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Everything posted by Mevent

  1. Mevent


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  3. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3.12
  4. Yes, it is indeed a bug. I will release an update soon!
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  6. Mevent

    Video explination?

    But it's important to note that I'm working on an update right now
  7. Mevent

    Video explination?

  8. Mevent

    Images missing

    Hi. Did you get this error while editing the plugin?
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  10. Yes, there is indeed a problem with this. I'll think about how we can solve this
  11. Mevent

    ridable horse

    Here is an example of a config: https://pastebin.com/UNPhcu6p
  12. Mevent

    Shop Error

    @EvilDipstry this config: Shop.json
  13. Mevent

    Shop Error

    Hi! Tell me, when doing what actions, do you get this error? Maybe you have the opportunity to record a video and send it to me?
  14. Mevent

    Shop Error

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  15. Mevent


    Changed Fixed In to 1.3.11
  16. Changed Fixed In to 1.3.11
  17. Mevent


    Version 1.0.10


    The ObjectStacks plugin enables players to stack specific objects in Rust, maximizing space efficiency and creating organized storage areas. The plugin is easy to configure and supports a wide range of objects, with settings that can be adjusted directly in the configuration file. Features: Flexible Configuration: Easily add objects in the config file and define a Y-offset and specific permissions for each object. Advanced Stacking Options: Set maximum stacking limits based on user permissions (e.g., standard users vs. VIPs). Contextual Stacking: Stacking is only allowed in areas with building privileges, supporting game balance and preventing overuse. Automatic Permission Registration: Permissions for each configurable object are automatically registered. Supported Objects: electric_battery_rechargable_medium electric_battery_rechargable_small electric_furnace electric_generator_small coffin_storage box_wooden_large box_wooden composter Permissions: The plugin uses a dynamic permission system that allows specific actions (such as stacking) to be permitted or denied for different user groups. Example of a permission: objectstacks.storage_barrel_b.use - Allows stacking of storage barrel type B for regular users. objectstacks.storage_barrel_b.vip - Allows stacking of storage barrel type B for VIP users. Configurability: Administrators can easily add or edit objects and their settings in the configuration file. This includes setting Y-offsets and assigning permissions for each object. { "Can stack only in Building Privileged zones?": true, "Blacklisted Skins": [ 123, 1223 ], "Permissions & their amount of stacked furnaces allowed": { "objectstacks.box_wooden.use": 2, "objectstacks.box_wooden.vip": 4, "objectstacks.box_wooden_large.use": 2, "objectstacks.box_wooden_large.vip": 4, "objectstacks.coffin_storage.use": 2, "objectstacks.coffin_storage.vip": 4, "objectstacks.composter.use": 2, "objectstacks.composter.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_large.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_large.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_medium.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_medium.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_small.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_small.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_furnace.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_furnace.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_generator_small.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_generator_small.vip": 4, "objectstacks.storage_barrel_b.use": 2, "objectstacks.storage_barrel_b.vip": 4, "objectstacks.storage_barrel_c.use": 2, "objectstacks.storage_barrel_c.vip": 4 }, "Objects and offsets": { "assets/prefabs/deployable/composter/composter.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.5, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "composter" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.7, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "box_wooden_large" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/batteries/large/large.rechargable.battery.deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.7, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_battery_rechargable_large" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/batteries/medium/medium.rechargable.battery.deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.3, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_battery_rechargable_medium" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/batteries/smallrechargablebattery.deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.34, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_battery_rechargable_small" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/electricfurnace/electricfurnace.deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.15, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_furnace" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/generators/generator.small.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.7, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_generator_small" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.55, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "box_wooden" }, "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_b.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.2, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "storage_barrel_b" }, "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_c.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.9, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "storage_barrel_c" }, "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/coffin/coffinstorage.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.6, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "coffin_storage" } } }
  18. Mevent

    Get Command

    try this command: chat.say /paste Heli_10 %steamid%
  19. Mevent

    Get Command

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  20. Mevent

    Daily Rewards

    Hi! If a player misses a day, what happens? For example, if they have 1 or 2 days available, and they only enter on the 5th day, they will receive the next day after the 2nd day, i.e., the 3rd day. What is the maximum number of days that can be configured? In the configuration, you can set any number of days, including 2, 7, or even 60.


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