Version 1.0.1
Making researching through workbenches impossible by simply disallowing the workbench to be opened so players are forced to find the item they want to learn first.
Features :
Blocks opening the workbench panel.
Can have bypass set for each workbench tier wb1 wb2 wb3 or all through permissions
Crafting functions as normal.
Get a popup notification with info (gametip) when blocked.
Simple config just for prefix and chaticon.
Permissions :
wbresearchblock.bypas : To allow bypassing all workbench tiers and it can be used for researching as normal
wbresearchblock.usewb1 : To allow bypassing the block for workbench1
wbresearchblock.usewb2: To allow bypassing the block for workbench2
wbresearchblock.usewb3: To allow bypassing the block for workbench3
Commands :
/wbrblock : Shows the info you define through language file why the workbenches are blocked and any other info it might suit the needs.
"Main config": {
"Chat Steam64ID": 0,
"Chat Prefix": "[<color=green>WBR</color><color=yellow>Block</color>] "
Localisation :
English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder.
"ChatInfo": "Researching through Workbenches is blocked you can still research some items through the research table!",
"NoPermission": "Research through workbench is blocked!\nCheck <color=green>/wbrblock</color> for more information!"