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About Wipe Protect

This plugin provides two types of protection for players in Rust.

Firstly, you can enable general protection. General protection provides universal protection for all players starting from when the server wipe occurs, and during the duration specified in the configuration file, no player can damage another player's base.

Secondly, you can enable player-based protection. In player-based protection, each player has protection starting from when they first join the server after a wipe, for the duration specified in the configuration file. During this period, the player cannot damage another player's base, and other players cannot damage their base.

To activate general protection, the 'Protect Type' setting in the configuration file should be set as follows:

"Protect Type": 2,

To activate player-based protection, the 'Protect Type' setting in the configuration file should be set as follows:

"Protect Type": 1,

Along with player-based protection, you can allow players to purchase extra protection time. To enable players to purchase extra protection time, the 'Buy Protect Enabled' setting in the configuration file should be set as follows:

"Buy Protect Enabled": true,

With this setting, players can use the '/buyprotect amount' command to purchase protection time (the amount should be a whole number representing minutes). To configure the unit for protection cost ('rp', 'scrap', or 'economics'), the cost per minute of protection, and the duration after which the protection becomes active if the player doesn't have an active protection, you need to modify the respective settings:

"How many minutes after purchase should it be active?": 60,
"Cost of Protect for a Minute": 100,
"Protect Cost Type? scrap / rp, economy": "rp",
"How often should it check purchase requests? (enter minute example 5)": 5

Using the above settings as an example, if the player doesn't have an active protection, they will pay 100 RP for 1 minute of protection, and the purchase will be processed at 19:00 if made at 18:00 in real time. If the player already has an active protection, they will pay 100 RP for 1 minute, and the time will be added on top of their existing protection time.

If you set "How many minutes after purchase should it be active?" to 0, the purchased protection will be immediately added to the player.

To enable notifications on the right side above the health bar, the following settings should be configured, and the ImageLibrary and CustomStatusFramework plugins should be installed. If you prefer to use chat notifications only, you don't need to install these two plugins.

"Gui Enabled": true,


Admin Commands
The plugin includes the following commands that can only be used by admins:

/addprotect player_nick_name_part x -> Adds x minutes of protection to the player.
/removeprotect player_nick_name_part -> Removes the player's protection.
/checkprotect player_nick_name_part -> Displays how much protection time the player has remaining.

Player Commands 

/noprotect          -> Player’s can remove protect theirself.
/buyprotect minute  ->(minute must be intger) if player has enough  cost added protect to player

Console Commands

addprotect steam64id minute 

All Config Settings

  "Protect Enabled": true,
  "Remove Fire Ball Enabled?": true,
  "Custom Status Framework Gui Enabled": false,
  "Simple Status  Gui Enabled": true,
  "Protect Type": 2,
  "Chat Message Enabled": true,
  "Protect Time": 7200,
  "Protect Icon Url": "https://icon-library.com/images/protect-icon/protect-icon-18.jpg",
  "Player Has Protect Notification Color Code": "0.46275 0.22745 0.18431 1",
  "Notification Title Color Code": "0.91373 0.77647 0.75686 1",
  "Notification Text Color Code": "0.91373 0.77647 0.75686 1",
  "Notification Image Color Code": "0.91373 0.77647 0.75686 1",
  "Wipe Protect Enabled Notification Background Color Code": "0.46275 0.22745 0.18431 1",
  "Check Status Gui Time": 5,
  "Give Back C4, Rocket, Satchel Enabled": false,
  "Buy Protect Enabled": false,
  "How many minutes after purchase should it be active?": 60,
  "Cost of Protect for a Minute": 60,
  "Protect Cost Type? scrap / rp, economy": "scrap",
  "How often should it check purchase requests? (enter minute example 5)": 5,
  "Message Size?": 15,
  "Plugin Meesage Pre Tag Color ": "#FFA500",
  "Dont Protect this Prefabs (Twigs, Metal, Stone, TopTier)": [
  "Dont Protect this Items (drone.deployed)": [


Language Settings:
You can modify the notification messages in different languages under the 'Language' folder.

If you find any bugs, need assistance, or have suggestions related to the plugin, you can reach out on Discord. Discord pisagor0104


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