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Everything posted by Niko

  1. Niko

    map terrain

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 47 1224
  2. Niko


    Maybe get it to use one of the items not used in Rust like Bloodpacks as the Ammo, not sure if thats possible,
  3. Niko


    So does this replace the HV ammo for all time?
  4. Niko

    Loot Audit

    Trying to understand what this does, so for example I have two teams on my server and they are "teaming" against another, they raid, they steal the loot, does it mean i can check what each player has looted, even if placed in different bases and boxes and who was the original owner of the loot.
  5. Version 125 211024a


    Embark on an adventure to explore the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World in this beautifully crafted custom map by Niko. From the Great Pyramid of Giza, to the Lighthouse of Alexandria, this map features amazing points of interest for players to explore as they venture through the marvels of a long forgotten world. This 3,000k map boasts 72,000 entities and includes specialty plugins for snow, smoke machines and a functional Ski Lift for players to enjoy the Ski Resort monument! Tested with CARBON Explore the Seven Wonders Great Pyramid of Giza Hanging Gardens of Babylon Temple of Artemis Statue of Zeus at Olympia Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes Lighthouse of Alexandria Also Featuring Large Airport Modern City Missile Silo Murder Mansion Ski Resort (current plugin not working will be swapped out on a future update) Santa's Grotty Pumpkin Farm Theatre Vanilla Monuments Mining Quarries Harbour Sewer Branch Gas Stations Fishing Villages Super Markets Mining Outposts Junkyard Lighthouses Outpost Bandit Camp Arctic Bases Military Bases Dome Underwater Labs Oilrigs Satellite Dish Stables Short Film
  6. Version 66 200523


    Lux - Hotel . Nightclub . Penthouse . Casino by Niko Based on the iconic Art Deco building used in the TV Show Lucifer, you got the Hotel lobby, lifts with doors lead to the Penthouse and the Nightclub and the Casino, With this update we have the elevators from the Missile Silo, we have more floors with rooms and More light effects for the club. An external entrance leads to the Nightclub also. The Laser, Dance floor, Boombox etc are all already present. Because they cannot be wired in RE you can as Admin wire them up in game. All you do is place a Generator on the blue surface above the club and then wire the boombox. Next wire up the other disco eliments in the club in whatever order you like hiding the wires as you see fit. The hardest area to wire is the disco walkway, you will need to do so from underneath as well as above till all are wired. LUX is a true venue for your players. Some loot is scattered around the building for the grubs out there. The video is a bit dated now but gives you a general idea of the monument
  7. I need a plugin that will move a platform from point A to point B along a vector. Ideally using the assets/prefabs/deployable/elevator/static/elevator.static.prefab - Get in touch for more details
  8. Version 124 170824a


    Police HQ is 3 elements, you have the Thought Police Department placing their will on all within Rust, locked cells using the PDoors by BMG allowing you to roleplay and imprison all those who do not follow your way, then you have underground the SWAT teams HQ housing a fully working shooting range and high security gun store. Finally you have Hogans Alley based on the FBI training ground, a fully functional shooting obstacle course, 21 targets in as short a time as possible. Challenge anyone on the server for the best time.
  9. Version 45 1029


    Tower Bridge is based on the famous Tower Bridge in London and as always with my creations I have done it to scale as best as possible, Its a simple addition provided in two main versions both raised and closed, there is also an open version with the road section separate, this will allow you if you wish to create a bridge with various angles for the road section thus making jumps etc. A few guards at each end protect some loot in each tower. Make yourself aware of my other content here - https://codefling.com/niko Support is available via Discord here - https://discord.gg/r84Cg84 For videos, walkthroughs and more check YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7CIAlTCL-grVynuXt5D9g Finally, please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions for use.
  10. Version 45 1029


    Small church to add to any map
  11. Niko

    Broken Shitter

    So much potential
  12. Niko

    Airdrop Mod

    I would like to be-able to control airdrops, specifically call an airdrop and it always start at a specified point, to always leave at a specified point and to drop not just and airdrop of supplies but to also have the option to drop bombs and a continuous stream of bombs, also to have multiple aircraft do it at the same time. Let me know if it can be done and if so the cost, thanks
  13. Contact me on discord and i will send you a picture
  14. Not sure what you mean... contact me on Discord so i can help https://discord.gg/r84Cg84
  15. Version 125 131124a


    Island Z is a map separated by the great divide, on the west is the standard rust experience, on the east an island infested with zombies with limited ways to get there. Monuments and Features Medical Centre Swat HQ & Thought Police Hogans Ally, functioning shooting range with counters and times SuperMax Prison Sub Pens Submarine Tower Bridge Casandra Crossing Crashed 737 Sunken Sub ZenLabs Zombie Research Facility, Map wide 8 bunker puzzle Map wide mono rail, integrated with most standard monuments and connects below ground TV Outside Broadcast Pipeline The Pit Coal Mine + the following standard FP monuments Water Treatment Airfield Satellite Dish Bandit Camp Outpost Power Plant Train Yard Both Harbours Launch Site Junkyard Military Camp
  16. I need a Plugin that makes some kind of static auto turret kill everything on sight even naked - Anyone?
  17. Version 45 1004


    Part of my Island Z map - CLICK HERE - This was my entry in Custom Monument competition. Thanks for your support and votes. As a thank you to all those who voted and who have supported me and my creations over the past year. Make yourself aware of my other content here - https://codefling.com/niko Support is available via Discord here - https://discord.gg/r84Cg84 For videos, walkthroughs and more check YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7CIAlTCL-grVynuXt5D9g Modern German Submarine Pens - Has 2 Subs, one in dry dock one in a pen. They are to scale and compartments in the approx. areas allowing for playability. Need to do a bit of climbing to allow entry to the dry dock. Sub Pens open from the control room and once the new subs from FP are online it will be updated to accommodate the new underwater features.
  18. It should not be, if you are having issues contact me in discord and i will try and help you
  19. Version 124 120824c


    This Atoll is a direct replacement for Bandit Camp for use at sea. It is build around a large fishing village, has all the features of the traditional bandit camp and plenty of loot within its walls for the hard up Air wolf, vending machines, gambling, recyclers, workbenches, its all here. A great way to reduce the space used on a map
  20. Niko

    Saw Mill by Niko

    lol.... thanks bud
  21. Version 125 271024a


    This Saw Mill (3200 Prefabs) is a railway addition, you can add it to any rail network. You dont need to, it can stand alone much like Train Yard. No Major puzzles or Scientists, just a simple addition for your map
  22. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  23. Grumpy, yeah they usually come over then next few weeks, BMG what do you mean get rid of the free floating stuff, DM me i need that one explaining to me like im a 4 year old


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