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Everything posted by Robis

  1. Robis

    Permission Status

    Strange, when i log off and turn game off.... Come back to game later, it dont show anymore... I have manually to reload plugin to make it show again...
  2. Robis

    Permission Status

    Good one... Once i have a time i will buy it. Suggestion: Can you make another plugin to work with plugin https://umod.org/plugins/wipe-timer ?
  3. Robis


    Need to add permissions, in case i want add commands for admin only
  4. Robis

    Raid Protection

    @Mr01sam Im also have hard time in my server to keep population up. more or less i have around 30 casual players online, but time by time server getting some idiots who raid everyone non stop... Imagine 1x1 2x2 bases build by new players or noobs get raided like 10 of them in a row.... By any chance, you able to add daily raid limits per day ? For example: "Raid Limits": [ { "Max times": 2, "Every (time in hours)": 24, } So when player destroy other player TC, he get counted as raided a base and when he do it 2 times in a same 24 hours, all other bases for him become 100% raid protected and he cannot raid anymore until 24 hours ends. Please think about it if its possible. I know one plugin with raid limits, but developer never updating it, and worry that wont work properly with raid protection related plugin like this, but as developer you must know better than me for sure. there a plugin i talking about https://umod.org/plugins/raid-limit
  5. Robis

    Raid Protection

    But if i set it to false, do i lose all indicators, also those where bottom right where is hp ?
  6. Robis

    Raid Protection

    Thats it thats my last comment, once i find out how to remove that shield image this plugin will be perfect for sure
  7. Robis

    Raid Protection

    @Mr01sam I find a problem, on my test server oxide had some errors, reinstalled and updated oxide, and all working now correct
  8. Robis

    Raid Protection

    i used c4 and its my test server, dont looks that i have anything else to mess with plugin. However i try today test it more. Its strange cause i used c4 on walls and protection worked well, only on sheet metal doors protection not worked, but when i added for me self permission for 100% then it started to work.
  9. Robis

    Raid Protection

    ok here is example: have 0% raid protection - i did regular damage to sheet metal doors. (Which is correct) have 50% raid protection - i did same amount of damage like 0% raid protection (Which incorrect) have 100% raid protection - i did no damage at all (Which is correct) so what im saying 0 or 99% raid protection, sheet metal doors take same amount of damage! Anything below 100% take no effect for sheet metal doors... And im not tested anything else. maybe there is more stuff has problems like sheet metal doors. RaidProtection.json
  10. Robis

    Raid Protection

    @Mr01sam I think something wrong with levels protection, working only if 100% protection, anything lover take same damage raid protection 5% or 50% doesnt matter... For example sheet metal doors take same damage on 0% - 99% protection, it get protected only if its have 100% raid protection
  11. @The_Kiiiing Hello, i checking matchings default vanilla crates at https://rustlabs.com/group=containers Noticed that its not matching in this plugin by default when you load it... Some items even missing like tarp, Burst Module, etc... Now i thinking to spend my time by my self manually adding fully from developers page or you can make some how to pull it from https://rustlabs.com/group=containers Very hard to have right loot table, very important that have 100% right chances for every crate, right min max container slots... Once plugin have 100% right by vanilla defaults then loot become 100% balanced... (To multiple loot by the server rates is separate stuff, but to have right crate items/chances/min max slots is another thing) However if you cant make it right for some reasons, just let me know please, then i try my self take a long time to make it right. Thank you
  12. Would be cool if you can make plugin that shows economics balance this way, Also time in game, and other info panel stuff that admins can chose true/false what to show.
  13. Robis

    Custom Status Framework?

    OMG this plugin with indicators make look like that made by rust developers.... looks PRO!!! Thank you!!!!
  14. Robis

    Custom Status Framework?

    Need CustomStatusFramework with out indicators this plugin useless, my players and raiders need it 100% please
  15. Robis


    @CASHR Hello, before i buy this plugin, need to make sure its made in correct way. Items listing that can be added in to a bank - Better if plugin automatically black list all rust items as default, more easy if it have only a whitelist you wish to be able to add... Imagine if i need only 10 items that can be added to a bank.... So i no need manually to black list other all items, thats can be really anoying to do... Plugin have own stack settings - So if i my stack size plugin has one settings, then this plugin must have another ones for each whitelisted item. for example main stack sizes of wood 5000 but in bank 1000 can be added... Sorry no idea yet how this plugin working, maybe its already have those stuff im looking for, so thats why i asking first before buy Thank you
  16. Robis

    Plugin needs big fixses!

    Hello once again, i cant believe.... around 3 years i have a server, and whole this time i updated a server incorrectly... Thats why some plugins may break. So if i shut down server first, then update steam/oxide and after all start server, it loads with out any errors.... My bad.... Plugin working well SO JUST LEFT TO WORK WITH PLUGIN OPTIMISATION (by the way 80.00+ hook time is impact my server performance or not, im not sure, i just noticed that this plugin become heavies than any other of my 127 plugins) Also added my config file.... maybe it helps in order of optimisation... Had long time tu add many many rewards, so its become heavy to... aRewards.json
  17. Robis


    Hello once again, i cant believe.... around 3 years i have a server, and whole this time i updated a server incorrectly... Thats why some plugins may break. So if i shut down server first, then update steam/oxide and after all start server, it loads with out any errors.... My bad.... Plugin working well
  18. Robis


    Maybe you are right. How ever in future i will try one thing, im planning FIRST to zip data file BEFORE updating server, to make sure files stay safe. Then i try STOP server then update steam/oxide and then manually START server. If those files still get deleted/wiped then i just extract that SAVED DATA zip file. Hope it helps to have wanted result even if its my server issue... Thanks guys.
  19. Robis


    There is only 2 plugins acting like this aRewards and aTimeAPI "Clear data on wipe?": false, "Clear data every real day?": false, "Disable chest ui after recieving all rewards?": true, Other plugins like economics, etc... they never get wiped or corrupted. Only these 2
  20. Robis

    Plugin needs big fixses!

    This plugin has BIG PROBLEM!!! If i stop my server, and run it again, or updating steam/oxide data files getting corrupted and wiped!!! Also hook time for this plugin is insane... When data file get bigger, this plugin become very heavy by hook time, heaviest from all my 127 plugins!
  21. Robis


    This plugin has BIG PROBLEM!!! If i stop my server, and run it again, or updating steam/oxide data files getting corrupted and wiped!!!
  22. Robis

    Furnace Levels

    Furnace lvls fuckt... once you start them, no longer TURN OFF BUTTON WORKS.... Only way to stop furnace is removing wood...
  23. Robis

    Welcome Panel

    What ever.....
  24. Robis

    Welcome Panel

    - removed position editor - removed template selection So no longer i can edit it ? Why that thigs got removed ?


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