About Shield
Create a protective shield for the Player.
Shield prevents damage.
※ recommend disabling auto regenation! ※
The item name and config name must be the same for this to work.
shield Yamang 10 Small Battery
※ Must be case sensitive. ※
{ "General Settings": { "Prefix": "<color=#00ffff>[ Shield ] - </color>\n", "SteamID": 0, "Commands": [ "shield", "sd" ], "Permissions": { "shield.large": 300.0, "shield.medium": 200.0, "shield.small": 100.0 }, "Use Custom Status Framework?": false, "Debug": true }, "Shield Settings": { "Connect Shield Amount (0 = notting)": 0.0, "Respawn Shield Amount (0 = notting)": 0.0, "Use UI?": true, "Max Shield": 50.0, "Disable Shield in Zone": [ "0" ], "Shield UI Settings": { "Shield UI Background Color": { "Hex": "#000000", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 15.0 }, "Shield UI ProgressBar Color": { "Hex": "#5A8FEC", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Shield UI Anchor Min": "0.5 0.5", "Shield UI Anchor Max": "0.5 0.5", "Shield UI Offset Min": "-176.041 -282.5", "Shield UI Offset Max": "161.009 -257.5" }, "Shield CSF Settings": { "CSF Permission Background Color (permission / hex color)": { "shield.large": "5A8FEC", "shield.medium": "5A8FEC", "shield.small": "5A8FEC" }, "CSF Shield Percent Text Color": "000000", "CSF Shield Text Color": "000000", "CSF Shield Destory Text Color": "f44336" }, "Shield Charge Settings": { "Auto shield regeneration?": false, "dont take damage regenation time (sec)": 10.0, "Instant Charge Shield": false, "Charge Speed Shield": 1.0, "Charge Type Settings": { "Small Battery": { "Shield Item (shortname)": "maxhealthtea.advanced", "Shield Skin ID (workshop)": 2958805528, "Shield Charge Amount (don't max over)": 20.0 }, "Large Battery": { "Shield Item (shortname)": "maxhealthtea.advanced", "Shield Skin ID (workshop)": 2958807252, "Shield Charge Amount (don't max over)": 100.0 } } }, "Shield can take damage from": { "NPC (Animal)": true, "NPC (ScientistNpc)": true, "Same Clan or Team": true, "Bullet": true, "Explosive": true, "Fall": true, "Bleeding": true } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } }