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Everything posted by Rise

  1. With the barrel, this might be related to the same problem I had with the hemp. Return it to default, save and change it back to what you want. See if that helps. Can't personally comment on the rest unfortunately
  2. I held off for a very long time as well. However, a few wipes back I updated. The process was rather painless. If you can setup a local copy of your servers it's always worth checking that everything is running fine. Otherwise, make backups of all the files on your live server and if you need to just swamp them back out again Hopefully sharing my experience gives you a bit of confidence with the upgrade.
  3. Resetting to defaults and then adding the multiplier again fixed the problem for me. I was also missing grubs and worms, though that could have been like that for some time maybe since the 2.0 update. Also just spotted the separate growable multiplier. Thanks for adding that!
  4. Rise

    SKS Not Being Blocked

    As a temporary solution, I commented out line 1393. So the SKS is blocked correctly.
  5. Hey Mercury, It would be great to see support for the new weapons and siege weapons added in during the most recent update. Many Thanks
    I have been using Bocia's Pack 2 for some time now and recently picked up the Pack 3. It has great variety and the bases feel alive and real which players love. The easier raids are favoured by those looking to pickup some of the more asthetic/rp look, while the harder ones keep those looking to spend time and fight over loot busy. A great addition to anyone's Raidable base roster.
  6. Hey Bocia, can you recommend any loot table setups that have or might use for these so the loot matches the difficulty? Many Thanks
  7. Rise

    SKS Not Being Blocked

    Shit, yep. Classic user error, my bad.. Sorry to waste your time man. I should have double-checked. I was updating an old config file.
  8. Rise

    SKS Not Being Blocked

    Hey Mercury, It looks like the plugin won't block the SKS. The item name "rifle.sks" Many Thanks
  9. Rise


    The new SKS rifle doesn't seem to be getting blocked. "rifle.sks": 259200,
  10. Rise

    Car Vendor

    This would be great! I wouldn't mind if it needed to be a separate NPC.
  11. Rise

    2.1.0 Compile Error

    Ah this might get fixed with an oxide update. Just seen the Discord.
  12. Rise

    2.1.0 Compile Error

    Error while compiling CarVendor: 'IFuelSystem' does not contain a definition for 'AddStartingFuel' and no accessible extension method 'AddStartingFuel' accepting a first argument of type 'IFuelSystem' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 1211, Pos: 36
  13. Do you think the bot could handle adding collections of skins? For example https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3126573666 I know with skinbox you can do `skinbox.addcollection` maybe a response to the bot could mark it as a collection?
  14. Rise

    Error Adding Skins

    Just thought i'd mention i've been receiving the same issue. My conclusion was the same as your suggestion with daily restarts. Though it would be great if it could be solved within the plugin, if possible. Many Thanks Error: WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED) at WebSocket.send (/home/container/node_modules/rustrcon/node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:329:19) at WebSocket.sendMessage (/home/container/node_modules/rustrcon/src/client/websocket/ws.js:59:11) at Client.send (/home/container/node_modules/rustrcon/src/client/client.js:19:11) at Client.<anonymous> (/home/container/app.js:204:36) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
  15. Rise


    For our use case, we have a 3-day wipe block on a handful of items. Of course, some others might have it staggered. But I could see this potentially being useful to either display the total time remaining before everything is unlocked or the next upcoming unlocked item. I think it's likely less useful in the individual item case. I believe it would be more beneficial as a total time to complete unlock. But it might be a little information overload. Just a thought and I always like the vanilla UI aesthetic. Appreciate your time.
  16. Rise


    Hey Mercury, the config option below doesn't seem to work 100% correctly. When all items unlock. I get no message in chat, but if i reload the plugin once all items are unlocked, it will show the chat message, "Notify players that all items have been fully unlocked (true - yes/false - no). The message is configured in lang": true, Also, would you consider Simple Status support? Thank you
  17. Rise

    Wipe Protect

    Does this work with the rewrite of the Custom Status Framework, Simple Status?
  18. Hey Senyaa, I currently use a custom outpost with a custom outpost name using a Monument Market. When using the in-game commands to place the vendor. It locks onto the Train Tunnel entrance. Meaning i get Vendors at all train tunnel entrances across the map. The easiest solution is to place them via Rust Edit. Though the in-game commands are easier to set and forget Not sure if this is something that can be tweaked. Though also not a major issue.
  19. Rise

    Car Vendor

    I've been using Car Vendor since Nov22. I like the fact that Senyaa took the time to add both a RustEdit and server command solution to the placement of the car vendor. The config is clean and simple. The support and updates have been consistent over the year. It's great for those of us who like to create custom monuments or prefabs. It also adds another element of RP for all server types.
  20. No worries at all, appreciate you taking the time to look and reply. I also fully understand a simple idea doesn't always result in a simple creation process certain platform restrictions can't be altered. All the best!
  21. Hey SrMiller, hope you had a good Christmas break. Also appreciate you taking the time to answer some of my questions over the holiday period. I've gotten the chance to actively use the plugin and it works great! I'd love to throw a few ideas/feature requests below from myself and others in my community for your consideration. - URL Only Option Currently, players can submit a Workshop Skin via a URL or the SkinID. The benefit of the URL over the SkinID, is that Discord provides a preview of the skin and an admin can quickly visit the Workshop link to check the skins meet any requirements the server might have on skin submissions. (Though it would be great if any SkinID displayed in any response messages from the bot could also linked directly to the skin URL) - Approval/Reject Link Back or Amend When approving or rejecting a submitted skin could the response be given as a reply or include a link back to the original message? This would just help quickly identify which approval or rejection the message belongs to. - Reject Reason Option When a skin is rejected an option that allows the admin to provide a reason. - Auto Reject or Mark as Duplicate Could the bot store SkinIDs or check the skinbox data for existing IDs and auto-reject previous rejections or mark them are previously accepted? - Official Skins Highlight I think this is unlikely to be possible, but I'll ask the question anyway. Could the bot highlight or in some way mark any skins submitted that are official skins? Along with an option to auto-reject those with a predefined reason. Appreciate your time and any consideration on any of the above ideas. Have a great New Year!
    It's a great little plugin for anyone's Rust Discord community—extremely easy to set up with self-hosting and easy to use by players. This plugin can help keep your Skinbox and the ability to request skins in mind and an easy submission format. SrMiller also took the time to answer a few questions I had. I look forward to seeing how this plugin could develop further.


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