150 } }, { "question": "Wie verhält man sich richtig wenn eine Base decayed?", "valid_answer": "Ich schaue mir eventuell die Base an, gehe aber nicht an die Kisten.", "incorrect_answer": [ "Prima! Free Loot, ich stopfe mir die Taschen voll." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 0 } }, { "question": "Wie verhält man sich richtig, wenn ich andere Spieler dabei sehe, wie sie gerade ein Event machen?", "valid_answer": "Ich schaue zu, frage ob ich mitmachen darf oder ziehe einfach weiter.", "incorrect_answer": [ "Ich warte einfach heimlich ab bis alles gecleart ist und loote dann fröhlich mit." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 3000 } }, { "question": "Wie lasse ich mich für NoStability und SignArtist freischalten?", "valid_answer": "Über Discord", "incorrect_answer": [ "Ich werde irgendwann automatisch freigeschaltet.", "Es wird mich schon jemand darauf ansprechen." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 5000 } }, { "question": "Wofür benutzt man auf diesem Server Blut/Papier?", "valid_answer": "Davon kann man Testgeneratoren, Ölpumpen und Steinbrüche kaufen.", "incorrect_answer": [ "Papier und Blut ist zum sammeln gedacht.", "Das kann man beides im /shop eintauschen." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 150 } }, { "question": "Es droppen Schatzkarten aus Tonnen und Kisten. Was kann man damit machen?", "valid_answer": "Es erscheint auf der Map eine lila Kiste, die ich suchen muss.", "incorrect_answer": [ "Es erscheint auf der Map eine weiße Kiste, die ich suchen muss.", "Ohje schwierig. Ich weiß es nicht." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 0 } }, { "question": "Es erscheint ein Attack Heli in deiner Nähe. Was tust du?", "valid_answer": ".Ich ziehe mich bis auf zwei Kleidungsstücke aus, nehme alles aus meinem Gürtel und warte ab.", "incorrect_answer": [ "Ich suche zur Not Schutz in fremden Spielerbasen und hoffe das ich nicht sterbe.", "Ich habe keine Ahnung was ich machen soll." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 3000 } }, { "question": "Wie öffne ich das Schnellmenü?", "valid_answer": "/menü", "incorrect_answer": [ "/quickmenü", "/qm" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 5000 } }, { "question": "Skins kosten bei uns RP. Wie viel RP pro Skin?", "valid_answer": "10", "incorrect_answer": [ "50", "20" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 150 } }, { "question": "Es gibt eine Möglichkeit Events, Raidbasen, Items und Deko zu kaufen. Wo?", "valid_answer": "Im Shop unter /shop", "incorrect_answer": [ "/license", "/quest", "Ich wusste nicht das es sowas gibt." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 0 } }, { "question": "Alle möglichen Fahrzeuge kannst du über einen Befehl kaufen. Welcher ist der Richtige?", "valid_answer": "/license", "incorrect_answer": [ "/shop", "/buycar" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 3000 } }, { "question": "Viele Items aus dem /shop können nicht über /remove abgerissen werden. Wie gehts?", "valid_answer": "Mit dem Hammer und mittlerer Maustaste.", "incorrect_answer": [ "Lange > e < drücken.", "Ich habe keine Ahnung und lasse es einfach stehen." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 5000 } }, { "question": "Items können auf dem Server geskinnt gegen RP geskinnt werden. Wie?", "valid_answer": "/skinbox", "incorrect_answer": [ "/item", "/vote" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 150 } }, { "question": "Was sind die Vorraussetzungen für NoStability?", "valid_answer": "Keine schwebenden Objekte. Das Gebäude darf nicht höher als 20 Stockwerke sein.", "incorrect_answer": [ "Ich darf schwebend bauen.", "Ich darf nicht schwebend bauen, habe dafür aber keine Höhenbegrenzung." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 0 } }, { "question": "Was ist bei NoStability erlaubt?", "valid_answer": "Ich darf Baumhäuser bauen oder kreativ sein, solange mein Haus nicht schwebt.", "incorrect_answer": [ "Ich darf NoStability an Monumenten benutzen um besser den Panzer machen zu können.", "Ich darf schwebend bauen und über 40 Stockwerke." ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 0 } }, { "question": "Das automatische Schließen der Türen, kann man ausstellen. Wie geht das?", "valid_answer": "/ad", "incorrect_answer": [ "/ql", "/t" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 3000 } }, { "question": "Einen Recycler kannst du im /shop erwerben. Es gibt allerdings noch eine andere Möglichkeit. Welche?", "valid_answer": "/recycler.craft", "incorrect_answer": [ "/rec", "/buyrecycler" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 5000 } }, { "question": "Mit welchem Befehl kannst du deine Base mit einem Hammerschlag reparieren?", "valid_answer": "/br", "incorrect_answer": [ "/baserepair", "/repair" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 150 } } ]
Hey, open a ticket on my discord, and we can check the possibilities. https://discord.gg/ZwRb7qDr
Jordans - Increase running speed whilst wearing custom footwear
Kaucsenta replied to geekyplaster's topic in Requests
Hey, open a ticket on my discord, and we can check the possibilities. https://discord.gg/ZwRb7qDr -
Server side open has no sense to open a box for a player, since this plugin roll at live at the player inventory. Only ingame console command has sense, which may can be added to a shop, to open it from there, but to be honest, i didn't get the concept for this. Anyway, the command can be supported in the next update, i tried it out on my side already.
Hello, In prior, the plugin match the items from the workshop approved/non approved, see the desscription: "All skins are applicable, what are present in the workshop (allowed, not allowed), and correctly created, for example, if the SMG item has Jackhammer tag, then it will not fit for the SMG. The plugin has an additional item-applicable check, to prevent user error, to apply door on the rock" I need to check, your request is possible with the current implementation of the plugin or not. Because as soon as i remove the appliable skin check, and allow everything, then it will lose the main purpose.
Version 1.1.2
Player can use boxes at any time. Mystery box rewards consist of tiered rewards given by chance. Player types /mbo to receive one spin. After spin, amount of available mystery boxes decreases by one. Amount of mystery boxes listed by player steam ID, stored in the data folder. Upon entering /mbo, player's inventory opens. On the right side of inventory items spin randomly several cycles spin until a random item is selected. If player tabs out of the inventory screen without manually moving the reward item to main inventory or while spinner is still going, spinner is stopped and item is placed in their inventory with message, item is moved to their inventory automatically. Sound-effect player up to the type of the reward to notify the player about the end f the spin. Configuration: Tier based loot chances Sound effect for Legendary and non legendary reward Wipe Limitation for lootbox opening Speed of roll settings Item table for rewards, with Shortname, Quantity and optional SkinID Commands **Console Commands:** "mba X {name or steamID}" - X = any number of Mystery Boxes to send to player "mbr {all}/{name or steamID}" - reset all or selected player open limit back to 0. (can open again lootboxes on the wipe until the configured limit) "mbo" - Opens Mystery Box **Chat Commands:** /mba X {name or steamID} - X = any number of Mystery Boxes to send to player /mb - Displays how many Mystery Boxes the player has /mbo - Opens Mystery Box Permissions mysterybox.admin - can send Mystery Boxes mysterybox.use - can open Mystery Boxes$25.00 -
To be honest, since you mentioned, "about a certain topic", don't know it would worth me, to put effort to pre-define random questions, and sell it separately.. because for such a pack i would not ask for money, since this plugin is quite cheap. May i will add a small pack next to the plugin, what can be used as an example, but the example is already provided, and the the question list anyway need to be reviewed, since the reward is custom.
Version 2.1.0
This plugin make it possible, to have a Question database, with 1 valid and 1 to several invalid answer, and it will post a question into the chat in every configured X time, for configured Y time long. It support 4 different reward type, Economy, ServerReward, Item and Command. To win, the player need to type in the good answer. First good answer win. If the "Prevent bruteforce against answers" set to true, only the first guess will be considered. The current variables you can use in a command are: $player.name - Player display name $player.id - Player Steam ID $player.x, $player.y, $player.z - Vector3 coordinates Examples: say You are the best: $player.name! oxide.grant user $player.id randompermission randomairstrike $player.x, $player.y, $player.z Configuration { "Repeat in every X second": 30, "Notification before a game start enabled": false, "Hide game Close message": false, "Notification before a game start (in seconds, please watch for the overlap between questions)": 25, "Economy enabled?": false, "Serverrewards enabled?": false, "Commands as reward enabled?": true, "Duration of the Question in second": 10, "Play Sound to notify the event": true, "Prevent bruteforce against answers": true, "Player need to type in the Index of the valid answer": true, "Player need to type in the FULL valid answer, without typo": false, "Broadcast player winning notification.": false, "Text after the question duration number": "seconds, starting now!", "Sound prefab to play on start to notify players": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "Show valid answer at the end of the game, if nobody guessed good.") - false "Remove question from the available question pool, if it was not guessed and and valid answer was displayed before.") - false } Data [ { "question": "Test Question for Economy?", "valid_answer": "This is a valid answer", "incorrect_answer": [ "Random wrong answer 1", "Random wrong answer 2" ], "customreward": { "type": 0, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 3000 } }, { "question": "Test Question for ServerReward?", "valid_answer": "This is a valid answer", "incorrect_answer": [ "Random wrong answer 1", "Random wrong answer 2", "Random wrong answer 3" ], "customreward": { "type": 1, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 5000 } }, { "question": "Test Question for Item?", "valid_answer": "This is a valid answer, and give scrap as Item", "incorrect_answer": [ "Random wrong answer 1" ], "customreward": { "type": 2, "command": "", "itemid": -932201673, "amount": 150 } }, { "question": "Test Question for Command?", "valid_answer": "This is a valid answer, and will run a command", "incorrect_answer": [ "Random wrong answer 1", "Random wrong answer 2", "Random wrong answer 3" ], "customreward": { "type": 3, "command": "", "itemid": 0, "amount": 0 } } ]$2.00- 6 comments
Changed Status from Work in Progress to No Response
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
Hello Kevin. It has an exception for raid able bases and abandoned bases. So it shall work in this way, on our server we use it like this exactly. What you experience? Raidbase has an own config what can enable/disable the ladder usage, so if it is set to not to be able use ladder then this plugin can't take effect.
You can configure the initial amount of TC and put the extra one as a shop item since they are permissions. I just drop it here as it fulfill most of your need, and the rest you can combine with probabaly your already in place plugins., not necesseary need to consider